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Communiqué of SARPN round table on Democracy, Poverty and Development: Perspectives and Lessons from SADC Island States
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) and CSOs, 19 Jul 2007

Communiqué La démocratie, la pauvreté et le développement : Perspective et leçons des îles-états de la SADC
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 19 Jul 2007

Taxing agricultural land: A policy instrument for land use intensification, local development and land market reform
Malcolm D. Childress, Peter Hansen, David Solomon, Rogier van den Brink, University of Witwatersrand / World Bank, 10 Jul 2007

History of Land Concentration and Land Reforms
Hans P. Binswanger-Mkhize, Klaus Deininger, World Bank, 9 Jul 2007

China's Land (re)Distribution and Economic Development
Xiaopeng Luo, Zuhui Huang and Wenrong Qian, China Academy for Rural Development, Zhejiang University, 9 Jul 2007

Land Redistribution in Zimbabwe
Simon Pazvakavambwa, Former Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Lands, Land Reform and Resettlement, Zimbabwe, 9 Jul 2007

Learning from Old and New Approaches to Land Reform in India
Tim Hanstad, Rural Development Institute, 9 Jul 2007

Expropriating Land in Brazil: principles and practices
Zander Navarro, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul / Research fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, 9 Jul 2007

Negotiated Agrarian Reform in Brazil: principles and practice
Gerd Sparovek and Rodrigo Fernando Maule, University of São Paulo, 9 Jul 2007

Land Redistribution in South Africa: Progress to Date
Edward Lahiff, Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies (PLAAS), University of the Western Cape, 9 Jul 2007

History and Role of Social Movements
Sam Moyo, African Institute for Agrarian Studies, 9 Jul 2007

Setting up the Overall Framework for Land Reform
Sam Moyo, African Institute for Agrarian Studies, 9 Jul 2007

A case study on designing, piloting and scaling-up a land redistribution programme in Malawi
Stephen Machira, CBRLD Project Manager, Government of Malawi, 9 Jul 2007

Monitoring and evaluation of land policies and land reform
Klaus Deininger, World Bank, 9 Jul 2007

Current Macroeconomic Frameworks, challenges and alternatives for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Jesimen T. Chipika , 27 Jun 2007

Assessing resource mobilization and management strategies for MDGs in SADC
Charles Mutasa, 27 Jun 2007

MDGs: Promises and actions - It is almost half-time
Henri Valot, Civicus, Global Call to Action against Poverty, 27 Jun 2007

Role of CSOs in monitoring Policies and Progress on MDGs
Elijah Wachira, UNDP RSC, 27 Jun 2007

Report of the SARPN policy dialogue: 'It Is Almost Half Time'?: Will the SADC Region Achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the Target Date of 2015?
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 27 Jun 2007

Report of the SARPN-IGD Policy Dialogue on the Impact of Liberalisation on the South African Economy: The case of the tourism and clothing sectors
Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) , 23 May 2007

Summary report: Regional civil society consultation on the Commission for Africa report
SARPN, 14 Jun 2005

CSO experiences of monitoring food security issues in Southern Africa
SARPN, 24 May 2005

The political dimensions of poverty reduction - the case of Zambia: Some summary findings and questions
Benjamin Roberts, HSRC/SARPN, Mar 2005

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Communiqué La démocratie, la pauvreté et le développement : Perspective et leçons des îles-états de la SADC
Report of the SARPN policy dialogue: 'It Is Almost Half Time'?: Will the SADC Region Achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the Target Date of 2015?
History of Land Concentration and Land Reforms
Communiqué of SARPN round table on Democracy, Poverty and Development: Perspectives and Lessons from SADC Island States

Commission for Africa - Southern African Consultation
Reports of the Taylor Committee into a social security system for South Africa - Essential reading on poverty issues in South Africa
Summary report: Regional civil society consultation on the Commission for Africa report

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