Third International Policy Conference on the African Child African Child Policy Forum (ACPF), 12 May 2008
UNICEF: Consolidated donor report 2007 Mozambique The United Nations Children�?s Fund (UNICEF), Feb 2008
AIDS epidemic update: December 2007 UNAIDS and World Health Organisation (WHO), Dec 2007
The Dar es Salaam Statement on linking poverty, wealth and ecology in Africa World Council of Churches, 9 Nov 2007
South Africa: Community Survey 2007 Statistics South Africa, 24 Oct 2007
Addressing the employment-poverty Nexus in Kenya: Comparing cash-transfer and job-creation programmes Eduardo Zepeda, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), International Poverty Centre (IPC), Oct 2007
Strengthening women's assets and status: Programs improving poor women's lives John Ambler, Lauren Pandolfelli, Anna Kramer, and Ruth Meinzen-Dick, Oxfam / International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Oct 2007
The world's most deprived: Characteristics and causes of extreme poverty and hunger Akhter U. Ahmed, Ruth Vargas Hill, Lisa C. Smith, Doris M. Wiesmann, and Tim Frankenberger , International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Oct 2007
Letter from the President: MDGs - defences against the tsunami of world poverty Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa, 21 Sep 2007
The impact of unconditional cash transfers on nutrition: The South African child support grant Jorge M. Agüero, Michael R. Carter, Ingrid Woolard, International Poverty Centre (IPC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Sep 2007
Mapping multilateral Development Banks' reproductive health and HIV/AIDS spending Suzanna Dennis and Elaine Zuckerman, Gender Action, Sep 2007
The state of responsible business: Global corporate response to environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges Ethical Investment Research Services (EIRIS), Sep 2007
African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM): South Africa Country Review Report African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Sep 2007
Reclaiming SADC for peoples solidarity and development: Let the People Speak - Communique of the SADC People's Summit Southern African People�?s Solidarity Network (SAPSN), 16 Aug 2007
Poverty trends since the transition: What we know Servaas van der Berg, Megan Louw, Leon du Toit, Department of Economics, Stellenbosch University, Aug 2007
Spotlight on development: Towards the Millennium Development Goals Andrew Harris, Editor, NANGOF Trust, Jul 2007
A Review of National and Provincial Education Budgets 2007 (South Africa) Russell Andrew Wildeman, IDASA, 28 Jun 2007
Social protection and poverty reduction in Southern Africa Professor Marius Olivier, Centre for International and Comparative Labour and Social Security Law (CICLASS), University of Johannesburg, 9 Jun 2007
Speech by the Minister of Social Development, Z Skweyiya, at the International Bi-regional Conference on Social Protection Minister Z Skweyiya , Ministry of Social Development, 7 Jun 2007
Catholic bishops urge G8 to take 'bold action on global poverty' Catholic Bishops, Conferences of Catholic Bishops of Germany, Canada, France, Japan, Russia, England and Wales, the United States , Jun 2007
Africa and the Millennium Development Goals: 2007 Update United Nations (UN), Jun 2007
Development Indicators Mid-Term Review: South Africa Presidency of South Africa, Jun 2007
The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa Kaiser Family Foundation, Jun 2007
'Global cause' and effect: How the global aid system is undermining the Millennium Development Goals WaterAid, Jun 2007
Africa'?s youthful population: Risk or opportunity? Lori S. Ashford, Population Reference Bureau, Jun 2007
Home Truths: The phenomenon of residential care for children in a time of AIDS Helen Meintjes, Sue Moses, Lizette Berry and Ruth Mampane, Children's Institute, University of Cape Town and Centre for the Study of AIDS, University of Pretoria, Jun 2007
Rapid expansion of treatment and rehabilitation of severely malnourished Malawian children United States Agency for International Development (USAID), 31 May 2007
Education and support for Democracy in Sub-Saharan Africa: Testing mechanisms of influence Geoffrey Evans and Pauline Rose, 12 May 2007
Community-based management of severe acute malnutrition World Health Organization (WHO), World Food Programme (WFP), United Nations (UN), May 2007
Education under attack: A global study on targeted political and military violence against education staff, students, teachers, union and government officials, and institutions Brendan O'Malley, UNESCO, 27 Apr 2007
Healthy Development: The World Bank strategy for health, nutrition and population results World Bank, 24 Apr 2007
Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey 2005-06 Central Statistical Office, Zimbabwe and Macro International Inc, Mar 2007
Comunicado do Seminário da Campanha GCAP-CPLP (Global Call to Action Against Poverty) Global Call to Action Against Poverty (GCAP), 27 Feb 2007
Women and girls living with HIV/AIDS: Overview and annotated bibliography Emily Esplen, BRIDGE and Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Feb 2007
Education Quality Enhancement Project, Kingdom of Lesotho (Appraisal Report) Human Development Department, African Development Bank (AfDB), Feb 2007
Children and AIDS: A stocktaking report UNAIDS, Unicef, World Health Organization (WHO), Jan 2007
Children at the Centre: A guide to supporting community groups caring for vulnerable children Save the Children, 2007
The evolution of the Government of Kenya cash transfer programme for vulnerable children between 2002 to 2006 and prospects for nationwide scale-up R. Pearson and C. Alviar , UNICEF Kenya, 2007
Open letter to SADC leaders from Zimbabwe Youth Movement Freeman Chari, Zimbabwe Youth Movement, 2007
Childhood poverty in Mozambique: A situation and trends analysis UNICEF, 2007
Because I am a Girl: The state of the world's girls 2007 Plan International / Plan UK, 2007
Progress towards gender equity in SADC - the draft SADC Protocol on Gender and Development Patson Phiri , 2007
Plano Económico e Social para 2007, Mozambique Government of Mozambique, 2007
Monitoring child well-being: A South African rights-based approach Editors: Andrew Dawes, Rachel Bray and Amelia van der Merwe, Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), 2007
Realising rights for children: Harmonisation of laws on children, Eastern and Southern Africa The African Child Policy Forum, 2007
Making Commitments Matter: A toolkit for young people to evaluate national youth policy Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, 2007
Pour Que Les Engagements Aient Un Sens: un guide pour aider les jeunes à évaluer la politique de la jeunesse dans leur pays Département des affaires économiques et sociales du Secrétariat des Nations Unies, 2007
Analysing the response of a Teacher Training Institution to HIV and AIDS: A case study from Zambia Lucinda Ramos, UNESCO Breda, 2007
Addressing formal and substantive citizenship: Gender justice in Sub-Saharan Africa Celestine Nyamu-Musembi, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 2007
Economic security for women fights AIDS Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, 2007
Zambia Human Development Report: Enhancing household capacity to respond to HIV and AIDS United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2007
Hunger and HIV: From food crisis to integrated care Claire de Menezes, Susan Thurstans, Pamela Fergusson and Nynke Nutma, ACF International Network, 2007
Children on the move: Protecting unaccompanied migrant children in South Africa and the region Save the Children (UK), 2007
Tell me more!: Children's rights and sexuality in the context of HIV/AIDS in Africa Save the Children, Sweden, 2007
The state of the world'?s children 2007 The United Nations Children�?s Fund (UNICEF), Dec 2006
Internet use among Ugandan adolescents: Implications for HIV intervention Michele L. Ybarra, Julius Kiwanuka, Nneka Emenyonu, David R. Bangsberg, PLoS Medicine, Nov 2006
Child welfare and poverty in Nigeria Chiedozie Benjamin Okpukpara, Paul U. Chine, Fidelis Nwele O. Uguru, Chukwuone Nnaemeka, 12 Oct 2006
Botswana Child Monitor: A bulletin of recent events, statistics and acquisitions about children UNICEF, Sep 2006
Campaign against sexual abuse of girls in the education Milton Machel, 24 Aug 2006
Impact of AIDS on mothers and children in Mozambique: Press release 20 July 2006 Save the Children UK - Mozambique, 20 Jul 2006
Opening address by the Minister of Social Development, Dr Zola Skweyiya to the conference on orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS Dr Zola Skweyiya, Department of Social Development (South Africa), 12 Jul 2006
What will it take to end child poverty? Donald Hirsch, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Jul 2006
Declaration of young delegates who attended the OVC pre-conference workshop on 30th June '? 2nd July 2006 at Achterbergh Camp site, Krugersdorp Department of Social Development (South Africa), 30 Jun 2006
Incidence and determinants of child labour in Nigeria: Implications for poverty alleviation Benjamin Chiedozie Okpukpara, Ngozi Odurukwe, Jun 2006
Building resilience: A rights-based approach to children and HIV/AIDS in Africa Linda M. Richter and Sharmla Rama, Save the Children, May 2006
The Johannesburg position on HIV/AIDS and women's and girls' rights in Africa Apr 2006
What future? Street children in the Democratic Republic of Congo Human Rights Watch, Apr 2006
Alternative report on convention on the rights of the child / Rapport alternatif sur l'application de la convention relative aux droits de l'enfant Panafrican Association Thomas Sankara, Apr 2006
A bridge across the Zambezi: What needs to be done for children? Save the Children UK and Norway, Mar 2006
Commission for Social Development hears introduction of Draft Resolutions on its Working methods, African Development, Ageing, Youth employment, Disabled persons United Nations Commission for Social Development, 16 Feb 2006
The Children's Act: Briefing Paper 153 Lois Law, Southern African Catholic Bishops' Conference, Feb 2006
Eyes on the budget as a human rights instrument UNICEF, 30 Jan 2006
The economic impact of AIDS Treatment: Labor supply in Western Kenya Harsha Thirumurthy, Joshua Graff Zivin, Markus Goldstein, 1136066400
Implementation of the child support grant Beth Goldblatt, Centre for Applied Legal Studies, University fo the Witwatersrand, Solange Rosa, Chi, Centre for Applied Legal Studies, University of the Witwatersrand and the Children's Institute, University of Cape Town, Jan 2006
Missing Mothers: Meeting the needs of children affected by AIDS This report was written by Christina D�?Allesandro, with substantial input from Frances Ellery and Bill Bell., Save the Children UK, 2006
Missing on Mother'?s Day: A briefing Save the Children UK, 2006
"Microfinance and street children": Is microfinance an appropriate tool to address the street children issue? Badreddine Serrokh, Solvay Business School, Free University of Brussels, 2006
Conference theme: "Strengthening coordinated action for orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS (OVC)" Department of Social Development (South Africa), 2006
Micro-simulating child poverty in 2010 and 2020 Mike Brewer, James Browne and Holly Sutherland, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2006
Socio-demographic scenarios for children to 2020 Philip Rees and John Parsons, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2006
Child support Jonathan Bradshaw, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2006
Teenage births Jonathan Bradshaw, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2006
The cost of not ending child poverty: How we can think about it, how it might be measured, and some evidence Donald Hirsch, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2006
Paying with their lives: The cost of illness for children in Africa Regina Keith and Peter Shackleton, Save the Children UK, 2006
Determinants of Grade 12 Pass Rates in the post-Apartheid South African Schooling System Haroon Bhorat and Morne Oosthuizen, Development Policy Research Unit, University of Cape Town, 2006
Education in emergencies: The gender implications Jackie Kirk, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2006
Measuring Progress Social Watch, 2006
Ethics and the everyday: Reconsidering approaches to research involving children Rachel Bray, Imke Gooskens, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), Dec 2005
What is childcare really about? Rachel Bray and René Brandt, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), Dec 2005
Towards a means to live: Targeting poverty alleviation to realise children'?s rights Children�?s Institute, University of Cape Town, Dec 2005
Maternal well-being, childcare and child adjustment in the context of HIV/AIDS: What does the psychological literature say? René Brandt, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), Nov 2005
Botswana child monitor: A bulletin of recent events, statistics and acquisitions about children - November to December 2005 UNICEF, Nov 2005
Child Poverty Monitor: Progress towards a conceptual framework and data systems for measuring child vulnerability in South Africa Judith Streak, IDASA, Children's Budget Unit, 5 Oct 2005
Special Rapporteur on right to education concludes visit to Botswana Vernor Muñoz, Special Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights on the right to education, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), 4 Oct 2005
Letting them fail: Government neglect and the right to education for children affected by AIDS Human Rights Watch, Oct 2005
Ending child poverty and securing child rights: The role of social protection Philippa Thomas, Plan UK, Oct 2005
Almost a boss-boy: Farm schools, farm life and social opportunity in South Africa Jackie Dugard, Abraham Mintoor, Muzi Ngwenya, Portia Nkosi & Stuart Wilson, Centre for Applied Legal Studies, University of Witwatersrand, Oct 2005
Government's social development response to children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS: Identifying gaps in policy and budgeting Judith Streak, IDASA, 9 Sep 2005
Orphanhood and the long-run impact on children Beegle K, De Weerdt J, Dercon S, World Bank, DANIDA, Economic Research Council (UK), Sep 2005
Botswana child monitor: A bulletin of recent events, statistics and acquisitions about children UNICEF, Sep 2005
At all costs? Applying the means test for the Child Support Grant Debbie Budlender, Solange Rosa and Katharine Hall, Centre for Actuarial Research (CARe), Save the Children (Sweden) and the Children's Institute, Sep 2005
Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers: Children first! - A case study on PRSP processes in Ethiopia, Kenya and Zambia from a Child Rights Perspective Heidel, K., Kindernothilfe (KNH), Sep 2005
Youth in Africa: Call for Papers Africa Insight, Aug 2005
In wake of Zimbabwe demolitions, UNICEF calls for global support to alleviate crisis facing children UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund), 26 Jul 2005
Putting faith in child care Dr Geoff Foster, Jul 2005
Community solutions for Africa's AIDS orphans Nicole Itano, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Jul 2005
Views from Africa on social protection Sylvia Beales, Ageing and Development, Jul 2005
Policy framework for orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS in South Africa Department of Social Development, South Africa, Jul 2005
But the children cannot wait Global Movement for Children, Jun 2005
The Community Investment Programme: early childhood, community and local economic development Dr. Norman Reynolds, DPLG LED Forum, Jun 2005
Making childhood poverty history id21 insight #56, Jun 2005
The family farm in a globalizing world: The role of crop science in alleviating poverty Michael Lipton, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Jun 2005
Gender, welfare and the developmental state in South Africa Shireen Hassim, University of the Witwatersrand, May 2005
Quality at the Centre of Girls' Education Editor: Changu Mannathoko, UNICEF, May 2005
Imali Ye Mwana: SADC Advocacy Network on Children's Rights and the Budget Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA), 18 Apr 2005
Towards social welfare services for all vulnerable children in South Africa: a review of policy development, budgeting and service delivery Judith Streak, Sasha Poggenpoel, IDASA, 31 Mar 2005
Analysis of child focused indicators Central Statistics Office (CSO) and UNICEF, Mar 2005
AIDS orphans and vulnerable children (OVC): Problems, responses, and issues for Congress Tiaji Salaam, Congressional Research Service (CRS), 11 Feb 2005
One in two: Children are the key to Africa's future Save the Children, 2005
Children's feedback committees in Zimbabwe: an experiment in humanitarian accountability Chris McIvor, Karen Myllenen, Save the Children (UK), Jan 2005
Bottlenecks and drip-feeds: chanelling resources to communities responding to orphans and vulnerable children in southern Africa / Entraves e Conta-gotas: Canalizar recursos a comunidades responsáveis por crianças orfãos e vulneráveis n Save the Children (UK), 2005
Helping children in the time of HIV and AIDS Resource Booklets Children's Institute, University of Cape Town, 2005
Making cash count Save the Children UK, HelpAge International and Institute of Development Studies (IDS), 2005
'The Cost of Poverty'?: Transaction costs and the struggle to make aid work in the education sector in Tanzania Kate Dyer, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2005
Under the Radar: Community Safety Nets for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS in Poor Households in Sub-Saharan Africa Geoff Foster, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Jan 2005
The right not to lose hope: Children in conflict with the law '? a policy analysis and examples of good practice Florence Martin, John Parry-Williams, Save the Children UK, 2005