World Economic Forum on Africa: Raising the bar World Economic Forum, 13 Jun 2007
Is Tony Blair'?s legacy on Africa at risk? Simon Maxwell , Overseas Development Institute (ODI), 8 May 2007
Why is Africa constrained from spending ODA? Terry McKinley, International Poverty Centre (IPC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), May 2007
Examining the African Development Bank: A primer for NGOs Shannon Lawrence, Bank Information Center, May 2007
African Development Bank Financial and Operational Analysis for year 2006 African Development Bank, May 2007
The impact of relative prices on welfare and inequality in Brazil, 1995-2005 Sergei Suarez Dillon Soares and Rafael Guerreiro Osório, International Poverty Centre (IPC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), May 2007
Debating the provision of basic utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa: a response to Nellis Kate Bayliss, Ben Fine, International Poverty Centre (IPC), Apr 2007
Distinguishing chronic poverty from transient poverty in Brazil: Developing a model for pseudo-panel data Rafael Perez Ribas and Ana Flávia Machado, International Poverty Centre; Center for Development and Regional Planning, Apr 2007
Monetary policies for an MDG-related scaling up of ODA to combat HIV/AIDS Matías Vernengo, Mar 2007
Analysing and achieving pro-poor growth United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Mar 2007
Do no harm: Aid, weak institutions, and the missing middle in Africa Nancy Birdsall, Center for Global Development, Mar 2007
Explaining the poverty difference between inland and coastal China Guanghua Wan and Yin Zhang, United Nations University - World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER), Feb 2007
MDGs: Misunderstood targets? Jan Vandemoortele, International Poverty Centre (IPC) - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Jan 2007
The MDG Poster Book: Contributions by local communities to attaining the UN Millennium Development Goals - A new tool for analysing and showcasing development projects GTZ, 2007
Privatising basic utilities in Sub-Saharan Africa: The MDG impact Kate Bayliss and Terry McKinley, International Poverty Centre (IPC) - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Jan 2007
Why localise the MDGs, what's the big deal Sherpard Zvigadza , ZERO Regional Environment Organisation, 2007
The evolution of the Government of Kenya cash transfer programme for vulnerable children between 2002 to 2006 and prospects for nationwide scale-up R. Pearson and C. Alviar , UNICEF Kenya, 2007
Biodiversity for the Millennium Development Goals: What local organisations can do Dilys Roe, Ivan Bond, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 2007
What is poverty: Concepts and measures United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Dec 2006
Parliament'?s role in poverty reduction: enhancing macro-economic policy approaches Earle Taylor, 24 Nov 2006
O papel do Parlamento na redução da pobreza: optimizando abordagens de políticas macroeconómicas Earle Taylor, 24 Nov 2006
Regional workshop on Poverty Reduction Strategies: Moving from formulation to implementation Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR), 21 Nov 2006
Measuring the impact of price changes on poverty Hyun H. Son, Nanak Kakwani, International Poverty Centre (IPC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Nov 2006
Regional Round Table on Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) and Poverty Reduction Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 23 Oct 2006
Poverty transitions and persistence in Ethiopia Arne Bigsten, Abebe Shimeles, 12 Oct 2006
Bolsa Família - "Family grant program": The Brazilian experience in conditional cash transfer programs Antonio Carlos R. de Oliveira Junior, Ministry of Social Development and Fight agianst Hunger (Brazil), 9 Oct 2006
A dynamic poverty profile for Cameroon Samuel Fambon, University of Yaounde II, Cameroon, Oct 2006
A note on measuring unemployment Nanak Kakwani and Hyun H. Son, International Poverty Centre, United Nations Development Programme, Sep 2006
What is poverty? Nanak Kakwani, International Poverty Centre (IPC), Sep 2006
Pro-poor budgeting for PRSP implementation Florian Misch and Peter Wolff, German Development Institute, Sep 2006
Regional economic outlook: Sub-Saharan Africa International Monetary Fund (IMF), Sep 2006
Communiqué 2006 Ordinary SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government ISS Resource Centre, 18 Aug 2006
Democratic governance and regional economic integration The Southern African Development Community Council of Non-Governmental Organizations (SADC-CNGO), 14 Aug 2006
The Millennium Villages Project '? a new approach to ending rural poverty in Africa? Lídia Cabral, John Farrington and Eva Ludi, Overseas Development Institute (ODI) - Natural Resource Perspectives, Aug 2006
Renewing the IMF's commitment to low-income countries Speech by Rodrigo de Rato, International Monetary Fund (IMF), 31 Jul 2006
Are the planned increases in aid too much of a good thing? Owen Barder, Center for Global Development, Jul 2006
Can privatisation and commercialisation of public services help achieve the MDGs? An assessment Kate Bayliss and Tim Kessler, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Jul 2006
Eliminating world poverty: Making governance work for the poor Department for International Development (DFID), Jul 2006
A review of ex-ante poverty impact assessments of macroeconomic policies in Cameroon and Ghana Nicholas Adamtey, Vitus Azeem and Samuel Fambon, Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC) and University of Yaoundé II, Jul 2006
Poverty unperceived: Traps, biases and agenda Robert Chambers, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Jul 2006
Round Table discussion on: Budgets and poverty reduction in the SADC region. Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 2 Jun 2006
The Macroeconomics of managing increased aid inflows: Experiences of low-income countries and policy implications Andrew Berg, Mumtaz Hussain, Shekhar Aiyar, Shaun Roache, Tokhir Mirzoev and Amber Mahone, International Monetary Fund (IMF), Jun 2006
MDGs e-Monitor Newsletter: Issue No. 1, May 2006 Zimbabwe SusWatch Network,, May 2006
Angola: Options for prosperity Professor Paul Collier, Department of Economics, Oxford University, May 2006
Youth in a global world Rachel Nugent, Population Reference Bureau, May 2006
Does chronic poverty matter in Uganda? Charles Lwanga-Ntale, Chronic Poverty Research Centre, May 2006
European and Chinese perspectives on development and the MDG agenda: What to expect from current reform efforts at the United Nations? Thomas Fues, 24 Apr 2006
Angola: From politics of disorder to politics of democratisation Steve Kibble, Pambazuka, 20 Apr 2006
What would doubling aid do for macroeconomic management in Africa? Mick Foster and Tony Killick, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Apr 2006
Workshop on the Paris Declaration: Implications and implementation Workshop hosted by: The Government of Mali, 27 Mar 2006
Synthesis report on southern Africa consultations monitoring progress of implementation of CFA commitments and recommendations Southern Africa Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), Mar 2006
A pro-poor urban agenda for Africa: Clarifying ecological and development issues for poor and vulnerable populations Joel Bolnick, Happy M Kayuni, Richard Mabala, Gordon McGranahan, Diana Mitlin, Sikhulile Nkhoma, Joh, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), Mar 2006
Human rights and poverty reduction: Realities, controversies and strategies Edited by Tammie O�?Neil, ODI Meeting Series, Mar 2006
Globalization, economic policy and employment: Poverty and gender implications James Heintz, International Labour Organization (ILO), Mar 2006
Principles for PSIA process in policy cycles and stakeholder participation Sabina Schnell, Peter Poulsen, Ann Condy, Mari Tertsunen, Jeremy Holland, Department for International Development (DFID) and GTZ, Mar 2006
'Commission for Africa in Mozambique: Brainstorm around the progress in the implementation of the recommendations in the Report'? / "Comissão para África em Moçambique: Uma reflexão em torno dos progressos na implementação das recome 15 Feb 2006
National level discussion - Monitoring Commission for Africa commitments report Tsebo Mats'asa, 14 Feb 2006
Summative Report of Civil Society Consultation Workshop on the Commission for Africa Report (CFA) Malawi Economic Justice Network (MEJN), Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 10 Feb 2006
Commission for Africa (CFA) Commitments and Recommendations, National Level Discussions - Zambia Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR), Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 8 Feb 2006
Using social transfers to improve human development Department for International Development (DFID), Feb 2006
Community participation in social funds in Malawi and Zambia Anju Vajja, Howard White, Feb 2006
Our final goal must be to offer a global new deal Gordon Brown, The Guardian, 11 Jan 2006
Global Monitoring Report 2006 The World Bank, 2006
The 2,000-day challenge: Planning an end to aid in Africa Michael Holman and Greg Mills, The Brenthurst Foundation, 2006
Micro-simulating child poverty in 2010 and 2020 Mike Brewer, James Browne and Holly Sutherland, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2006
Socio-demographic scenarios for children to 2020 Philip Rees and John Parsons, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2006
Assessing market distortions affecting poverty reduction efforts on smallholder tobacco production in Tanzania Dennis Rweyemamu and Monica Kimaro, Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA), 2006
Growth, employment and poverty in Mozambique Tilman Brück and Katleen van den Broeck, Jan 2006
Voluntary guidelines on the right to adequate food: From negotiation to implementation FIAN International, 2006
Trócaire Development Review 2006: Governance and poverty reduction Trócaire, 2006
Global poverty - is business the answer? Principal Voices, 2006
Micro Finance: The pillars of a tool to socio-economic development Prof. V. K. Sapovadia, 2006
Human Development Report 2006 - Beyond scarcity: Power, poverty and the global water crisis United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2006
Consumption-risk and poverty in Ethiopia Abebe Shimeles, 2006
Experiences with the development and use of poverty maps: Case study note for Madagascar Lezlie Caro Morinière, Berk �?zler, Jesko Hentschel, 2006
Representing poverty and attacking representations: Some anthropological perspectives on poverty in development Maia Green, Global Poverty Research Group, 2006
At stake: Focus on ending poverty / L'?enjeu: Abolir la pauvreté avant tout The Reality of Aid , 2006
Aid for pro-poor growth, not just economic growth Arjan Verschoor and Adriaan Kalwij, 2006
Developing social protection in Tanzania within a context of generalised insecurity Marc Wuyts, Research on Poverty Alleviation (REPOA), 2006
Southern Africa Trust (SAT) - Influencing policies to end poverty Dec 2005
Conditional cash transfers in African countries Nanak Kakwani, Fábio Veras Soares and Hyun H. Son, International Poverty Centre, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Nov 2005
Why is "The Dutch Disease" always a disease? The Macroeconomic consequences of scaling up ODA Terry McKinley, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Nov 2005
Headcount poverty comparisons United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Nov 2005
Poverty, inequality and violence: is there a human rights response? World Organisation Against Torture, 4 Oct 2005
MDGs in the just ended UN Summit - The role of the private sector in achieving the MDGs Vitalice Meja, AFRODAD, Oct 2005
The costs of meeting the MDGs in Zambia Chrispin Mphuka, University of Zambia, The Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR), the Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) and the Catholic Centre for Justice, Development and Peace (CCJDP), Oct 2005
International Poverty Centre Number 17 Alejandro Grinspun, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Oct 2005
Ending child poverty and securing child rights: The role of social protection Philippa Thomas, Plan UK, Oct 2005
Policies and programmes for poverty reduction in rural Nigeria Olugboyega Oyeranti, Kolawole Olayiwola, Oct 2005
Understanding rural poverty and investment in agriculture: An assessment of integrated quantitative and qualitative research in Western Kenya Frank Place, Michelle Adato, Paul Hebinck, Oct 2005
European Commission discusses the Africa Strategy with Africa's regional organisations European Commission, 29 Sep 2005
United Nations Summit - was it worth it? Peter Henriot, Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR), 17 Sep 2005
2005 World Summit Outcomes United Nations: General Assembly, 15 Sep 2005
2005 World Summit Outcome United Nations (UN), 14 Sep 2005
UN Summit - Draft outcome document 13 Sep 2005
Finding gender in the MDGs Colleen Lowe Morna, Janine Moolman, Genderlinks, 10 Sep 2005
Introductory media statement by the Executive Secretary of SADC, Dr Tomaz Augusto Salomao Dr Tomaz Augusto Salomao, 8 Sep 2005
Final Resolution adopted by the African Regional Model United Nations World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA), 8 Sep 2005
Meeting the challenges of Africa's development: A World Bank group action plan Africa Region, World Bank, 7 Sep 2005
Let's not waste this opportunity: Communique put forward by the UBUNTU Forum for the forthcoming UN Summit of Heads of State and Government UBUNTU, 5 Sep 2005
Civil Society speaks out: Summary based on civil society documents and submissions - Our goals and visions including commentary on the South African Government MDG Country Report People's Budget Campaign, Sep 2005
Open on impact? Slow progress in World Bank and IMF poverty analysis Lucy Hayes, European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad), Christian Aid, Save the Children Fund UK & Trocaire, Sep 2005
Innovative ways of making aid effective in Ghana: Tied aid versus direct budgetary support Peter Quartey, United Nations Global Policy Forum, Sep 2005
Social capital and poverty reduction in Nigeria Okunmadewa, F.Y., Yusuf, S.A. and Omonona, B.T., Sep 2005
Basic capabilities index - Poverty dimensions: Responsibilities to be undertaken by governments Social Watch, 19 Aug 2005
Notes on the press conference by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Aziz Pahad, on the SADC Ministerial Meeting and Summit 15 Aug 2005
SADC-CNGO: Civil Society Summit Programme SADC-CNGO, 14 Aug 2005
Communiqué of the SADC heads of State and Government Summit Civil Society Forum Meeting 14 Aug 2005
Draft Media Programme for SADC Summit 2005 : 11-19 August Southern African Development Community (SADC), 11 Aug 2005
SADC Summit Programme 2005 SADC, 11 Aug 2005
Ageing and poverty in Africa and the role of social pensions Nanak Kakwani and Kalanidhi Subbarao, International Poverty Centre and World Bank, Aug 2005
Perspectives: Stay informed, get involved, Aug 2005
SADC briefing note on the implementation of the RISDP Dr. Angelo Mondlane, SADC Secretariat, Aug 2005
The SADC Organ: Challenges in the new millennium Lt. Gen. L.M. Fisher and Dr. N. Ngoma, Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Aug 2005
The Millennium Development Goals in Africa: Progress and Challenges Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Aug 2005
Whither LED in South Africa? Doug Hindson and Valeria Vicente, Hindson Consulting, 25 Jul 2005
Informal interactive hearings of the General Assembly with representatives of non-governmental organisations, civil society organisations and the private sector 21 Jul 2005
Towards a European Consensus for Development: the European Commission approves a proposal for an ambitious development policy European Commission, 13 Jul 2005
Knowledge generation for poverty reduction within donor organizations Anthony Bebbington and Armando Barriento, Global Poverty Research Group, 6 Jul 2005
Six myths about the benefits of foreign investment James Petras, 2 Jul 2005
UNDP regional service centre to launch regional support initiative for CSO engagement in PRS and MDG processes UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), Jul 2005
Financing development towards the MDGs: What needs to be done? Sony Kapoor and Meenoo Kapoor, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Jul 2005
Global governance campaigning and MDGs: From top-down to bottom-up anti-poverty work Patrick Bond, Centre for Civil Society, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Jul 2005
Views from Africa on social protection Sylvia Beales, Ageing and Development, Jul 2005
Toward a Conflict-Sensitive Poverty Reduction Strategy World Bank, 30 Jun 2005
Communique: Southern African regional civil society consultation on the Commission for Africa 14 Jun 2005
Monitoring regional integration in Southern Africa NEPRU, 11 Jun 2005
Identifying and understanding chronic poverty: beyond monetary measures David Hulme and Andrew McKay, WIDER / Thinking Ahead: the Future of Development Economics / World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU/WIDER), 11 Jun 2005
Identifying and understanding chronic poverty: Beyond monetary measures David Hulme and Andrew McKay, 11 Jun 2005
East African civil society consultation communiqué 7 Jun 2005
Developing Poverty Assessment Tools Project: Note on assessment and improvement of tool accuracy The IRIS Center, Jun 2005
But the children cannot wait Global Movement for Children, Jun 2005
Compilation of NGO Comments on: "In larger freedom: towards security, development and human rights for all" United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (Un-NGLS), Jun 2005
The poverty reduction strategies: a survey of literature Kenneth Hermele, Forum Syd, Jun 2005
Aid & development: will it work this time? Fredrik Erixon, International Policy Network (IPN), Jun 2005
Channels and policy debate in the Globalisation-Inequality-Poverty Nexus Machiko Nissanke and Erik Thorbecke, United Nations University - World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), Jun 2005
Parliamentary Centre workshop report: microfinance as a strategy for poverty reduction Parliamentary Centre, 31 May 2005
Has world poverty really fallen during the 1990s? Sanjay G. Reddy and Camelia Minoiu, 28 May 2005
International Migration and the Millennium Development Goals: Selected Papers of the UNFPA Expert Group Meeting United Nations Population Fund, 11 May 2005
Regional integration: concepts, advantages, disadvantages and lessons of experience Lolette Kritzinger-van Niekerk, World Bank, May 2005
Unleashing capacities to achieve the MDGs: a summary note UNDP/Chr. Michelsen Institute, 1 May 2005
Republic of Mozambique: first review under the three year arrangement under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility Government of Mozambique, May 2005
Scaling up versus absorptive capacity: challenges and opportunities for reaching the MDGs in Africa Overseas Development Institute (ODI), May 2005
Review of progress towards the Millennium Development Goals in Africa Department of Social Affairs, African Union Commission, May 2005
Enhancing rural road policy: The case for the incorporation of the capabilities approach into rural road appraisal in Africa Stephen Porter, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), May 2005
The rights of the rich versus the rights of the poor John Gledhill, Global Poverty Research Group, May 2005
Statement by Mr Trevor Manuel, Chairman of the Development Committee Trevor Manuel, RSA Ministry of Finance, 17 Apr 2005
EU report on the Millennium Development Goals 2000-2004 The European Commission, 12 Apr 2005
Achieving the Millenium Development Goals in Africa: an issues paper ECA, 6 Apr 2005
World Bank and capacity building in Africa: Malawi, Mozambique case studies World Bank, Apr 2005
Zambia: enhanced initiative for HIPC completion point document IMF/IDA, Apr 2005
Zambia: Second review under the three-year arrangement under the PRGF review report IMF, Apr 2005
More than a numbers game? Trocaire, Apr 2005
The Millennium Development Goals and Migration Erica Usher, International Organisation for Migration, Apr 2005
The polyscopic landscape of poverty research Else Oyen, Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP), Apr 2005
In larger freedom: towards development, security and human rights for all United Nations, 21 Mar 2005
Foreign aid and macroeconomic management IMF, 14 Mar 2005
Our common interest: report of the Commission for Africa Commission for Africa, Mar 2005
Donor politics in Zambia: promoting poverty reduction or fuelling neopatrimonialism? Walter Eberlei, Mar 2005
The nexus between public resources management reforms and neo-patrimonial politics Fred Mutesa, University of Zambia, Mar 2005
The creation of an enabling environment for poverty reduction - can Zambia's political system deliver the goods? Peter Meyns, University of Duisberg-Essen, Mar 2005
Political participation of civil society organisations: a vehicle for fighting poverty and challenging neopatrimonial practices? Bruce Imboela, Beatrix Waldenhof, Universities of Zambia/Duisburg-Essen, Mar 2005
Implementing the PRSP in agriculture: the FSP and poverty reduction in Kaoma district Dr. Bruce Imboela, University of Zambia, Mar 2005
Tourism and poverty reduction in the context of PRSP in Zambia Crispin Matenga, University of Zambia, Mar 2005
Politics and the PRS approach in Southern Africa Benjamin Roberts, HSRC/SARPN, Mar 2005
The politics of revising the PEAP/PRSP in Uganda Richard Ssewakiryanga, Ministry of Finance, Uganda, Mar 2005
The politics of targetting the poor: poverty and safety nets in the Zambian PRSP process Neo Simutanyi, University of Zambia, Mar 2005
The political dimensions of poverty reduction - the case of Zambia: Some summary findings and questions Benjamin Roberts, HSRC/SARPN, Mar 2005
Good governance and poverty reduction: the African experience Fantu Cheru, Mar 2005
Zambia: Poverty Reduction Strategy Progress Report - July 2003-June 2004 Government of Zambia, Mar 2005
Countercyclical safety nets for the poor and vulnerable Harold Alderman and Trina Haque, 28 Feb 2005
Thinking about the politics of social protection in Africa: towards a conceptual and theoretical approach Sam Hickey, IDPM, 23 Feb 2005
A poverty profile for Zambia: based on the 2002-3 living conditions monitoring survey Gabriel Demombynes, The World Bank, 21 Feb 2005
SADC draft resolution and reports to Copenhagen +10 Feb 2005
Prospects for basic income in developing countries: a comparative analysis of welfare regimes in the south Jeremy Seekings, University of Cape Town, Feb 2005
Reforming the Formula: A Modest Proposal for Introducing Development Outcomes in IDA Allocation Procedures Ravi Kanbur, Cornell University, Jan 2005
One in two: Children are the key to Africa's future Save the Children, 2005
Local ownership of the MDGs: a case study of the Republic of Mauritius United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), 2005
The African Commission for Britain ActionAid, 2005
Structural injustice and the MDGs: a critical analysis of the Zambian experience Ciara Gaynor, Trócaire, 2005
Policy options for meeting the MDGs in Sub-Saharan Africa Charles Mutasa, AFRODAD, 2005
We the peoples 2005 Special Report: The UN Millennium Declaration and beyond The North-South Institute and World Federation of United Nations Associations, 2005
The politics of the MDGs and the Rainbow Nation African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), 2005
Global partnership, human rights and the global call against poverty in the context of MDGs Charles Mutasa, African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), 2005
Rationale for a SADC Protocol on accelerating gender equality Genderlinks, 2005
Increasing access to infrastructure for Africa's rural poor Maximo Torero and Shyamal Chowdhury, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), 2005
Health and the Millenium Development Goals World Health Organisation, 2005
The Millenium Development Goals - Europe Cares... : Focus on Africa European Commission: Development, 2005
Sub-Saharan Africa - the human costs of the 2015 'business-as-usual' scenario Human Development Report Office - UNDP, 2005
Mainstreaming safety nets in the social protection policy agenda: A new vision or the same old perspective? Ugo Gentilini, Manchester University and WFP, Jan 2005
South Africa Millennium Development Goals Country Report 2005 2005
Financial Diaries: Investigating the financial lives of the poor Financial Diaries, Ford Foundation, FinMark Trust, Centre For Social Science Research, MFRC, 2005
Tanzania and the Millenium Development Goals: A critical appraisal of the Global Partnership for Development African Forum and Network on Debt and Development (AFRODAD), 2005
5 key points for the 2005 Summit The briefing was produced by Development iniatives, a partner in the Chronic Poverty Research Centre, 2005
En Route to Equality: A Gender Review of National MDG Reports Bureau of Development Policy, UNDP, 2005
The central role of local organisations in meeting the MDGs Edited by Tom Bigg & David Satterthwaite, International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), 2005
Investing in Development: A practical plan to achieve the Millennium Development Goals UN Millennium Project, Jan 2005
PRSPs in Africa: Parliaments and economic policy performance Rasheed Draman and Steven Langdon, State and Democracy Division - Project on Democracy and the Rule of Law, GTZ, 2005
Making cash count Save the Children UK, HelpAge International and Institute of Development Studies (IDS), 2005
The benefits of regional integration for smaller economies Bank of Namibia, 2005
The Millenium Development Goals: A guide for South African civil society Quinn Bernier, Annie Chimphango and Thabang Ngcozela, Environmental Monitoring Group, 2005
The ethical poverty line as a tool to measure global absolute poverty Peter Edward, 2005
Globalization and poor people: The debate and evidence Martin Ravallion, 2005
Poverty and globalization: What are we talking about when we talk about poverty? Social Watch, 2005
Pluralism, poverty and sharecropping: cultivating open-mindedness in development studies Wendy Olsen, Global Poverty Research Group, 2005
Poverty persistence and transitions in Uganda: A combined qualitative and quantitative analysis David Lawson, Andy McKay and John Okidi, Global Poverty Research Groups, Jan 2005