Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) SARPN thematic photo
Regional themes > Governance Last update: 2020-11-27  

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Fourth and fifth reviews under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility, and request for waivers of nonobservance of performance criteria
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Jan 2008

How do development and foreign policy connect?
Simon Maxwell, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Dec 2007

Realising gender in agricultural policies: The fight for equality is not over
Rebecca Holmes and Rachel Slater, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Dec 2007

How are we doing? Comparative democratisation and development between Namibia and her peers
Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), Dec 2007

2008 National Budget Statement: Zimbabwe
Minister of Finance, Zimbabwe, 29 Nov 2007

Towards a Resolution on Rural Development, Land Reform and Agrarian Change: ANC Economic Transformation Committee Discussion Document
ANC Economic Transformation Committee, 2007

Governance in Africa's Development: Progress, prospects and challenges - The 9th Africa Partnership Forum
NEPAD Secretariat, 12 Nov 2007

Partnership for Development: 9th Africa Partnership Forum
Africa Partnership Forum (APF) Support Unit, 12 Nov 2007

Gender justice and reconciliation
Nahla Valji, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Nov 2007

Reconciliation and development
Karen Brouneìus , Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Nov 2007

Mauritius Response Paper - Seventh Africa Governance Forum: Building the Capable State in Africa
Government of Mauritius, 24 Oct 2007

In Search of Sustainable Democratic Governance for Africa: Does Democracy Work for Developing Countries? Concept Note for 2nd Annual EISA Symposium 20-24 October 2007
EISA, 20 Oct 2007

Prof. Firmino Mucavele: NEPAD implementation briefing
Prof. Firmino Mucavele, New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), 17 Oct 2007

Call to Action - Week of Global Action Against Debt and IFIs: October 14 to 21, 2007
Debt week, 14 Oct 2007

Enhancing the role of Parliamentarians and Civil Society in Trade and Integration - Communique of the Regional Parliamentary-Civil Society Conference on Trade and Integration
SADC Parliamentary Forum and One World Action, 11 Oct 2007

How does influence-peddling impact industrial competition? Evidence from enterprise surveys in Africa
Vijaya Ramachandran, Manju Kedia Shah and Gaiv Tata, Center for Global Development (CGD), Oct 2007

Zimbabwe Mid-Year Monetary Policy Statement
Dr. Gideon Gono, Governor, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe, 1 Oct 2007

The macroeconomic implications of MDG-based strategies in sub-Saharan Africa
John Weeks and Terry McKinley, International Poverty Centre (IPC), Oct 2007

How can the analysis of power and process in policy-making improve health outcomes? Moving the agenda forward
Kent Buse and Clare Dickinson, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), HLSP Institute, Oct 2007

Community-Based Worker Systems '? a possible solution to more services, reaching many communities, and within budget: CBW partners in South Africa, Lesotho, Uganda and Kenya
Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Oct 2007

Addressing the employment-poverty Nexus in Kenya: Comparing cash-transfer and job-creation programmes
Eduardo Zepeda, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), International Poverty Centre (IPC), Oct 2007

Closing the deal: IMF reform in 2007
Lauren Phillips, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Oct 2007

Planning for Post-Mugabe Zimbabwe
Michelle D. Gavin, Council for Foreign Relations, Oct 2007

Growth-promoting social safety nets: 2020 Focus Brief on the World'?s Poor and Hungry People
Harold Alderman and John Hoddinott , World Bank and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Oct 2007

The Civil Society Organisation'?s role in Global Budget Support in Mozambique
Viriato Tamele, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 27 Sep 2007

The building blocks of sustainable peace: The views of internally displaced people in Northern Uganda
Oxfam, 24 Sep 2007

Letter from the President: MDGs - defences against the tsunami of world poverty
Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa, 21 Sep 2007

Independent Panel Review of The World Bank Group - Department of Institutional Integrity
Paul A. Volcker, Chair; Gustavo Gaviria; John Githongo; Ben W. Heineman, Jr.; Prof. Walter Van Gerven; Sir John Vereker, Independent Review Panel , 13 Sep 2007

Why have tax reforms hampered MDG financing?
Terry McKinley, International Poverty Centre (IPC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Sep 2007

Undermining communities and the environment: A review of the International Finance Corporation'?s Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Mining
David M. Chambers, Stuart M. Levit, Payal Sampat, Scott Cardiff, Keith Slack, Marta Miranda, Nikki Reisch, Center for Science in Public Participation (CSP2), Earthworks, Oxfam International, WWF, Bank Information Center (BIC), Sep 2007

The fiscal impact of aid flows: Evidence from Ethiopia
Pedro M. G. Martins, International Poverty Centre (IPC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Sep 2007

Does Aid Work? '? for the MDGs
Editor: Dag Ehrenpreis, International Poverty Centre (IPC), Sep 2007

The state of responsible business: Global corporate response to environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges
Ethical Investment Research Services (EIRIS), Sep 2007

Climate change, agricultural policy and poverty reduction '? how much do we know?
Rachel Slater, Leo Peskett, Eva Ludi and David Brown, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Sep 2007

Mozambique: A case study in the role of the affected state in humanitarian action
Conor Foley, Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG), Sep 2007

African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM): South Africa Country Review Report
African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Sep 2007

Press Release: Civil Society commends MPs for their stance against the NGO Bill - and thanks Government for listening to the voice of the people
Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR), Non-Governmental Organisations Coordinating Council (NGOCC) and Zambia Council for Social Development (ZCSD), 24 Aug 2007

An investigation into the funding of communities: Volume 1, Lessons and best practice
Khanya-African Institute for Community-Driven Development (Khanya?aicdd), 18 Aug 2007

2007 SADC Summit Communiqué (Lusaka, Zambia)
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 17 Aug 2007

Reclaiming SADC for peoples solidarity and development: Let the People Speak - Communique of the SADC People's Summit
Southern African People?s Solidarity Network (SAPSN), 16 Aug 2007

Implementation of Government's National Industrial Policy Framework: Industrial Policy Action Plan, August 2007 (South Africa)
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Government of South Africa, Aug 2007

Freedom to innovate: Biotechnology in Africa'?s development - report of the High-level African Panel on Modern Biotechnology
Calestous Juma and Ismail Serageldin, African Union (AU) and New Partnership for Africa?s Development (NEPAD), Aug 2007

Communiqué of the CSO conference on the Zimbabwe Economic Crisis: Towards a lasting solution
Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD), 1 Aug 2007

2007 Survey of Think Tanks: A summary report
James McGann, Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI), Aug 2007

Why inclusion of services in the EPAs is problematic: Legal and development implications
South Centre, Aug 2007

Report and recommendations by the Panel of Experts on the Development of Policy regarding Land Ownership by Foreigners in South Africa, August 2007
Prof. Shadrack Gutto (Chairperson), Dr Joe Matthews (Deputy Chairperson), Prof. Fred Hendricks, Mr. Bonile Jack, Prof. Dirk Kotzé, Mr. Mandla Mabuza, Ms Nothemba Rossette Mlozi, Ms Mandisa Monokali, Mr Cecil Morden, Ms Christine Qunta, Aug 2007

Africa Review Report on Drought and Desertification
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Aug 2007

Building the New Human Rights Council: Outcome and analysis of the institution-building year
Meghna Abraham, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Aug 2007

Commonwealth synthesis review of four country-owned poverty reduction strategies
D. Peretz , Commonwealth Secretariat, Aug 2007

Draft: Gender strategy for local government in Namibia
Government of Namibia, 25 Jul 2007

"How can services operate at scale to promote sustainable livelihoods in Limpopo?" Report from the Khanya-aicdd Seminar in Limpopo, South Africa
Khanya - African Institute for Community-Driven Development (Khanya ? aicdd), 20 Jul 2007

Communiqué of SARPN round table on Democracy, Poverty and Development: Perspectives and Lessons from SADC Island States
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) and CSOs, 19 Jul 2007

Concept Note: SARPN sub-regional round table on "Democracy, Poverty and Development: perspectives and lessons from SADC island states"
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 19 Jul 2007

Communiqué La démocratie, la pauvreté et le développement : Perspective et leçons des îles-états de la SADC
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 19 Jul 2007

From the ground up: Natural resource governance for reconstruction and sustainable development
J.G. (Pal) Martins and Brittany Kesselman, Pax Africa, 17 Jul 2007

Social Development: From research to policy action
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 16 Jul 2007

Expropriating Land in Brazil: principles and practices
Zander Navarro, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul / Research fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, 9 Jul 2007

Draft: Swaziland 365 day National Action Plan to end gender violence
Government of Swaziland and other stakeholders, 5 Jul 2007

Letter to Premier Ndebele re: KZN Elimination and Prevention of the Re-emergence of Slums Bill
Jean du Plessis, Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions, 4 Jul 2007

Raising domestic revenue for the MDGs: Why wait until 2015?
Terry McKinley, International Poverty Centre (IPC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Jul 2007

Spotlight on development: Towards the Millennium Development Goals
Andrew Harris, Editor, NANGOF Trust, Jul 2007

Training Module: Financial Policy
Gerald Epstein, Ilene Grabel, International Poverty Centre (IPC), Jul 2007

Urban LandMark Newsletter: Volume 2, no. 3 - July 2007
Editor: Denise Buiten, Urban LandMark, Jul 2007

Time for a new deal: Social dialogue and the informal economy in Zambia
War on Want, Jul 2007

Trends and themes in pro-poor regulation
David Schaub-Jones, Building Partnerships for Development in Water and Sanitation (BPDWS), Jul 2007

Breakfree: The Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development - Monthly Newsletter, July-August 2007
Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD), Jul 2007

100 Days: An agenda for government and donors in a new Zimbabwe
Adam Smith International , Jul 2007

AFRODAD statement on the IDA meeting in Maputo (Mozambique)
AFRODAD (African Forum and Network on Debt and Development), 27 Jun 2007

Current Macroeconomic Frameworks, challenges and alternatives for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Jesimen T. Chipika , 27 Jun 2007

MDGs: Promises and actions - It is almost half-time
Henri Valot, Civicus, Global Call to Action against Poverty, 27 Jun 2007

Role of CSOs in monitoring Policies and Progress on MDGs
Elijah Wachira, UNDP RSC, 27 Jun 2007

Report of the SARPN policy dialogue: 'It Is Almost Half Time'?: Will the SADC Region Achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the Target Date of 2015?
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 27 Jun 2007

From a "grand debate" to grand actions for a united Africa: Civil Society Communiqué to the Assembly of the Heads of State Meeting during the 9th Ordinary AU Summit
African Civil Society Organisations, 23 Jun 2007

Concept note on Pan-African Conference on the proposed African Union Government
Institute for Democratic Governance (IDEG), 22 Jun 2007

Operation Murambatsvina comes to KZN: The notorious elimination and prevention of re-emergence of Slums Bill
Abahlali BaseMjondolo, 21 Jun 2007

Where is the Wealth of Nations? Talking points, Dr. G. Odera Outa at launch of report at DBSA
Dr G. Odera Outa, Advisor, Ministry of Planning and National Development, Government of the Republic of Kenya, 20 Jun 2007

Social protection and poverty reduction in Southern Africa
Professor Marius Olivier, Centre for International and Comparative Labour and Social Security Law (CICLASS), University of Johannesburg, 9 Jun 2007

Heiligendamm and Africa - an outstanding promise: Letter from the President
President Thabo Mbeki, Government of South Africa, 8 Jun 2007

Briefing by Minister Aziz Pahad on current international issues
Deputy Minister Aziz Pahad, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, South Africa, 7 Jun 2007

Acting with common purpose: Proceedings of the first session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Geneva, 5-7 June 2007
United Nations - International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), 5 Jun 2007

Primer: Fiscal Space for MDGs
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Jun 2007

Independent review of land issues, Volume III, 2006-2007: Eastern and Southern Africa
Edited by Martin Adams and Robin Palmer, Jun 2007

Scaling-up HIV/AIDS financing and the role of macroeconomic policies in Kenya
Degol Hailu, International Poverty Centre, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Jun 2007

Development Indicators Mid-Term Review: South Africa
Presidency of South Africa, Jun 2007

Growth and Responsibility: A review of Business Action for Africa between the UK and German G8 presidencies, 2005-07
Richard Reeve, Chatham House, Jun 2007

Another Twist to "Coherence": Zoellick to Lead the World Bank (June 2007)
Center of Concern, Jun 2007

Strengthening efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger, including through the global partnership for development: Report of the Secretary General
United Nations Secretary General, United Nations, 1 Jun 2007

Greater than the sum of its parts? Assessing "Whole of Government" approaches to fragile states
Stewart Patrick and Kaysie Brown, Center for Global Development (CGD), Jun 2007

Zimbabwe Political & Dialogue Brief - no. 3: June 2007
IDASA, Jun 2007

Africa'?s youthful population: Risk or opportunity?
Lori S. Ashford, Population Reference Bureau, Jun 2007

The African Peer Review Mechanism in Mauritius: Lessons from Phase 1
Sheila Bunwaree, Africa Governance Monitoring and Advocacy Project (AfriMAP), Jun 2007

Le Mecanisme Africain d'Evaluation par les Pairs a Maurice: evaluation de la première étape
Sheila Bunwaree, Africa Governance Monitoring and Advocacy Project (AfriMAP), Jun 2007

Home Truths: The phenomenon of residential care for children in a time of AIDS
Helen Meintjes, Sue Moses, Lizette Berry and Ruth Mampane, Children's Institute, University of Cape Town and Centre for the Study of AIDS, University of Pretoria, Jun 2007

Global imbalances and developing countries: Remedies for a failing international financial system
Edited by Jan Joost Teunissen and Age Akkerman, Forum on Debt and Development (FONDAD), Jun 2007

Changes in the governance of global value chains of fresh fruits and vegetables: Opportunities and challenges for producers in sub-Saharan Africa
Temu A.E and N.W Marwa, South Centre, Jun 2007

Capacity building for the promotion of trade and investment in Africa - challenges and strategies
Soumana Sako, George Kararach, African Capacity Building Foundation, Jun 2007

Beyond any drought: Root causes of chronic vulnerability in the Sahel
Pippa Trench, John Rowley, Marthe Diarra, Fernand Sano, Boubacar Keita, The Sahel Working Group, Jun 2007

Exploring natural resources in Mozambique: Will it be a blessing or a curse?
Aurelio Bucuane and Peter Mulder, Direcção Nacional de Estudos e Análise de Políticas, Ministério da Planificação e Desenvolvimento, República de Moçambique , Jun 2007

The World Bank Group's Governance: Issues for review
Director General, World Bank, 25 May 2007

The Grand Africa Debate: United States of Africa (USAF), African Union Government (AUG) or Union of African States (UAS)? Seminar Debate in Commemoration of Africa Day
ActionAid International and Centre for Policy Studies, 24 May 2007

Report of the SARPN-IGD Policy Dialogue on the Impact of Liberalisation on the South African Economy: The case of the tourism and clothing sectors
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) , 23 May 2007

HIV/AIDS and Democratic Governance in Africa: Illustrating the impact on electoral processes
Kondwani Chirambo, IDASA, 22 May 2007

World Bank governance challenges: what must be done
Bank Information Center, 17 May 2007

Submission from Civil Society Organisations to the Pan African Parliament on the proposal for continental government
Civil Society Organisations, 14 May 2007

Education and support for Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Testing mechanisms of influence
Geoffrey Evans and Pauline Rose, 12 May 2007

Democracy without people: Political institutions and citizenship in the New South Africa
Robert Mattes, 12 May 2007

Comunicado do Diálogo Consultivo entre as Organizações da Sociedade Civil e o Parlamento Pan-Africano
Southern Africa Trust, 8 May 2007

Communique of Consultative Dialogue Between African civil society organisations and the Pan African Parliament
Southern Africa Trust, 7 May 2007

"Our cause is Africa'?s cause": Interview with President Mugabe in the New African magazine
Baffour Ankomah , New African magazine, May 2007

'SADC cannot abandon Zimbabwe': Interview with Tanzanian President Kikwete in the New African magazine
Baffour Ankomah, New African magazine, May 2007

Stakeholder engagement: A good practice handbook for companies doing business in emerging markets
International Finance Corporation - World Bank, May 2007

A critical look at the Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance in Africa
Sekai Saungweme, May 2007

Charte Africaine de la Democratie, des Elections et de la Gouvernance: Une Analyse Critique
Nadjita F. Ngarhodjim, AfriMAP, May 2007

Development without conflict: The business case for community consent
Jonathan Sohn, Steven Herz, Antonio la Vina, World Resources Institute (WRI), May 2007

African charter on democracy, elections and governance: A critical analysis
Nadjita F. Ngarhodjim, AfriMAP, May 2007

Poverty observatory in Mozambique: Final report
António Alberto da Silva Francisco, Konrad Matter, Gerster Consulting, May 2007

RECs, trade and integration
Patson Phiri, May 2007

Beyond-aid policies and impacts: Why a developing country perspective is important
Alan Hudson, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), May 2007

Poverty and inequality impacts of Trade Policy Reforms in South Africa
Ramos Mabugu, Margaret Chitiga, University of Pretoria and University of Zimbabwe, May 2007

Growth with responsibility in a globalized world '? Findings of the Shadow G-8
Joseph E. Stiglitz, Stephany Griffith-Jones , Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, May 2007

From Wolfowitz to Zoellick: An opportunity lost - Bretton Woods Update, May-June 2007
Bretton Woods Project, May 2007

Identity voting and the regional census in Malawi
Karen Ferree and Jeremy Horowitz, May 2007

The European Union in Africa: The linkage between security, governance and development from an institutional perspective
Niagalé Bagoyoko, Marie V. Gibert, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), May 2007

G8 Business Declaration
Federation of German Industries (BDI), 25 Apr 2007

The Business of Exporting: Transaction costs facing suppliers in Sub-Saharan Africa
William M. Lyakurwa, African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), 23 Apr 2007

Discurso proferido pelo Presidente da África do Sul, Thabo Mbeki, na sessão de abertura do Fórum Global de combate à corrupção e salvaguarda da integridade da Onu
President Thabo Mbeki, 2 Apr 2007

Discours du Président de la République Sud-Africaine, M. Thabo Mbeki, lors de la cérémonie d'ouverture du Forum mondial des Nations Unies sur la lutte contre la corruption et la protection de l'intégrité
President Thabo Mbeki, 2 Apr 2007

Setting the stage for non-state actors
Geo-Sung Kiim, K-PACT Council, 2 Apr 2007

Setting the stage for non-State actors: The role of civil society
Mr C Uwishaka, 2 Apr 2007

Partnership with the civil society: The experience of the service "Central de Prévention de la Corruption" (SCPC)
Pierre Christian Soccoja, 2 Apr 2007

Parliaments and development: what shapes parliamentary performance and what can donors do to enhance it?
Alan Hudson, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Apr 2007

Development as accountability: Accountability innovators in action
AccountAbility, Apr 2007

The potential impact of the aid for trade initiative
Sheila Page, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Apr 2007

Citizen engagement for accountable local governance
Norwegian Church Aid, 27 Mar 2007

The fiscal impacts of trade liberalization
Aldo Caliari, Center of Concern, 14 Mar 2007

Can the natural resource curse be turned into a blessing? The role of trade policies and institutions
Rabah Arezki and Frederick van der Ploeg, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Mar 2007

Rural livelihoods, poverty reduction, and food security in Southern Africa: Is CBNRM the answer?
Jaap Arntzen, Tshepo Setlhogile and Jon Barnes, FRAME, IUCN, Centre for Applied Research, International Resources Group, Mar 2007

Moving out of poverty '? making migration work better for poor people
Department for International Development (DFID), Mar 2007

Assessment of World Bank Group's revenue transparency implementation in the extractive industries
Heike Mainhardt-Gibbs, Bank Information Center (BiC), Mar 2007

Challenges in land tenure and land reform in Africa: An anthropological perspective
Pauline E. Peters, Center for International Development, Harvard University, Mar 2007

Comunicado do Seminário da Campanha GCAP-CPLP (Global Call to Action Against Poverty)
Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP), 27 Feb 2007

Promoting employment and decent work for all - Towards a good practice model in Namibia
Bishop Dr. Z. Kameeta, Dr. Claudia Haarmann, Dr. Dirk Haarmann, Herbert Jauch, Basic Income Grant (BIG) Coalition, 7 Feb 2007

Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living
Miloon Kothari, United Nations Human Rights Council, 5 Feb 2007

The worldwide governance indicators project: Answering the critics
Daniel Kaufmann, Aart Kraay, and Massimo Mastruzzi, World Bank, Feb 2007

Concessions to Poverty: The environmental, social and economic impacts of industrial logging concessions in Africa's rainforests
The Rainforest Foundation and Forests Monitor, Feb 2007

Social protection transfers for chronically poor people
Rachel Marcus, Chronic Poverty Research Centre, Feb 2007

Planning an effective peer review: A guidebook for national focal points
Ross Herbert and Steven Gruzd, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Feb 2007

Planificação para uma Revisão Paritária Eficaz: Guia para Pontos Fulcrais Nacionais
Ross Herbert and Steven Gruzd, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Feb 2007

Réussir la Planification de l'?Evaluation par les Pairs '? Un Guide pour les Points Focaux Nationaux
Ross Herbert and Steven Gruzd, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Feb 2007

Capacity Development for MDG Localisation: Practice note
Abla Amawi, Kanni Wignaraja, Dafina Gercheva and Joe Hooper, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Feb 2007

Towards a people-driven Africa Union: Current obstacles and new opportunities
Researched and written by Ibrahima Kane and Nobuntu Mbelle., Jan 2007

Pour une Union Africane tiree par ses citoyens: obstacles actuels et nouvelles perspectives
Les auteurs des recherches et de la rédaction du présent rapport sont Ibrahima Kane et Nobuntu Mbelle., Jan 2007

South African Foreign Policy Monitor: Jan/Feb 2007
Editor: Tom Wheeler, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Jan 2007

Political leaders in Africa: Presidents, patrons or profiteers?
Ansie van Wyk, ACCORD, 2007

Biodiversity for the Millennium Development Goals: What local organisations can do
Dilys Roe, Ivan Bond, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 2007

Open letter to SADC leaders from Zimbabwe Youth Movement
Freeman Chari, Zimbabwe Youth Movement, 2007

Climate change and foreign policy: An exploration of options for greater integration
John Drexhage, Deborah Murphy, Oli Brown, Aaron Cosbey, Peter Dickey, Jo-Ellen Parry and John Van Ham, Richard Tarasofsky and Beverley Darkin, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Denmark, 2007

Africa after the Africa Commission: What priorities for the German G8?
Overseas Development Institute (ODI), 2007

Africa Progress Panel Communiqué
Africa Progress Panel, 2007

Coordinating with communities. Part A: Background to involving communities
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO), the African Council of AIDS Service Organizations (AfriCASO) and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, 2007

Coordination avec les communautés. Partie A : Généralités sur l'?implication des communautés
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO), the African Council of AIDS Service Organizations (AfriCASO) and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, 2007

Coordination avec les communautés. Partie B : Actions à entreprendre en vue d'?impliquer les communautés
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO), the African Council of AIDS Service Organizations (AfriCASO) and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, 2007

State of World Population 2007: Unleashing the Potential of Urban Growth
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), 2007

A critical assessment of aid management and donor harmonisation: The case of Malawi
African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), 2007

A critical assessment of aid management and donor harmonisation: The case of Mozambique
African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), 2007

What determines violent conflicts over natural resources? Evidence from land conflicts in South Africa and Zimbabwe
Dr. Sylvia Schweitzer, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), 2007

A National Industrial Policy Framework (South Africa)
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Government of South Africa, 2007

Consolidating Democratic Governance in Southern Africa: Botswana
Zibani Maundeni, Dorothy Mpabanga, Adam Mfundisi, David Sebudubudu, EISA, 2007

Consolidating Democratic Governance in Southern Africa: Zimbabwe
Lloyd M. Sachikonye, Shingi Chawatama, Charles Mangongera, Norbert Musekiwa, Choice Ndoro, EISA, 2007

Plano Económico e Social para 2007, Mozambique
Government of Mozambique, 2007

Realising rights for children: Harmonisation of laws on children, Eastern and Southern Africa
The African Child Policy Forum, 2007

On the verge of a new water scarcity: A call for good governance and human ingenuity
Falkenmark, M., A. Berntell, A. Jägerskog, J. Lundqvist, M. Matz and H. Tropp, Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), 2007

Local Governance in Tanzania: observations from six councils 2002-2003
Amon Chaligha, Florida Henjewele, Ambrose Kessy and Geoffrey Mwambe, Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA), 2007

Silences in NGO Discourse: The role and future of NGOs in Africa
Issa Shivji, 2007

Developmental States in the New Millennium: Concepts and challenges for a new aid agenda
Verena Fritz and Alina Rocha Menocal, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), 2007

Sécurité alimentaire- Rapporter l'information (ressources pour les formateurs: 4 Leçons)
European Union, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), 2007

Botswana and International Human Rights Instruments
Parliamentarians for Women's Health (PWH), 2007

Regional call to participate in strengthening civil society voices to influence policies in the context of HIV and AIDS

Influencing APRM: A checklist for civil society
Ross Herbert, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), 2007

Comment influencer le MAEP: Un guide pour la société civile
Ross Herbert, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), 2007

Influenciar o MARP: Lista de Controlo para a Sociedade Civil
Ross Herbert, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), 2007

Poverty eradication and the current debates
Jack Jones Zulu, Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) , 2007

Starting a pro-poor public private partnership for a basic urban service
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2007

World Bank assistance to agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa: An IEG review
Independent Evaluation Group (IEG); World Bank, 2007

Financing public health care: Insurance, user fees, or taxes? Welfare comparisons in Tanzania
Deograsias P. Mushi , Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA), 2007

Adaptation to climate change in Poverty Reduction Strategies
Arnoldo Matus Kramer , Human Development Report Office , 2007

The Role of Parliament in Poverty Reduction
Hon. Wale Aribisala, Parliament of Nigeria, 2007

Parliaments and Poverty Reduction: Progress so far
Dr. Rasheed Draman, Parliamentary Centre - Accra, Ghana, 2007

Human Development Report 2007/2008 - Fighting climate change: Human solidarity in a divided world
Director and lead author: Kevin Watkins, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2007

Turning vision 2020 into Reality: From recovery to sustatinable human development - Rwanda National Human Development Report
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2007

The politics of service delivery in democracies - better access for the poor
Shantayanan Devarajan, Ingrid Widlund (editors), Expert Group on Development Issues (EGDI), 2007

Governance, Justice, Law and Order Sector Programme: Fourth programme review
David Everatt, Karuti Kanyinga , 2007

Report of the SADC Lawyers Association fact finding mission to Lesotho
SADC Lawyers Association, 2007

The role of the APRM in strengthening governance in Africa
Professor Michelo Hansungule, University of Pretoria, 2007

Global Survey on Forced Evictions: violations of human rights
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE), Dec 2006

Developmental impacts of verification systems in the forest sector
Kate Schreckenberg, Neil Bird, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Nov 2006

Moçambique O Sector da Justiça e o Estado de Direito
By AfriMAP and OSISA, Open Society Foundation, 29 Sep 2006

Learning leadership development from African Cultures: A personal perspective
Chiku Malunga, CADECO, Sep 2006

Eliminating world poverty: Making governance work for the poor
Department for International Development (DFID), Jul 2006

Shocks and growth: Adaptation, precaution and compensation
Paul Collier, Benedikt Goderis and Anke Hoeffler, United Nations (UN), 12 Jun 2006

Angola: Global "Good Governance" also needed
David Sogge, Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE), Jun 2006

Angola: e onde está a "boa governação" do mundo?
David Sogge, Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE), Jun 2006

Plano de Acção para a Redução da Pobreza Absoluta 2006-2009 (PARPA II)
Ministry of Planning and Development of Mozambique, 2 May 2006

Can parliaments enhance the quality of democracy on the African continent? An analysis of institutional capacity and public perceptions
Lia Nijzink, Shaheen Mozaffar, Elisabete Azevedo, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), University of Cape Town, May 2006

Angola: From politics of disorder to politics of democratisation
Steve Kibble, Pambazuka, 20 Apr 2006

Gendered spaces in Party Politics in southern Africa: Progress and regress since Beijing 1995
Onalenna Doo Selolwane, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Feb 2006

Eyes on the budget as a human rights instrument
UNICEF, 30 Jan 2006

Malawi - Justice sector and the rule of law
Written and researched by Professor Fidelis Edge Kanyongolo, 2006

Closing the gap
Glenn Hollands, 2006

Keeping the promise: Five benefits of girls'? secondary education
May A. Rihani, Lisa Kays, Stephanie Psaki, AED Center for Gender Equity, 2006

The European Investment Bank in the South: In whose interest?
Jaroslava Colajacomo, Bankwatch, Jan 2006

Developing social protection in Tanzania within a context of generalised insecurity
Marc Wuyts, Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA), 2006

Where is the wealth of nations? Measuring capital for the 21st century
World Bank, 2006

Measuring Progress
Social Watch, 2006

Reporting Food Security Information (Training Materials: 4 lessons)
European Commission, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), 2006

Planning for the future: An assessment of food security early warning systems in sub-Saharan Africa
James Tefft, Mark McGuire and Nick Maunder, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 2006

Expert group meeting on Democratic Governance in Africa: Strategies for greater participation of women
Shireen Hassim and Sheila Meintjes, 6 Dec 2005

Governance, accountability and aid effectiveness
Trocaire Policy Seminar, 5 Dec 2005

Africa in the World Economy: The National, Regional and International Challenges
Edited by Jan Joost Teunissen and Age Akkerman, Forum on Debt and Development (FONDAD), Dec 2005

Shadow report to South Africa's first periodic State Report to the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights
African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, 21 Nov 2005

African organisations and institutions: Positive cross-continental progress
Lloyd O. Pierson, USAID Assistant Administrator for Africa, USAID, 17 Nov 2005

Gouvernance, Démocratie et Lutte Contre la Pauvreté : enseignements tirés des enquêtes auprès des ménages en Afrique sub-saharienne et en Amerique latine
Javier Herrera, Mireille Razafindrakoto, François Roubaud, Institut de recherche pour le developpement (IRD), Oct 2005

Basic capabilities index - Poverty dimensions: Responsibilities to be undertaken by governments
Social Watch, 19 Aug 2005

SARPN report back: opening of 5th Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly
SARPN, 4 Jul 2005

Bamako Declaration of the African Statesmen Initiative, 8 June 2005
National Democratic Institute (NDI), 8 Jun 2005

African Post-Conflict Reconstruction Policy Framework / Cadre politique de reconstruction post conflit en Afrique
NEPAD, Jun 2005

Perpetuating poverty in sub-Saharan Africa: How African political elites undermine entrepreneurship and economic development
Moeletsi Mbeki, International Policy Network, Apr 2005

Winners and losers from rights-based approaches to development: What can be gained and what might be lost through adopting a rights-based approach to pro-poor development?
Robert Archer, International Council on Human Rights Policy, Geneva, 21 Feb 2005

Putting rights-based development into context: CARE'?s programming approaches in Malawi and Bangladesh
Brigitta Bode (CARE Bangladesh), Jay Goulden (CARE UK), Francis Lwanda (CARE Malawi), Elisa Martinez (CARE USA), CARE International, 21 Feb 2005

'We are also Human': Identity and power in gender relations
Michael Drinkwater, CARE International, 21 Feb 2005

The rights of the rich versus the rights of the poor
John Gledhill, Social Anthropology, School of Social Sciences, The University of Manchester, 21 Feb 2005

Public sector modernisation: Open Government
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Feb 2005

The democratic state versus the developmental state: a false dichotomy
Ebrahim Fakir, Isandla, 2005

Press and Democratic Transition in Mozambique (1990 - 2000)
Claudio Jone, 2005

Key competencies for improving Local Governance
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) and Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative of the Open Society Institute, 2005

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Prof. Firmino Mucavele: NEPAD implementation briefing
The role of the APRM in strengthening governance in Africa
Report of the SADC Lawyers Association fact finding mission to Lesotho
Fourth and fifth reviews under the three-year arrangement under the poverty reduction and growth facility, and request for waivers of nonobservance of performance criteria

Growth-promoting social safety nets: 2020 Focus Brief on the World'?s Poor and Hungry People
Implementation of Government's National Industrial Policy Framework: Industrial Policy Action Plan, August 2007 (South Africa)
A National Industrial Policy Framework (South Africa)

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