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Regional themes > Poverty reduction frameworks and critiques Last update: 2020-11-27  

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Monetary policies for an MDG-related scaling up of ODA to combat HIV/AIDS
Matías Vernengo, Mar 2007

MDGs: Misunderstood targets?
Jan Vandemoortele, International Poverty Centre (IPC) - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Jan 2007

The MDG Poster Book: Contributions by local communities to attaining the UN Millennium Development Goals - A new tool for analysing and showcasing development projects
GTZ, 2007

Privatising basic utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa: The MDG impact
Kate Bayliss and Terry McKinley, International Poverty Centre (IPC) - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Jan 2007

Why localise the MDGs, what's the big deal
Sherpard Zvigadza , ZERO Regional Environment Organisation, 2007

Biodiversity for the Millennium Development Goals: What local organisations can do
Dilys Roe, Ivan Bond, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 2007

What is poverty: Concepts and measures
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Dec 2006

The Millennium Villages Project '? a new approach to ending rural poverty in Africa?
Lídia Cabral, John Farrington and Eva Ludi, Overseas Development Institute (ODI) - Natural Resource Perspectives, Aug 2006

Are the planned increases in aid too much of a good thing?
Owen Barder, Center for Global Development, Jul 2006

Can privatisation and commercialisation of public services help achieve the MDGs? An assessment
Kate Bayliss and Tim Kessler, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Jul 2006

A review of ex-ante poverty impact assessments of macroeconomic policies in Cameroon and Ghana
Nicholas Adamtey, Vitus Azeem and Samuel Fambon, Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC) and University of Yaoundé II, Jul 2006

Poverty unperceived: Traps, biases and agenda
Robert Chambers, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Jul 2006

MDGs e-Monitor Newsletter: Issue No. 1, May 2006
Zimbabwe SusWatch Network,, May 2006

European and Chinese perspectives on development and the MDG agenda: What to expect from current reform efforts at the United Nations?
Thomas Fues, 24 Apr 2006

Global Monitoring Report 2006
The World Bank, 2006

Micro-simulating child poverty in 2010 and 2020
Mike Brewer, James Browne and Holly Sutherland, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2006

Socio-demographic scenarios for children to 2020
Philip Rees and John Parsons, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2006

MDGs in the just ended UN Summit - The role of the private sector in achieving the MDGs
Vitalice Meja, AFRODAD, Oct 2005

The costs of meeting the MDGs in Zambia
Chrispin Mphuka, University of Zambia, The Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR), the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) and the Catholic Centre for Justice, Development and Peace (CCJDP), Oct 2005

United Nations Summit - was it worth it?
Peter Henriot, Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR), 17 Sep 2005

2005 World Summit Outcomes
United Nations: General Assembly, 15 Sep 2005

2005 World Summit Outcome
United Nations (UN), 14 Sep 2005

UN Summit - Draft outcome document
13 Sep 2005

Finding gender in the MDGs
Colleen Lowe Morna, Janine Moolman, Genderlinks, 10 Sep 2005

Final Resolution adopted by the African Regional Model United Nations
World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA), 8 Sep 2005

Meeting the challenges of Africa's development: A World Bank group action plan
Africa Region, World Bank, 7 Sep 2005

Let's not waste this opportunity: Communique put forward by the UBUNTU Forum for the forthcoming UN Summit of Heads of State and Government
UBUNTU, 5 Sep 2005

Civil Society speaks out: Summary based on civil society documents and submissions - Our goals and visions including commentary on the South African Government MDG Country Report
People's Budget Campaign, Sep 2005

Innovative ways of making aid effective in Ghana: Tied aid versus direct budgetary support
Peter Quartey, United Nations Global Policy Forum, Sep 2005

The Millennium Development Goals in Africa: Progress and Challenges
Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Aug 2005

Informal interactive hearings of the General Assembly with representatives of non-governmental organisations, civil society organisations and the private sector
21 Jul 2005

Six myths about the benefits of foreign investment
James Petras, 2 Jul 2005

UNDP regional service centre to launch regional support initiative for CSO engagement in PRS and MDG processes
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), Jul 2005

Financing development towards the MDGs: What needs to be done?
Sony Kapoor and Meenoo Kapoor, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Jul 2005

Global governance campaigning and MDGs: From top-down to bottom-up anti-poverty work
Patrick Bond, Centre for Civil Society, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Jul 2005

But the children cannot wait
Global Movement for Children, Jun 2005

Compilation of NGO Comments on: "In larger freedom: towards security, development and human rights for all"
United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (Un-NGLS), Jun 2005

International Migration and the Millennium Development Goals: Selected Papers of the UNFPA Expert Group Meeting
United Nations Population Fund, 11 May 2005

Unleashing capacities to achieve the MDGs: a summary note
UNDP/Chr. Michelsen Institute, 1 May 2005

Review of progress towards the Millennium Development Goals in Africa
Department of Social Affairs, African Union Commission, May 2005

EU report on the Millennium Development Goals 2000-2004
The European Commission, 12 Apr 2005

Achieving the Millenium Development Goals in Africa: an issues paper
ECA, 6 Apr 2005

More than a numbers game?
Trocaire, Apr 2005

The Millennium Development Goals and Migration
Erica Usher, International Organisation for Migration, Apr 2005

In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all
United Nations, 21 Mar 2005

One in two: Children are the key to Africa's future
Save the Children, 2005

Local ownership of the MDGs: a case study of the Republic of Mauritius
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2005

Structural injustice and the MDGs: a critical analysis of the Zambian experience
Ciara Gaynor, Trócaire, 2005

Policy options for meeting the MDGs in Sub-Saharan Africa
Charles Mutasa, AFRODAD, 2005

We the peoples 2005 Special Report: The UN Millennium Declaration and beyond
The North-South Institute and World Federation of United Nations Associations, 2005

The politics of the MDGs and the Rainbow Nation
African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), 2005

Global partnership, human rights and the global call against poverty in the context of MDGs
Charles Mutasa, African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), 2005

Health and the Millenium Development Goals
World Health Organisation, 2005

The Millenium Development Goals - Europe Cares... : Focus on Africa
European Commission: Development, 2005

Sub-Saharan Africa - the human costs of the 2015 'business-as-usual' scenario
Human Development Report Office - UNDP, 2005

South Africa Millennium Development Goals Country Report 2005

Tanzania and the Millenium Development Goals: A critical appraisal of the Global Partnership for Development
African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), 2005

5 key points for the 2005 Summit
The briefing was produced by Development iniatives, a partner in the Chronic Poverty Research Centre, 2005

En Route to Equality: A Gender Review of National MDG Reports
Bureau of Development Policy, UNDP, 2005

The central role of local organisations in meeting the MDGs
Edited by Tom Bigg & David Satterthwaite, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 2005

Investing in Development: A practical plan to achieve the Millennium Development Goals
UN Millennium Project, Jan 2005

The Millenium Development Goals: A guide for South African civil society
Quinn Bernier, Annie Chimphango and Thabang Ngcozela, Environmental Monitoring Group, 2005

The ethical poverty line as a tool to measure global absolute poverty
Peter Edward, 2005

Poverty and globalization: What are we talking about when we talk about poverty?
Social Watch, 2005

Search this category:

Biodiversity for the Millennium Development Goals: What local organisations can do
Why localise the MDGs, what's the big deal
Monetary policies for an MDG-related scaling up of ODA to combat HIV/AIDS
Privatising basic utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa: The MDG impact

Is MDG8 on track as a global deal for human development?
MDGs in the just ended UN Summit - The role of the private sector in achieving the MDGs
The ethical poverty line as a tool to measure global absolute poverty

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