UNICEF: Consolidated donor report 2007 Mozambique The United Nations Children�?s Fund (UNICEF), Feb 2008
How are we doing? Comparative democratisation and development between Namibia and her peers Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), Dec 2007
Hidden in the mealie meal: Gender-based abuses and women's HIV treatment in Zambia Human Rights Watch (HRW), Dec 2007
Joint Statement of the 10th China-EU Summit: Beijing, 28 November 2007 China-EU Summit, 28 Nov 2007
The African food system and its interactions with health and nutrition UNU-Cornell Africa Series , 13 Nov 2007
South Africa: Community Survey 2007 Statistics South Africa, 24 Oct 2007
How can the analysis of power and process in policy-making improve health outcomes? Moving the agenda forward Kent Buse and Clare Dickinson, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), HLSP Institute, Oct 2007
Community-Based Worker Systems '? a possible solution to more services, reaching many communities, and within budget: CBW partners in South Africa, Lesotho, Uganda and Kenya Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Oct 2007
Letter from the President: MDGs - defences against the tsunami of world poverty Thabo Mbeki, President of South Africa, 21 Sep 2007
The impact of unconditional cash transfers on nutrition: The South African child support grant Jorge M. Agüero, Michael R. Carter, Ingrid Woolard, International Poverty Centre (IPC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Sep 2007
Food assistance programming in the context of HIV World Food Programme (WFP) and the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance (FANTA) Project, Sep 2007
Mapping multilateral Development Banks' reproductive health and HIV/AIDS spending Suzanna Dennis and Elaine Zuckerman, Gender Action, Sep 2007
The state of responsible business: Global corporate response to environmental, social and governance (ESG) challenges Ethical Investment Research Services (EIRIS), Sep 2007
New Partnership for Africa's Development: Fifth consolidated report on progress in implementation and international support Secretary-General, United Nations General Assembly, 3 Aug 2007
Freedom to innovate: Biotechnology in Africa'?s development - report of the High-level African Panel on Modern Biotechnology Calestous Juma and Ismail Serageldin, African Union (AU) and New Partnership for Africa�?s Development (NEPAD), Aug 2007
Water provision for the poor: How ideology muddies the debate Alex Nash, International Policy Network (IPN), Aug 2007
Poverty trends since the transition: What we know Servaas van der Berg, Megan Louw, Leon du Toit, Department of Economics, Stellenbosch University, Aug 2007
Why inclusion of services in the EPAs is problematic: Legal and development implications South Centre, Aug 2007
The costs and benefits of health worker migration from East and Southern Africa (ESA): A literature review Rudi Robinson, The North-South Institute, Aug 2007
Draft: Gender strategy for local government in Namibia Government of Namibia, 25 Jul 2007
"How can services operate at scale to promote sustainable livelihoods in Limpopo?" Report from the Khanya-aicdd Seminar in Limpopo, South Africa Khanya - African Institute for Community-Driven Development (Khanya �? aicdd), 20 Jul 2007
International Women'?s Summit Programme: Women'?s Leadership on HIV and AIDS World YWCA, International Community of Women Living with HIV and AIDS (ICW), 4 Jul 2007
Sommet international des femmes: Leadership des femmes en matière de VIH et SIDA World YWCA, International Community of Women Living with HIV and AIDS (ICW), 4 Jul 2007
Spotlight on development: Towards the Millennium Development Goals Andrew Harris, Editor, NANGOF Trust, Jul 2007
Human resources for health: A gender analysis Asha George, Women and Gender Equity Knowledge Network, Jul 2007
Implications of the 2007/08 budget in the development of health sector, Tanzania Paul Smithson, Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre (IHRDC), 19 Jun 2007
Social protection and poverty reduction in Southern Africa Professor Marius Olivier, Centre for International and Comparative Labour and Social Security Law (CICLASS), University of Johannesburg, 9 Jun 2007
Speech by the Minister of Social Development, Z Skweyiya, at the International Bi-regional Conference on Social Protection Minister Z Skweyiya , Ministry of Social Development, 7 Jun 2007
Briefing by Minister Aziz Pahad on current international issues Deputy Minister Aziz Pahad, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, South Africa, 7 Jun 2007
Will the G8 deliver according to its broken promises? Kumi Naidoo, CIVICUS, 6 Jun 2007
Acting with common purpose: Proceedings of the first session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction Geneva, 5-7 June 2007 United Nations - International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), 5 Jun 2007
Africa and the Millennium Development Goals: 2007 Update United Nations (UN), Jun 2007
Development Indicators Mid-Term Review: South Africa Presidency of South Africa, Jun 2007
The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in South Africa Kaiser Family Foundation, Jun 2007
The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa Kaiser Family Foundation, Jun 2007
Strengthening efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger, including through the global partnership for development: Report of the Secretary General United Nations Secretary General, United Nations, 1 Jun 2007
Protecting health in the proposed Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between East and Southern African (ESA) countries and the European Union Network on Equity in Health in Southern Africa (EQUINET) and Southern and Eastern African Trade, Information and Negotiations Institute (SEATINI), Jun 2007
'Global cause' and effect: How the global aid system is undermining the Millennium Development Goals WaterAid, Jun 2007
Beyond any drought: Root causes of chronic vulnerability in the Sahel Pippa Trench, John Rowley, Marthe Diarra, Fernand Sano, Boubacar Keita, The Sahel Working Group, Jun 2007
Community-based management of severe acute malnutrition World Health Organization (WHO), World Food Programme (WFP), United Nations (UN), May 2007
Growth with responsibility in a globalized world '? Findings of the Shadow G-8 Joseph E. Stiglitz, Stephany Griffith-Jones , Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, May 2007
From Wolfowitz to Zoellick: An opportunity lost - Bretton Woods Update, May-June 2007 Bretton Woods Project, May 2007
Following the money: Toward better tracking of global health resources Global Health Resource Tracking Working Group / Center for Global Development, May 2007
Meeting needs for reproductive health services in post-conflict environments: CARE's Family Planning Project in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Catherine Toth, Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE), May 2007
Healthy Development: The World Bank strategy for health, nutrition and population results World Bank, 24 Apr 2007
Early lessons from implementation of climate change adaptation projects in South-eastern Africa International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) and SouthSouthNorth (SSN), 24 Apr 2007
Johannesburg Declaration of the 3rd Ordinary Session of the African Union Conference of Ministers of Health
African Ministers of Health, African Union (AU), 13 Apr 2007
Africa Health Strategy: 2007-2015 African Union, African Union (AU), 9 Apr 2007
Beyond the Divide: The covenant on economic, social and cultural rights and the World Trade Organization Robert Howse and Ruti G. Teitel, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung , Apr 2007
Zimbabwe Demographic and Health Survey 2005-06 Central Statistical Office, Zimbabwe and Macro International Inc, Mar 2007
Women and girls living with HIV/AIDS: Overview and annotated bibliography Emily Esplen, BRIDGE and Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Feb 2007
Concessions to Poverty: The environmental, social and economic impacts of industrial logging concessions in Africa's rainforests The Rainforest Foundation and Forests Monitor, Feb 2007
Africa Progress Panel Communiqué Africa Progress Panel, 2007
Childhood poverty in Mozambique: A situation and trends analysis UNICEF, 2007
Because I am a Girl: The state of the world's girls 2007 Plan International / Plan UK, 2007
Fighting the diseases of poverty Edited by Philip Stevens, International Policy Network, 2007
The Policy Gap: A review of the corporate social responsibility programmes of the platinum mining industry in the North West Province Bench Marks Foundation, 2007
Namibia: HIV/AIDS Community surveys 2007 findings (Rundu, Walvis Bay, Keetmanshoop, Oshakati) Warren Parker and Cathy Connolly, CADRE/MRC, 2007
Plano Económico e Social para 2007, Mozambique Government of Mozambique, 2007
Monitoring child well-being: A South African rights-based approach Editors: Andrew Dawes, Rachel Bray and Amelia van der Merwe, Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), 2007
Making Commitments Matter: A toolkit for young people to evaluate national youth policy Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations, 2007
Pour Que Les Engagements Aient Un Sens: un guide pour aider les jeunes à évaluer la politique de la jeunesse dans leur pays Département des affaires économiques et sociales du Secrétariat des Nations Unies, 2007
Botswana and International Human Rights Instruments Parliamentarians for Women's Health (PWH), 2007
Addressing formal and substantive citizenship: Gender justice in Sub-Saharan Africa Celestine Nyamu-Musembi, International Development Research Centre (IDRC), 2007
The forgotten tribe: People with disabilities in Zimbabwe Tsitsi Choruma, Progressio, Jan 2007
Economic security for women fights AIDS Global Coalition on Women and AIDS, 2007
The Macroeconomic Framework and the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa: The cases of Ghana and Malawi African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), 2007
Financing public health care: Insurance, user fees, or taxes? Welfare comparisons in Tanzania Deograsias P. Mushi , Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA), 2007
Human security, vulnerability and sustainable adaptation Karen O�?Brien and Robin Leichenko , Human Development Report Office , 2007
Turning vision 2020 into Reality: From recovery to sustatinable human development - Rwanda National Human Development Report United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2007
Hunger and HIV: From food crisis to integrated care Claire de Menezes, Susan Thurstans, Pamela Fergusson and Nynke Nutma, ACF International Network, 2007
Is Malawi'?s fiscal crisis over? A donor perspective Alan Whitworth, Department for International Development (DFID), 2007
Pro-poor rural economic and enterprise development: A framework for analysis and action (REED) Dr. Junior Davis, Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Greenwich, Dec 2006
Internet use among Ugandan adolescents: Implications for HIV intervention Michele L. Ybarra, Julius Kiwanuka, Nneka Emenyonu, David R. Bangsberg, PLoS Medicine, Nov 2006
Unjust Waters: Climate change, flooding and the protection of poor urban communities - experiences from six African cities ActionAid International, Nov 2006
Draft guiding principles "Extreme poverty and human rights: the rights of the poor" Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, United Nations Human Rights Council, 21 Aug 2006
Antiretroviral treatment in the Western Cape: A success story facilitated by the Global Fund Trude Holm Naimak, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), University of Cape Town, Aug 2006
Opening address by the Minister of Social Development, Dr Zola Skweyiya to the conference on orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS Dr Zola Skweyiya, Department of Social Development (South Africa), 12 Jul 2006
Declaration of young delegates who attended the OVC pre-conference workshop on 30th June '? 2nd July 2006 at Achterbergh Camp site, Krugersdorp Department of Social Development (South Africa), 30 Jun 2006
Forum lecture: 'Normalising Testing - Normalising AIDS' Edwin Cameron, 4 May 2006
Plano de Acção para a Redução da Pobreza Absoluta 2006-2009 (PARPA II) Ministry of Planning and Development of Mozambique, 2 May 2006
South Africa'?s '?Rollout'? of highly active antiretroviral therapy: A critical assessment Nicoli Nattrass, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), University of Cape Town, May 2006
Understanding the links between agriculture and health Edited by Corinna Hawkes and Marie T. Ruel, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), May 2006
The Johannesburg position on HIV/AIDS and women's and girls' rights in Africa Apr 2006
Como Viver de Forma Positiva: Um manual prático para facilitar a acção comunitária nas áreas afectadas pelo HIV/SIDA Sam L J Page, Fortunate Nyakanda, CABI and CTA, Apr 2006
The World Health Report 2006 - Working together for health World Health Organization (WHO), 2006
Missing Mothers: Meeting the needs of children affected by AIDS This report was written by Christina D�?Allesandro, with substantial input from Frances Ellery and Bill Bell., Save the Children UK, 2006
Missing on Mother'?s Day: A briefing Save the Children UK, 2006
How do the youth in two communities make decisions about using condoms? Donald Skinner, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), University of Cape Town, 2006
Conference theme: "Strengthening coordinated action for orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS (OVC)" Department of Social Development (South Africa), 2006
Tackling poverty and health inequalities '? A social determinants approach: The role of Health Services and Local Government on the island of Ireland Professor Cecily Kelleher, 2006
Comment Vivre Positivement: Un manuel pratique pour faciliter l'?action communautaire dans les zones affectées par le VIH/SIDA Sam L J Page, Fortunate Nyakanda, CABI and CTA, 2006
Measuring Progress Social Watch, 2006
Desperately seeking targets: the ethics of routine HIV testing in low-income countries Stuart Rennie and Frieda Behets, World Health Organization (WHO), Jan 2006
Maternal well-being, childcare and child adjustment in the context of HIV/AIDS: What does the psychological literature say? René Brandt, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), Nov 2005
Monitoring equity in ART provision in the context of Health Systems REACH Trust Malawi, Southern African Network on Equity in Health (EQUINET) and the World Health Organisation (WHO), 29 Aug 2005
Global Health Action 2005 - 2006 Editors: Alison Whyte, David McCoy, Mike Rowson, Global Health Watch, Jul 2005
Action Pour La Sante Globale 2005 - 2006 Editeurs: Alison Whyte, David McCoy, Mike Rowson, Global Health Watch, Jul 2005
Coping with HIV/Aids: A case analysis of the psychological experiences of poor, HIV positive mothers and women caregivers on HAART René Brandt, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), Jun 2005
Health seeking behaviour in northern KwaZulu-Natal Anne Case, Alicia Menendez, Cally Ardington, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR) / University of Cape Town (UCT), May 2005
Stephen Lewis: University of Pennsylvania's Summit on Global Issues in Women's Health Stephen Lewis, 26 Apr 2005
The Malawi ITN Delivery Model Population Services International (PSI), Apr 2005
Margaret Grieco: Toolkit on gender, transport and maternal mortality in Africa Margaret Grieco, Mar 2005
Health and Poverty Linkages: perspectives of the chronically poor Ursula Grant, DFID Health System Resource Centre, Feb 2005
Challenges in the implementation of Women's Human Rights: Field Perspectives Sarah Forti, COWI A/S, 1 Feb 2005
Health and the Millenium Development Goals World Health Organisation, 2005
The real determinants of health Phillip Stevens, director of Health Projects, International Policy Network, 2005
AIDS and economic growth: A human capital approach Scott McDonald and Jennifer Roberts, Department of Economics, University of Sheffield, Aug 2004