Statement on the SADC organ on politics, defence and security Southern African Development Community (SADC), 4 Feb 2008
Joint Statement of the 10th China-EU Summit: Beijing, 28 November 2007 China-EU Summit, 28 Nov 2007
Zimbabwe Exodus: Too little, but not too late... Sean Garcia and Patrick Duplat, Refugees International, 7 Nov 2007
Climate Alarm: Disasters increase as climate change bites Oxfam, Nov 2007
Gender justice and reconciliation Nahla Valji, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Nov 2007
Reconciliation and development Karen Brouneìus , Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Nov 2007
Perceptions of environmental risks in Mozambique: Implications for the success of adaptation and coping strategies Anthony G. Patt and Dagmar Schröter, The World Bank, Nov 2007
Preparing for a warmer world: Towards a global governance system to protect climate refugees Frank Biermann and Ingrid Boas, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam , Nov 2007
Mauritius Response Paper - Seventh Africa Governance Forum: Building the Capable State in Africa Government of Mauritius, 24 Oct 2007
The building blocks of sustainable peace: The views of internally displaced people in Northern Uganda Oxfam, 24 Sep 2007
Letter from the President: MDGs - defences against the tsunami of world poverty Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa, 21 Sep 2007
Undermining communities and the environment: A review of the International Finance Corporation'?s Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Mining David M. Chambers, Stuart M. Levit, Payal Sampat, Scott Cardiff, Keith Slack, Marta Miranda, Nikki Reisch, Center for Science in Public Participation (CSP2), Earthworks, Oxfam International, WWF, Bank Information Center (BIC), Sep 2007
The state of responsible business: Global corporate response to environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges Ethical Investment Research Services (EIRIS), Sep 2007
Mozambique: A case study in the role of the affected state in humanitarian action Conor Foley, Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG), Sep 2007
African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM): South Africa Country Review Report African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Sep 2007
2007 SADC Summit Communiqué (Lusaka, Zambia) Southern African Development Community (SADC), 17 Aug 2007
Africa Review Report on Drought and Desertification United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Aug 2007
Building the New Human Rights Council: Outcome and analysis of the institution-building year Meghna Abraham, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Aug 2007
The potential for joint programmes for long-term cash transfers in unstable situations Paul Harvey and Rebecca Holmes, Humanitarian Policy Group and Overseas Development Institute, London, Aug 2007
From the ground up: Natural resource governance for reconstruction and sustainable development J.G. (Pal) Martins and Brittany Kesselman, Pax Africa, 17 Jul 2007
Gender and indicators: Overview report Annalise Moser, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Jul 2007
Addressing food insecurity in Fragile States: Case studies from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia and Sudan Luca Alinovi, Günter Hemrich and Luca Russo, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Agricultural Development Economics Division, Jul 2007
100 Days: An agenda for government and donors in a new Zimbabwe Adam Smith International , Jul 2007
Prevalence of HIV infection in conflict-affected and displaced people in seven sub-Saharan African countries: A systematic review Paul B Spiegel, Anne Rygaard Bennedsen, Johanna Claass, Laurie Bruns, Njogu Patterson, Dieudonne Yiweza, Marian Schilperoord, UNHCR and University of Copenhagen, 30 Jun 2007
International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in Africa News Briefing, Issue 22 Bank Information Center (BIC), 29 Jun 2007
Briefing by Minister Aziz Pahad on current international issues Deputy Minister Aziz Pahad, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, South Africa, 7 Jun 2007
Acting with common purpose: Proceedings of the first session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Geneva, 5-7 June 2007 United Nations - International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), 5 Jun 2007
Catholic bishops urge G8 to take 'bold action on global poverty' Catholic Bishops, Conferences of Catholic Bishops of Germany, Canada, France, Japan, Russia, England and Wales, the United States , Jun 2007
Greater than the sum of its parts? Assessing "Whole of Government" approaches to fragile states Stewart Patrick and Kaysie Brown, Center for Global Development (CGD), Jun 2007
Capacity building for the promotion of trade and investment in Africa - challenges and strategies Soumana Sako, George Kararach, African Capacity Building Foundation, Jun 2007
Assessing the potential of fair trade for poverty reduction and conflict prevention: A case study of Bolivian coffee producers Sandra Imhof and Andrew Lee, Jun 2007
The future of conflict management in Africa Funmi Olonisakin, King's College, London, May 2007
When displacement ends: A framework for durable solutions Erin Mooney, Walter Kälin, Susan Martin, The Brookings Institution �? University of Bern, Project on Internal Displacement, May 2007
Meeting needs for reproductive health services in post-conflict environments: CARE's Family Planning Project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Catherine Toth, Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE), May 2007
The European Union in Africa: The linkage between security, governance and development from an institutional perspective Niagalé Bagoyoko, Marie V. Gibert, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), May 2007
Education under attack: A global study on targeted political and military violence against education staff, students, teachers, union and government officials, and institutions Brendan O'Malley, UNESCO, 27 Apr 2007
Beyond the Divide: The covenant on economic, social and cultural rights and the World Trade Organization Robert Howse and Ruti G. Teitel, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung , Apr 2007
State of the world'?s minorities 2007 Minority Rights Group International, Mar 2007
Assessment of World Bank Group's revenue transparency implementation in the extractive industries Heike Mainhardt-Gibbs, Bank Information Center (BiC), Mar 2007
Report of the Special Rapporteur on adequate housing as a component of the right to an adequate standard of living Miloon Kothari, United Nations Human Rights Council, 5 Feb 2007
Concessions to Poverty: The environmental, social and economic impacts of industrial logging concessions in Africa's rainforests The Rainforest Foundation and Forests Monitor, Feb 2007
Global Monitoring Report 2007: Confronting the challenges of gender equality and fragile states World Bank, 2007
Rapport de suivi mondial 2007 World Bank, 2007
Climate change and foreign policy: An exploration of options for greater integration John Drexhage, Deborah Murphy, Oli Brown, Aaron Cosbey, Peter Dickey, Jo-Ellen Parry and John Van Ham, Richard Tarasofsky and Beverley Darkin, International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Government of Denmark, 2007
Africa after the Africa Commission: What priorities for the German G8? Overseas Development Institute (ODI), 2007
Africa Progress Panel Communiqué Africa Progress Panel, 2007
The Policy Gap: A review of the corporate social responsibility programmes of the platinum mining industry in the North West Province Bench Marks Foundation, 2007
What determines violent conflicts over natural resources? Evidence from land conflicts in South Africa and Zimbabwe Dr. Sylvia Schweitzer, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), 2007
UN Country Coordination: building greater coherence for capacity development. Synthesis of Resident Coordinator Annual Reports 2006 Christoph Merdes, Henri-Leon Solomon, United Nations Development Group, 2007
Plano Económico e Social para 2007, Mozambique Government of Mozambique, 2007
Making Commitments Matter: A toolkit for young people to evaluate national youth policy Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, 2007
Human Security at the United Nations: Newsletter issue 1, Fall 2007 United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs - Human Security Unit, 2007
Human security, vulnerability and sustainable adaptation Karen O�?Brien and Robin Leichenko , Human Development Report Office , 2007
Links between natural disasters, humanitarian assistance and disaster risk reduction: A critical perspective Papa Seck, Human Development Report Office , 2007
Climate change and forced migration: Observations, projections and implications Oli Brown, Human Development Report Office , 2007
How do poor people adapt to weather variability and natural disasters today? Philip Dobie, Barry Shapiro, Patrick Webb and Mark Winslow, Human Development Report Office , 2007
Human Development Report 2007/2008 - Fighting climate change: Human solidarity in a divided world Director and lead author: Kevin Watkins, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2007
Report to the Secretary-General: Mission of the Special envoy for Humanitarian needs in Southern Africa UN-OCHA Regional Office for Southern Africa, 7 Dec 2006
Global Survey on Forced Evictions: violations of human rights Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE), Dec 2006
Labour force participation, earnings and inequality in Nigeria Fidelis O. Ogwumike, Olufunke A. Alaba, Olumuyiwa B. Alaba, Babatunde A. Alayande, Christiana E.E Okojie, 10 Oct 2006
The right to not be poor: Poverty as a violation of human rights Social Watch, Sep 2006
A social protection agenda for Uganda's poorest of the poor Charles Lwanga-Ntale, Chronic Poverty Research Centre, Jun 2006
Angola: Global "Good Governance" also needed David Sogge, Fundación para las Relaciones Internacionales y el Diálogo Exterior (FRIDE), Jun 2006
Informal cross border food trade in Southern Africa: April 2006 UNWFP, WFP/FEWS NET, Apr 2006
Human rights and poverty reduction: Realities, controversies and strategies Edited by Tammie O�?Neil, ODI Meeting Series, Mar 2006
The impact of HIV/AIDS on crime in SA Julian Naidoo, University of Maryland - Public Policy Program: Economics, 2006
The application of a human rights-based approach to development programming: What is the added value? UNDP, in cooperation with the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2006
A Human Rights-based approach to development programming in UNDP '? Adding the missing link United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2006
Developing social protection in Tanzania within a context of generalised insecurity Marc Wuyts, Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA), 2006
Education in emergencies: The gender implications Jackie Kirk, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 2006
Human security in Africa United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on Africa (OSAA), Dec 2005
Final Communique of the 38th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples'? Rights The African Commission on Human and Peoples�? Rights, 21 Nov 2005
Shadow report to South Africa's first periodic State Report to the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, 21 Nov 2005
Poverty, inequality and violence: is there a human rights response? World Organisation Against Torture, 4 Oct 2005
Human capital, capabilities and poverty in rural Nigeria Olanrewaju Olaniyan and Abiodun S. Bankole, Oct 2005
SARPN seminar: Human security, poverty and conflict in SADC 31 Aug 2005
The many faces of human security Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Jul 2005
Prospects for a Security Community in Southern Africa Naison Ngoma, Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Jun 2005
Re-interpreting the rights-based approach - a grassroots perspective on rights and development Diana Mitlin and Sheela Patel, Global Poverty Research Groups, Jun 2005
Report on the international consultations and workshop on regional dynamics of human security Compiled by Dr. Robin Ludwig & Dr. Abdul Lamin, United Nations Dialogue with the Global South, Department of International Relations, University of Witwatersrand, May 2005
Property rights in a very poor country: Tenure insecurity and investment in Ethiopia Daniel Ayalew, Stefan Dercon, Madhur Gautam, Global Poverty Research Groups, May 2005
Human Development Report 2005 UNDP, 2005
Making cash count Save the Children UK, HelpAge International and Institute of Development Studies (IDS), 2005
Human rights and slum-upgrading Malcolm Langford, Leslie Quitzow and Virginia Roaf, Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE), 2005