Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) SARPN thematic photo
Regional themes > HIV/AIDS Last update: 2020-11-27  

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Information note for the technical consultation on gender, property rights and livelihoods in the era of AIDS
Gender, Equity and Rural Employment Division (ESW), Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), 12 Dec 2007

AIDS epidemic update: December 2007
UNAIDS and World Health Organisation (WHO), Dec 2007

How are we doing? Comparative democratisation and development between Namibia and her peers
Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), Dec 2007

Hidden in the mealie meal: Gender-based abuses and women's HIV treatment in Zambia
Human Rights Watch (HRW), Dec 2007

Gender, property rights and livelihoods in the era of AIDS - Speech of the UN Special Envoy on AIDS
Elizabeth Mataka, UN Special Envoy on AIDS, 29 Nov 2007

Statement by the UN Special Envoy on AIDS in Africa, Elizabeth Mataka, on International Day Against Violence Against Women
Elizabeth Mataka, United Nations (UN), 25 Nov 2007

In Search of Sustainable Democratic Governance for Africa: Does Democracy Work for Developing Countries? Concept Note for 2nd Annual EISA Symposium 20-24 October 2007
EISA, 20 Oct 2007

Enhancing the role of Parliamentarians and Civil Society in Trade and Integration - Communique of the Regional Parliamentary-Civil Society Conference on Trade and Integration
SADC Parliamentary Forum and One World Action, 11 Oct 2007

Trends in Human Development and Human Poverty in Namibia: Background paper to the Namibia Human Development Report
Sebastian Levine, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Oct 2007

Letter from the President: MDGs - defences against the tsunami of world poverty
Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa, 21 Sep 2007

Undermining communities and the environment: A review of the International Finance Corporation'?s Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Mining
David M. Chambers, Stuart M. Levit, Payal Sampat, Scott Cardiff, Keith Slack, Marta Miranda, Nikki Reisch, Center for Science in Public Participation (CSP2), Earthworks, Oxfam International, WWF, Bank Information Center (BIC), Sep 2007

Food assistance programming in the context of HIV
World Food Programme (WFP) and the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA) Project, Sep 2007

Mapping multilateral Development Banks' reproductive health and HIV/AIDS spending
Suzanna Dennis and Elaine Zuckerman, Gender Action, Sep 2007

The state of responsible business: Global corporate response to environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges
Ethical Investment Research Services (EIRIS), Sep 2007

African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM): South Africa Country Review Report
African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), Sep 2007

2007 SADC Summit Communiqué (Lusaka, Zambia)
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 17 Aug 2007

Reclaiming SADC for peoples solidarity and development: Let the People Speak - Communique of the SADC People's Summit
Southern African People�?s Solidarity Network (SAPSN), 16 Aug 2007

Africa Review Report on Drought and Desertification
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Aug 2007

Draft: Gender strategy for local government in Namibia
Government of Namibia, 25 Jul 2007

International Women'?s Summit Programme: Women'?s Leadership on HIV and AIDS
World YWCA, International Community of Women Living with HIV and AIDS (ICW), 4 Jul 2007

Sommet international des femmes: Leadership des femmes en matière de VIH et SIDA
World YWCA, International Community of Women Living with HIV and AIDS (ICW), 4 Jul 2007

Regional workshop on "Strengthening responses to the Triple Threat in Southern Africa - learning from field programmes"
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 2 Jul 2007

Spotlight on development: Towards the Millennium Development Goals
Andrew Harris, Editor, NANGOF Trust, Jul 2007

Harsh realities of HIV/AIDS in the workplace: Exploring the role of labour in tackling the pandemic
Thulani Guliwe, NALEDI, Jul 2007

Transcending boundaries to improve the food security of HIV-affected households in rural Uganda
Katharine Coon, Jessica Ogden, John Odolon, Anthony Obudi-Owor, Charles Otim, James Byakigga, Peter Sebanja, 2007

Prevalence of HIV infection in conflict-affected and displaced people in seven sub-Saharan African countries: A systematic review
Paul B Spiegel, Anne Rygaard Bennedsen, Johanna Claass, Laurie Bruns, Njogu Patterson, Dieudonne Yiweza, Marian Schilperoord, UNHCR and University of Copenhagen, 30 Jun 2007

Briefing by Minister Aziz Pahad on current international issues
Deputy Minister Aziz Pahad, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, South Africa, 7 Jun 2007

Will the G8 deliver according to its broken promises?
Kumi Naidoo, CIVICUS, 6 Jun 2007

Africa and the Millennium Development Goals: 2007 Update
United Nations (UN), Jun 2007

Scaling-up HIV/AIDS financing and the role of macroeconomic policies in Kenya
Degol Hailu, International Poverty Centre, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Jun 2007

The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in South Africa
Kaiser Family Foundation, Jun 2007

The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa
Kaiser Family Foundation, Jun 2007

Home Truths: The phenomenon of residential care for children in a time of AIDS
Helen Meintjes, Sue Moses, Lizette Berry and Ruth Mampane, Children's Institute, University of Cape Town and Centre for the Study of AIDS, University of Pretoria, Jun 2007

Pioneers, Partners, Providers: The Dynamics of Civil Society and AIDS Funding in Southern Africa
Karen Birdsall and Kevin Kelly, Centre for AIDS Development Research and Evaluation (CADRE), Jun 2007

Capacity building for the promotion of trade and investment in Africa - challenges and strategies
Soumana Sako, George Kararach, African Capacity Building Foundation, Jun 2007

HIV/AIDS and Democratic Governance in Africa: Illustrating the impact on electoral processes
Kondwani Chirambo, IDASA, 22 May 2007

The fiscal implications of scaling up ODA to deal with the HIV/AIDS pandemic
Bernard Walters, International Poverty Centre, United Nations Development Programme, May 2007

Breakfree: The Zimbabwe coalition on debt and development - Monthly Newsletter
Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (Zimcodd), May 2007

A review of nutrition and food security approaches in HIV and AIDS programmes in Eastern and Southern Africa
Dora Panagides, Rick Graciano, Peter Atekyereza, Lilia Gerberg and Mickey Chopra, Helen Keller International / Makerere University / Congressional Hunger Center / Medical Research Council of South Africa, May 2007

Speech by the Acting Minister of Health, J Radebe, at the launch of the new South African National AIDS Council
Acting Minister of Health, J Radebe, Department of Health, South Africa, 30 Apr 2007

Healthy Development: The World Bank strategy for health, nutrition and population results
World Bank, 24 Apr 2007

Johannesburg Declaration of the 3rd Ordinary Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Health
African Ministers of Health, African Union (AU), 13 Apr 2007

Africa Health Strategy: 2007-2015
African Union, African Union (AU), 9 Apr 2007

Understanding how HIV/AIDS, agricultural systems, and food security are linked
Lori M. Hunter , Population Reference Bureau and University of Colorado, Boulder, Apr 2007

Accelerating Africa's Development to meet the MDGs: Challenges and the way forward for Southern Africa
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), 14 Mar 2007

Monetary policies for an MDG-related scaling up of ODA to combat HIV/AIDS
Matías Vernengo, Mar 2007

Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey 2005-06
Central Statistical Office, Zimbabwe and Macro International Inc, Mar 2007

Promoting employment and decent work for all - Towards a good practice model in Namibia
Bishop Dr. Z. Kameeta, Dr. Claudia Haarmann, Dr. Dirk Haarmann, Herbert Jauch, Basic Income Grant (BIG) Coalition, 7 Feb 2007

Why not '?front-load'? ODA for HIV/Aids?
John Serieux, Terry McKinley, International Poverty Centre (IPC) - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Feb 2007

Women and girls living with HIV/AIDS: Overview and annotated bibliography
Emily Esplen, BRIDGE and Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Feb 2007

Education Quality Enhancement Project, Kingdom of Lesotho (Appraisal Report)
Human Development Department, African Development Bank (AfDB), Feb 2007

Children and AIDS: A stocktaking report
UNAIDS, Unicef, World Health Organization (WHO), Jan 2007

Change, choice and power: Young women, livelihoods and HIV prevention
IPPF/UNFPA/Young Positives, 2007

Fighting the diseases of poverty
Edited by Philip Stevens, International Policy Network, 2007

Coordinating with communities. Part A: Background to involving communities
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO), the African Council of AIDS Service Organizations (AfriCASO) and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, 2007

Coordinating with communities. Part B: Taking action to involve communities
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO), the African Council of AIDS Service Organizations (AfriCASO) and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, 2007

Coordination avec les communautés. Partie A : Généralités sur l'?implication des communautés
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO), the African Council of AIDS Service Organizations (AfriCASO) and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, 2007

Coordination avec les communautés. Partie B : Actions à entreprendre en vue d'?impliquer les communautés
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO), the African Council of AIDS Service Organizations (AfriCASO) and the International HIV/AIDS Alliance, 2007

Epidemic of Inequality: Women's rights and HIV/AIDS in Botswana and Swaziland. An evidence-based report on the effects of gender inequity, stigma and discrimination
Physicians for Human Rights, 2007

Namibia: HIV/AIDS Community surveys 2007 findings (Rundu, Walvis Bay, Keetmanshoop, Oshakati)
Warren Parker and Cathy Connolly, CADRE/MRC, 2007

UN Country Coordination: building greater coherence for capacity development. Synthesis of Resident Coordinator Annual Reports 2006
Christoph Merdes, Henri-Leon Solomon, United Nations Development Group, 2007

Plano Económico e Social para 2007, Mozambique
Government of Mozambique, 2007

Monitoring child well-being: A South African rights-based approach
Editors: Andrew Dawes, Rachel Bray and Amelia van der Merwe, Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), 2007

Making Commitments Matter: A toolkit for young people to evaluate national youth policy
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, 2007

Pour Que Les Engagements Aient Un Sens: un guide pour aider les jeunes à évaluer la politique de la jeunesse dans leur pays
Département des affaires économiques et sociales du Secrétariat des Nations Unies, 2007

Botswana and International Human Rights Instruments
Parliamentarians for Women's Health (PWH), 2007

Analysing the response of a Teacher Training Institution to HIV and AIDS: A case study from Zambia
Lucinda Ramos, UNESCO Breda, 2007

Regional call to participate in strengthening civil society voices to influence policies in the context of HIV and AIDS

The forgotten tribe: People with disabilities in Zimbabwe
Tsitsi Choruma, Progressio, Jan 2007

Economic security for women fights AIDS
Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, 2007

The Macroeconomic Framework and the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa: The cases of Ghana and Malawi
African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), 2007

Zambia Human Development Report: Enhancing household capacity to respond to HIV and AIDS
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2007

Africa Development Indicators 2007
The World Bank / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 2007

Hunger and HIV: From food crisis to integrated care
Claire de Menezes, Susan Thurstans, Pamela Fergusson and Nynke Nutma, ACF International Network, 2007

Tell me more!: Children's rights and sexuality in the context of HIV/AIDS in Africa
Save the Children, Sweden, 2007

SARPN Newsflash: World Aids Day 2006
SARPN, 1 Dec 2006

Internet use among Ugandan adolescents: Implications for HIV intervention
Michele L. Ybarra, Julius Kiwanuka, Nneka Emenyonu, David R. Bangsberg, PLoS Medicine, Nov 2006

The power of information: Can NGOs in Zimbabwe take up the gauntlet and wield this weapon in the war against HIV/AIDS?
Lazarus Matizirofa, Gretchen J. Smith, University of Cape Town, Centre For Information Literacy, 25 Oct 2006

Was the 'ABC'? approach (Abstinence, Being faithful, using Condoms) responsible for Uganda'?s decline in HIV?
Elaine M. Murphy, Margaret E. Greene, Alexandra Mihailovic, Peter Olupot-Olupot, PLoS Medicine, Sep 2006

Draft guiding principles "Extreme poverty and human rights: the rights of the poor"
Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, United Nations Human Rights Council, 21 Aug 2006

Antiretroviral treatment in the Western Cape: A success story facilitated by the Global Fund
Trude Holm Naimak, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), University of Cape Town, Aug 2006

A light in the darkness of Machaze
Milton Machel, Oxfam GB, Aug 2006

Microfinance, gender equity vs HIV/Aids
City Press: 29/07/2006, 29 Jul 2006

Impact of AIDS on mothers and children in Mozambique: Press release 20 July 2006
Save the Children UK - Mozambique, 20 Jul 2006

Opening address by the Minister of Social Development, Dr Zola Skweyiya to the conference on orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS
Dr Zola Skweyiya, Department of Social Development (South Africa), 12 Jul 2006

Remarks by Stephen Lewis, UN Special Envoy for AIDS in Africa, to a high-level panel on UN Reform - 2 July 2006.
Stephen Lewis, United Nations (UN), 2 Jul 2006

How HIV and AIDS affect populations
Lori S. Ashford, Population Reference Bureau, Jul 2006

Declaration of young delegates who attended the OVC pre-conference workshop on 30th June '? 2nd July 2006 at Achterbergh Camp site, Krugersdorp
Department of Social Development (South Africa), 30 Jun 2006

HIV/AIDS, hunger and vulnerability in Southern Africa Brief No. 2
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), Concern, Oxfam International, 8 Jun 2006

The second National Multisectoral HIV and AIDS strategic plan 2006 '? 2008 (Swaziland)
The Government of the Kingdom of Swaziland, Jun 2006

Strengthening responses to the Triple Threat in the Southern Africa region - learning from field programmes in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia
Joint Project of Concern Worldwide (CW), Oxfam International (OI) and the Southern Africa Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), Jun 2006

HIV/AIDS, hunger and vulnerability in Southern Africa Brief No. 1
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), Concern, Oxfam International, 29 May 2006

Forum lecture: 'Normalising Testing - Normalising AIDS'
Edwin Cameron, 4 May 2006

Plano de Acção para a Redução da Pobreza Absoluta 2006-2009 (PARPA II)
Ministry of Planning and Development of Mozambique, 2 May 2006

UNAIDS 2006 - Report on the global AIDS epidemic: Executive summary
Joint Nations Prorgamme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), UNAIDS, May 2006

South Africa'?s '?Rollout'? of highly active antiretroviral therapy: A critical assessment
Nicoli Nattrass, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), University of Cape Town, May 2006

Building resilience: A rights-based approach to children and HIV/AIDS in Africa
Linda M. Richter and Sharmla Rama, Save the Children, May 2006

Internet tool supports youth reproductive health and HIV/AIDS policy development and implementation
YouthNet, May 2006

The Johannesburg position on HIV/AIDS and women's and girls' rights in Africa
Apr 2006

Como Viver de Forma Positiva: Um manual prático para facilitar a acção comunitária nas áreas afectadas pelo HIV/SIDA
Sam L J Page, Fortunate Nyakanda, CABI and CTA, Apr 2006

Excerpt from a speech by Stephen Lewis, UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa on the occasion of International Women's Day
Stephen Lewis, 8 Mar 2006

Africa adopts Brazzaville Commitment on scaling up towards universal access to HIV and AIDS prevention, treatment, care and support
World Health Organization (WHO), African Union (AU), UNAIDS, 8 Mar 2006

A pro-poor urban agenda for Africa: Clarifying ecological and development issues for poor and vulnerable populations
Joel Bolnick, Happy M Kayuni, Richard Mabala, Gordon McGranahan, Diana Mitlin, Sikhulile Nkhoma, Joh, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), Mar 2006

Progress on global access to HIV antiretroviral therapy: A report on "3 by 5" and beyond
World Health Organization, World Health Organization (WHO), Mar 2006

South Grasping the nettle: facing the challenges of HIV/AIDS on service delivery and local governance
Malachia Mathoho, Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), Mar 2006

Speech to a conference on UN Reform and Human Rights - by Stephen Lewis
Stephen Lewis, 26 Feb 2006

Notes for Press Briefing by Stephen Lewis, UN Secretary-General'?s Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, on his February 2006 visit to Lesotho and Swaziland United Nations
Stephen Lewis, United Nations (UN), Feb 2006

The effects of HIV/AIDS on agricultural production systems in Zambia: A restudy 1993-2005
Michael Drinkwater, Margaret McEwan and Fiona Samuels, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Feb 2006

Women'?s property rights and livelihoods in the context of HIV and AIDS
Edited by Kaori Izumi, FAO Sub-Regional Office for Southern and East Africa, Co-organised by Justice for Widows and Orphans Project, Zambia Law Development Commission and FAO, 25 Jan 2006

AIDS Analysis Africa Online - Jan / Feb 2006
Metropolitan Holdings, Jan 2006

The economic impact of AIDS Treatment: Labor supply in Western Kenya
Harsha Thirumurthy, Joshua Graff Zivin, Markus Goldstein, 1136066400

Report on workplace HIV/AIDS peer educators in South African companies
Dr David Dickinson, Wits Business School, University of the Witwatersrand, 2006

The impact of HIV/AIDS on crime in SA
Julian Naidoo, University of Maryland - Public Policy Program: Economics, 2006

Pathways to partnerships: Toolkit for NGOS and CBOs
International HIV/AIDS Alliance, 2006

Sustentabilidade das ONG AIDS
Grupo Pela Vidda/Rio de Janeiro, Grupo Pela Vidda/Niterói, Grupo de Incentivo à Vida, International HIV/AIDS Alliance, Programa Municipal de DST/Aids e Hepatite de Praia Grande/SP, 2006

Missing Mothers: Meeting the needs of children affected by AIDS
This report was written by Christina D�?Allesandro, with substantial input from Frances Ellery and Bill Bell., Save the Children UK, 2006

Missing on Mother'?s Day: A briefing
Save the Children UK, 2006

How do the youth in two communities make decisions about using condoms?
Donald Skinner, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), University of Cape Town, 2006

Conference theme: "Strengthening coordinated action for orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS (OVC)"
Department of Social Development (South Africa), 2006

HIV/AIDS, land-based livelihoods, and land reform in South Africa
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Jan 2006

Report on the global AIDS epidemic 2006 / Rapport sur l'?épidémie mondiale de SIDA
UNAIDS, 2006

Household survey of HIV-prevalence and behaviour in Chimanimani District, Zimbabwe, 2005
Exnevia Gomo, Simba Rusakaniko, Wilson Mashange, Junior Mutsvangwa, Brian Chandiwana, Shungu Munyati, 2006

Learning to live positively: A key development tool for promoting "treatment preparedness" amongst HIV/AIDS-affected rural communities in Africa
Sam Page, Brice Gbaguidi and Fortunate Nyakanda, CABI UK, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, African Farmers�? Organic Research and Training (AfFOResT), 2006

Comment Vivre Positivement: Un manuel pratique pour faciliter l'?action communautaire dans les zones affectées par le VIH/SIDA
Sam L J Page, Fortunate Nyakanda, CABI and CTA, 2006

Measuring Progress
Social Watch, 2006

Desperately seeking targets: the ethics of routine HIV testing in low-income countries
Stuart Rennie and Frieda Behets, World Health Organization (WHO), Jan 2006

Interactions between poverty and HIV/AIDS: call for conference papers
University of Cape Town, 12 Dec 2005

AIDS epidemic update - December 2005
UNAIDS, World Health Organization (WHO), Dec 2005

Statement by Stephen Lewis, UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, on World AIDS Day
Stephen Lewis, 1 Dec 2005

The Amy Biehl HIV/AIDS peer educators programme: An impact assessment of the valued benefits and disbenefits for the programme participants
Stephen Porter, Kim Wale, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), Dec 2005

Joint COSATU, SACC & TAC Press Statement: Stepping up civil society action to prevent and treat HIV
Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU), South African Council of Churches (SACC) & the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC), 23 Nov 2005

The demand for and impact of learning HIV status: Evidence from a field experiment
Rebecca Thornton, Harvard University, 11 Nov 2005

Maternal well-being, childcare and child adjustment in the context of HIV/AIDS: What does the psychological literature say?
René Brandt, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), Nov 2005

Report of the workshop on interventions to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on smallholder agriculture, food security and rural livelihoods in Southern Africa
Economic Commission for Africa, 17 Oct 2005

Spatial Planning, Land Development and Land Use Management in a Context of HIV and AIDS
Prepared by: Development Works, The South African Cities Network, Oct 2005

Letting them fail: Government neglect and the right to education for children affected by AIDS
Human Rights Watch, Oct 2005

Government's social development response to children made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS: Identifying gaps in policy and budgeting
Judith Streak, IDASA, 9 Sep 2005

HIV/AIDS and Human Security: An agenda for Africa
The Centre for Conflict Resolution (CCR), 9 Sep 2005

Remarks by Stephen Lewis, UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa: Aids Vaccine 2005 International Conference
Stephen Lewis, 6 Sep 2005

COSATU input to TAC Congress
Zwelinzima Vavi, COSATU, Sep 2005

Monitoring equity in ART provision in the context of Health Systems
REACH Trust Malawi, Southern African Network on Equity in Health (EQUINET) and the World Health Organisation (WHO), 29 Aug 2005

Budget allocations for HIV and AIDS in 2005/6 provincial social sector budgets: Implications for improved spending
Nhlanhla Ndlovu, IDASA, 5 Aug 2005

Food security and HIV/AIDS in southern Africa: Case studies and implications for future policy
ActionAid International, Aug 2005

Lewis questions results of G8 Summit: calls for independent, international women's agency; challenges scientists to engage in campaign of advocacy
Stephen Lewis, UN envoy on HIV/AIDS in Africa, 24 Jul 2005

Key policies endorsed at the 17th meeting of UNAIDS governing boards
UNAIDS, 5 Jul 2005

Stephen Lewis, UN Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, speaks to a meeting of civil society organizations on the WHO Report on Access to Treatment for AIDS: Nairobi, Kenya
Stephen Lewis, 4 Jul 2005

Putting faith in child care
Dr Geoff Foster, Jul 2005

Community solutions for Africa's AIDS orphans
Nicole Itano, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Jul 2005

Financing the response to HIV/AIDS in low and middle income countries: Funding for HIV/AIDS from the G7 and the European Commission
Jennifer Kates, The Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation, Jul 2005

Using empirical information in the era of HIV/AIDS to inform mitigation and rural development strategies: Selected results from African country studies
David Mather, Cynthia Donovan, Thomas Jayne, Michael Weber, Michigan State University, Jul 2005

Expanding access to HIV treatment through community-based organisations
Joint publication of Sidaction, The Joint United Nations Progamee for HIV/Aids (UNAIDS) and the World Health Organisation (WHO), Jul 2005

UNAIDS Guidelines on construction of core indicators
UNAIDS, Jul 2005

Policy framework for orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS in South Africa
Department of Social Development, South Africa, Jul 2005

Progress on Global Access to HIV antiretroviral therapy: An update on "3 by 5"
UNAIDS & World Health Organization (WHO), Jun 2005

An exploratory analysis of cross-country access to antiretroviral treatment
Nicoli Nattrass, Centre for Social Science Research, University of Cape Town, Jun 2005

Coping with HIV/Aids: A case analysis of the psychological experiences of poor, HIV positive mothers and women caregivers on HAART
René Brandt, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), Jun 2005

AIDS, poverty and malnutrition: a review of the household survey literature
Robert van Niekerk, Michael Samson, Carrie Green, Oxford University, Economic Policy Research Institute, Williams College, Jun 2005

Developing regional guidelines on HIV/AIDS in the informal cross-border trade sector in the SADC region
Partnership on HIV/AIDS and Mobile Populations in Southern Africa (PHAMSA), 19 May 2005

Initiating HIV AIDS community programmes: the Project Support Association of Southern Africa from 1996 to 2004
Dr Kelvin Billinghurst, PSASA, May 2005

International conference on HIV/AIDS, food and nutrition security
Stuart Gillespie, IFPRI, Apr 2005

HIV/AIDS nutrition and food security: looking to future challenges
Tony Barnett, London School of Economics, 2005

The well-being of children affected by HIV/AIDS in Lusaka, Zambia, and Gitarama Province, Rwanda: Findings from a study
Minki Chatterji, Leanne Dougherty, Tom Ventimiglia, Yvonne Mulenga, Andrew Jones, Antoinette Mukanez, Futures Group, Apr 2005

HIV-related stigma, discrimination and human rights violations: Case studies of successful programmes
UNAIDS, Apr 2005

The less they know, the better: abstinence-only HIV/AIDS programs in Uganda
Human Rights Watch, Mar 2005

Women's nutrition throughout the life cycle and in the context of HIV and Aids
USAID, AED and Linkages, Mar 2005

AIDS orphans and vulnerable children (OVC): Problems, responses, and issues for Congress
Tiaji Salaam, Congressional Research Service (CRS), 11 Feb 2005

Malawi Assessment: The impact of HIV/AIDS on household economy in two villages in Salima district
John Seaman and Celia Petty with James Acidri, Save the Children, Feb 2005

Challenges in the implementation of Women's Human Rights: Field Perspectives
Sarah Forti, COWI A/S, 1 Feb 2005

Two statements on HIV/AIDS issues in Botswana
31 Jan 2005

AIDS in Africa: Three scenarios to 2025
UNAIDS, Jan 2005

HIV/AIDS and the agricultural sector in eastern and southern africa: anticipating the consequences
T.S. Jayne, Marcela Villarreal, Prabhu Pingali, Günter Hemrich, Michigan State University, 2005

GTZ fact sheets: impact of HIV/AIDS on rural development, private sector promotion, micro-finance, technical education and vocational training, education
GTZ, 2005

HIV Aids and gender impact report
Zambia Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, 2005

Poverty and labour market markers of HIV+ households: an exploratory methodological analysis
Haroon Bhorat and Najma Shaikh, Development Policy Research Unit, University of Cape Town & Provincial Administration of the Western Cape, 2005

An exploratory analysis of HIV and AIDS donor funding in South Africa
Nhlanhla Ndlovu, IDASA, 2005

Mozambique Assessment: The impact of HIV/AIDS on household economy
Celia Petty, Kerry Selvester, John Seaman and James Acidri, Save the Children, 2005

Swaziland Assessment: HIV/AIDS and household economy in a Highveld Swaziland community
John Seaman and Celia Petty with Henry Narangui, Save the Children, 2005

Helping children in the time of HIV and AIDS Resource Booklets
Children's Institute, University of Cape Town, 2005

The UNAIDS Directory: UN Regional Responses to HIV/AIDS in Eastern and Southern Africa
UNAIDS, 2005

Integration of HIV/AIDS into APRM
Bunmi Makinwa, UNAIDS Country Coordinator/ Ethiopia and Representative for African Regional Organisa, UNAIDS, 2005

Patterns of migration, settlement and dynamics of HIV/AIDS in South Africa
Gayatri Singh, Forced Migration Studies Programme, University of the Witwatersrand, The South African Cities Network, 2005

The challenge of mainstreaming HIV/AIDS in organisations: Prowling lions and sleeping dogs

Buckling - The impact of AIDS in South Africa
Hein Marais, Centre for the Study of AIDS, University of Pretoria, 2005

Livestock sector guide
Socio-Economic and Gender Analysis Programme (SEAGA), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), 2005

Impact of HIV/AIDS on African agriculture and the role of the Consultative Group on agricultural research
Annmarie J. Kormawa, 2005

Under the Radar: Community Safety Nets for Children Affected by HIV/AIDS in Poor Households in Sub-Saharan Africa
Geoff Foster, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD), Jan 2005

Follow-up to the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS
Ministry of Health and Social Services, Republic of Namibia, 2005

AIDS and economic growth: A human capital approach
Scott McDonald and Jennifer Roberts, Department of Economics, University of Sheffield, Aug 2004

Search this category:

Transcending boundaries to improve the food security of HIV-affected households in rural Uganda
Hidden in the mealie meal: Gender-based abuses and women's HIV treatment in Zambia
Tell me more!: Children's rights and sexuality in the context of HIV/AIDS in Africa
How are we doing? Comparative democratisation and development between Namibia and her peers

The impact of HIV/AIDS on Southern Africa`s Children: Poverty of planning and planning of poverty
Report of the Consultation Meeting on HIV/AIDS and the Southern Africa Humanitarian Crisis
Feedback report on communities reactions to the findings on the study of HIV/AIDS and its impacts on land tenure and livelihoods in Lesotho

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