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Country analysis > Swaziland Last update: 2020-11-27  

View archived documents
Swaziland: 2007 Article IV Consultation
International Monetary Fund (IMF), Mar 2008

Prime Minister's New Year (2008) statement
A.T. Dlamini, Government of Swaziland, 30 Dec 2007

Medium term budget policy statement: 2008/09 '? 2010/11
Majozi V. Sithole, Minister of Finance, Government of Swaziland, Nov 2007

Draft: Swaziland 365 day National Action Plan to end gender violence
Government of Swaziland and other stakeholders, 5 Jul 2007

Is social protection in southern Africa at a crossroads?, 26 Jun 2007

Pioneers, Partners, Providers: The Dynamics of Civil Society and AIDS Funding in Southern Africa
Karen Birdsall and Kevin Kelly, Centre for AIDS Development Research and Evaluation (CADRE), Jun 2007

Epidemic of Inequality: Women's rights and HIV/AIDS in Botswana and Swaziland. An evidence-based report on the effects of gender inequity, stigma and discrimination
Physicians for Human Rights, 2007

The extent and effects of casualisation in Southern Africa: Analysis of Lesotho, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe
Oupa Bodibe (editor), National Labour and Economic Development Institute (NALEDI), Nov 2006

The second National Multisectoral HIV and AIDS strategic plan 2006 '? 2008 (Swaziland)
The Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland, Jun 2006

Swaziland'?s 2006 budget
Jan Duvenage, Standard Bank Group Economics, 27 Feb 2006

Notes for Press Briefing by Stephen Lewis, UN Secretary-General'?s Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, on his February 2006 visit to Lesotho and Swaziland United Nations
Stephen Lewis, United Nations (UN), Feb 2006

Staff Report for the 2005 Article IV Consultation
International Monetary Fund (IMF), The Kingdom of Swaziland, 23 Jan 2006

Directory of development organisations

Swaziland - Budget speech 2006

Community solutions for Africa's AIDS orphans
Nicole Itano, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Jul 2005

FAO/WFP crop and food supply assessment mission to Swaziland
World Food Programme (WFP), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 23 Jun 2005

Draft - Poverty Reduction Strategy and Action Plan (PRSAP)
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, Kingdom of Swaziland, Mar 2005

Draft - Action programme for the reduction of poverty
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development, Kingdom of Swaziland, Mar 2005

Swaziland: economy profile 2005
Standard Bank, Jan 2005

Swaziland: Medium term budget policy statement, budget speech 2005, press statement
Majozi Sithole, Swaziland Government, 2005

Swaziland Assessment: HIV/AIDS and household economy in a Highveld Swaziland community
John Seaman and Celia Petty with Henry Narangui, Save the Children, 2005

United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development and United Nations Operational System, 2005

Kingdom of Swaziland: Country strategy paper 2005-2009
African Development Bank, Jan 2005

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Swaziland Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network
Swaziland: 2007 Article IV Consultation
Prime Minister's New Year (2008) statement
Medium term budget policy statement: 2008/09 '? 2010/11
Pioneers, Partners, Providers: The Dynamics of Civil Society and AIDS Funding in Southern Africa

Report on the civil society budget forum, 2003
Refugee protection in Swaziland
Draft - Poverty Reduction Strategy and Action Plan (PRSAP)

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