Role of CSOs in monitoring Policies and Progress on MDGs
Elijah Wachira
27 June 2007
Paper presented at the SARPN policy dialogue: "It is almost half-time": Will the SADC Region Achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the Target Date of 2015?
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How can civil society monitor progress Policies and MDGs?
Monitoring spans the entire policy cycle – from needs analysis through implementation to review
Monitoring implementation of PRSP represents the short and medium term results, with a focus on inputs and outputs
Monitoring progress on MDGs involves measuring outcomes and impact of the PRSP (and other interventions) – on a longer term basis
Civil Society can contribute through:
Engaging periodic progress reports e.g. Household Budget Surveys, Participatory Poverty Assessments, MDG Reports
Participation in conducting PPA
Preparation of MDG reports
Independent and credible policy research
Micro-level, non-policy oriented participatory research which presents issues from the point of view of poor people
offers policy makers insights that are relevant to policy formulation and implementation of poverty reduction policy
impossible to capture through research tools which pay less attention to micro-level social dynamics, context and holistic analysis of problems
public awareness of results to stimulate citizen interest in keeping track of progress and changes in addressing poverty