Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) SARPN thematic photo
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SADRN call for proposals
Southern African Development Research Network (SADRN), 29 Feb 2008

Africa's economic prospect and challenges
Louis Kasekende, Sudhir Shetty, 21 Feb 2008

Statement on the SADC organ on politics, defence and security
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 4 Feb 2008

South African Journal of International Affairs: Call for Papers
Anne Gordon, South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA), Feb 2008

Gallup Poll: Crime and safety in Southern Africa
Gallup, 11 Dec 2007

Youth and labour markets in Africa: A critical review of literature
AFD, Oct 2007

Evaluation of the European Commission's support to the ACP SADC region
Dolf Noppen, Per Kirkemann, Nicholas Charalambides, Theodor Mutter and Giulia Pietrangeli, Oct 2007

Independent Panel Review of The World Bank Group - Department of Institutional Integrity
Paul A. Volcker, Chair; Gustavo Gaviria; John Githongo; Ben W. Heineman, Jr.; Prof. Walter Van Gerven; Sir John Vereker, Independent Review Panel , 13 Sep 2007

2007 SADC Summit Communiqué (Lusaka, Zambia)
Southern African Development Community (SADC), 17 Aug 2007

Reclaiming SADC for peoples solidarity and development: Let the People Speak - Communique of the SADC People's Summit
Southern African People�?s Solidarity Network (SAPSN), 16 Aug 2007

When capital earns a 20% real return, what is left for labor? A glimpse into Latin American Reality
Arnold Harberger, Center for Global Development, 10 Aug 2007

Job Creation versus Cash Transfers in Kenya
Eduardo Zepeda, International Poverty Centre (IPC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Aug 2007

2007 Survey of Think Tanks: A summary report
James McGann, Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI), Aug 2007

Building the New Human Rights Council: Outcome and analysis of the institution-building year
Meghna Abraham, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Aug 2007

China and the End of Poverty in Africa- towards mutual benefit?
Penny Davies, European Network on Debt and Development (Eurodad) and Diakonia, Aug 2007

Social Development: From research to policy action
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 16 Jul 2007

Training module: Monetary policy
Alfredo Saad Filho , Centre for Development Policy & Research, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, Jul 2007

International Financial Institutions (IFIs) in Africa News Briefing, Issue 22
Bank Information Center (BIC), 29 Jun 2007

Civil society and aid effectiveness - Concept paper
Advisory Group on Civil Society and Aid Effectiveness, 10 Jun 2007

Growth and Responsibility: A review of Business Action for Africa between the UK and German G8 presidencies, 2005-07
Richard Reeve, Chatham House, Jun 2007

Eurodad brief analysis of the OECD Paris monitoring survey
Eurodad, Jun 2007

How can we make aid to civil society organisations more effective in overcoming poverty?
Southern Africa Trust, Jun 2007

Greater than the sum of its parts? Assessing "Whole of Government" approaches to fragile states
Stewart Patrick and Kaysie Brown, Center for Global Development (CGD), Jun 2007

The Chinese Aid System
Carol Lancaster, Center for Global Development (CGD), Jun 2007

Assessing how tourism revenues reach the poor
Caroline Ashley and Jonathan Mitchell, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Jun 2007

'?Aid effectiveness'? in middle income countries: Lessons from Brazil?
Lídia Cabral, Professor Richard Batley, Professor Celina Souza, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), University of Birmingham, Federal University of Bahia, Jun 2007

The World Bank Group's Governance: Issues for review
Director General, World Bank, 25 May 2007

Aid for trade and financial assistance to implement the EPAs
South Centre, May 2007

Measuring chronic non-income poverty
Isabel Günther and Stephan Klasen, Chronic Poverty Research Centre, May 2007

Climate Change 2007: Climate change impacts, adaptation and vulnerability
IPCC WGII, 6 Apr 2007

Discurso proferido pelo Presidente da África do Sul, Thabo Mbeki, na sessão de abertura do Fórum Global de combate à corrupção e salvaguarda da integridade da Onu
President Thabo Mbeki, 2 Apr 2007

Keynote address by Mr Mosibudi Mangena, to the second Southern African Development Community (SADC) workshop on indigenous knowledge systems in Livingstone, Zambia
Mosibudi Mangena, Department of Science and Technology of the Republic of South Africa, 28 Mar 2007

Living on the Margins - Accepted abstracts
Living on the Margins international conference, 26 Mar 2007

KEPA Bulletin: March 2007
KEPA, Mar 2007

The ISO Working Group on Social Responsibility: Developing the future ISO SR 26000 Standard / Informe sobre el Grupo de Trabajo de ISO sobre Responsabilidad Social: El desarrollo del futuro estándar ISO SR 26000
Bart Slob & Gerard Oonk, Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), Mar 2007

Assessment of World Bank Group's revenue transparency implementation in the extractive industries
Heike Mainhardt-Gibbs, Bank Information Center (BiC), Mar 2007

The measurement of poverty in South Africa Project: Key issues
Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute (SPII), 27 Feb 2007

Technology transfer must be relevant to the poor
Maria Arce Moreira, 2007

Has there been any social mobility for non-whites in Brazil?
Rafael Guerreiro Osorio, International Poverty Centre (IPC) - United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Jan 2007

Towards a people-driven Africa Union: Current obstacles and new opportunities
Researched and written by Ibrahima Kane and Nobuntu Mbelle., Jan 2007

Strengthening the psychological well-being of youth headed households in Rwanda: baseline findings from an intervention trial
Population Council, 2007

Integrating Africa through an FTA between SACU/SADC-minus and COMESA - Speeding up the Regional Integration Process
Helena McLeod - DFID SA Regional Integration Advisor, 2007

Global Information Society Watch 2007
Association for Progressive Communications (APC), Third World Institute (ITeM) , 2007

The Least Developed Countries Report 2007: Knowledge, technological learning and innovation for development
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), 2007

UN Country Coordination: building greater coherence for capacity development. Synthesis of Resident Coordinator Annual Reports 2006
Christoph Merdes, Henri-Leon Solomon, United Nations Development Group, 2007

OECD: Development Co-operation Report 2007
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 2007

Micro finance and non financial services for the poorest
Anura Widanapathirana, Development Gateway, 2006

Oslo Conditionality Conference
The Nowergian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Nov 2006

Measuring the impact of price changes on poverty
Hyun H. Son, Nanak Kakwani, International Poverty Centre (IPC), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Nov 2006

Rural development from a territorial perspective: lessons and potential in sub-Saharan Africa
Julian Quan, Junior Davis and Felicity Proctor , RIMISP, Nov 2006

Institutional determinants of poverty: The case of Kenya
Jane Kabubo-Mariara, Godfrey K. Ndenge, Domisiano K. Mwabu, 12 Oct 2006

Foreign aid: This kind of 'help' is just no help at all
Michael Holman, Oct 2006

Diversification des mesures de la pauvrete: Approche multidimensionnelle au Burkina Faso
Jean Bosco KI, Sawadogo Drissa, KI Boureima, Sep 2006

Macro policy reform, labour market, poverty & inequality in Urban Ethiopia: A Micro-simulation approach
Alemayehu Geda and Alem Abereha, Sep 2006

Draft guiding principles "Extreme poverty and human rights: the rights of the poor"
Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, United Nations Human Rights Council, 21 Aug 2006

'Pa'?s pension'?: The origins of non-contributory old-age pensions in late Colonial Barbados
Jeremy Seekings, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), University of Cape Town, Aug 2006

Inter-country comparisons of poverty based on a capability approach: An empirical exercise
Sanjay Reddy, Sujata Visaria, Muhammad Asali, Aug 2006

Rural remote microfinance and selfish genes
Written by Nanci Lee, With Assistance from: Rewa Misra, Alfred Hamadziripi, 1 Jul 2006

Can parliaments enhance the quality of democracy on the African continent? An analysis of institutional capacity and public perceptions
Lia Nijzink, Shaheen Mozaffar, Elisabete Azevedo, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), University of Cape Town, May 2006

Where is Africa going? Views from below
Compiled by Michael Bratton and Wonbin Cho, The Afrobarometer Network, May 2006

ALPE Newsletter - April 2006
Alliance for Poverty Eradication (ALPE), Apr 2006

What would doubling aid do for macroeconomic management in Africa?
Mick Foster and Tony Killick, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), Apr 2006

Geographic determinants of poverty in rural Kenya: A national and provincial analysis
Paul O. Okwi, Godfrey Ndeng�?e, Patti Kristjanson, Mike Arunga, An Notenbaert, Abisalom Omolo, Norbert Henninger, Todd Benson, Patrick Kariuki and John Owuor, Rockefeller Foundation, Central Bureau of Statistics, Kenya, World Resources Institute (WRI) and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Apr 2006

Why has microfinance been a policy success in Bangladesh (and beyond)?
David Hulme and Karen Moore, Global Poverty Research Group, 10 Mar 2006

Synthesis report on southern Africa consultations monitoring progress of implementation of CFA commitments and recommendations
Southern Africa Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), Mar 2006

Human rights and poverty reduction: Realities, controversies and strategies
Edited by Tammie O�?Neil, ODI Meeting Series, Mar 2006

Who consults Sangomas in Khayelitsha? An exploratory quantitative analysis
Nicoli Nattrass, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), University of Cape Town, Mar 2006

Principles for PSIA process in policy cycles and stakeholder participation
Sabina Schnell, Peter Poulsen, Ann Condy, Mari Tertsunen, Jeremy Holland, Department for International Development (DFID) and GTZ, Mar 2006

Culture and corruption
Abigail Barr and Danila Serra, Global Poverty Research Group, 1 Mar 2006

Intrahousehold welfare
Marcel Fafchamps, Bereket Kebede, Agnes Quisumbing, Global Poverty Research Group, Mar 2006

Ten things that Africa can do for itself
Greg Mills, The Heritage Foundation, 27 Feb 2006

Strategic framework for Africa
USAID, 24 Feb 2006

'Commission for Africa in Mozambique: Brainstorm around the progress in the implementation of the recommendations in the Report'? / "Comissão para África em Moçambique: Uma reflexão em torno dos progressos na implementação das recome
15 Feb 2006

National level discussion - Monitoring Commission for Africa commitments report
Tsebo Mats'asa, 14 Feb 2006

Summative Report of Civil Society Consultation Workshop on the Commission for Africa Report (CFA)
Malawi Economic Justice Network (MEJN), Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 10 Feb 2006

Commission for Africa (CFA) Commitments and Recommendations, National Level Discussions - Zambia
Civil Society for Poverty Reduction (CSPR), Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN), 8 Feb 2006

Are African countries richer than they are developed? A multidimensional analysis of well-being
Valérie Bérenger, Audrey Verdier-Chouchane, African Development Bank, Feb 2006

Global Employment Trends Brief
International Labour Office (ILO), Jan 2006

Micro Finance: The pillars of a tool to socio-economic development
Prof. V. K. Sapovadia, 2006

La pauvreté au Bénin: Analyse dynamique, Rôle de la croissance et de l'?inégalité et ciblage des populations vulnérables
Cosme Vodounou, Damien Mededji, Epiphane Adjovi, Hodonou Assogba, 2006

Comprendre les facteurs déterminants de la pauvreté: Le cas de l'?éducation et de la santé en Guinée
Sékou Falil Doumbouya, 2006

Poverty dynamics in Ethiopia: State dependence and transitory shocks
Nizamul Islam, Abebe Shimeles, 2006

Poverty and income distribution in Ethiopia: 1994-2000
Abebe Shimeles, 2006

Pan-African citizenship and identity formation in Southern Africa: An overview of problems, prospects and possibilities
Francis Kornegay, Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), Jan 2006

Poverty and inequality: a question of rights
Social Watch, 2006

Rethinking public participation from below
Published in Critical Dialogue (2006), 2006

Household formation and marriage markets
Marcel Fafchamps and Agnes R. Quisumbing , Global Poverty Research Group , Jan 2006

Rights-based development: The challenge of change and power
Jennifer Chapman, in collaboration and dialogue with, Valerie Miller, Adriano Campolina Soares and John Samuel, Global Poverty Research Group, 2006

At stake: conflict prevention and recovery / L'?enjeu: La prévention des conflits et le relèvement
The Reality of Aid, 2006

Challenges facing Africa'?s regional economic communities in capacity building
Soumana Sako, African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF), 2006

Measuring social capital in Cape Town: Providing a more nuanced perspective of trust and networks
Tracy Jooste, Centre for Social Science Research (CSSR), University of Cape Town, Dec 2005

African organisations and institutions: Positive cross-continental progress
Lloyd O. Pierson, USAID Assistant Administrator for Africa, USAID, 17 Nov 2005

La pauvrete en republique du Congo et l'?impact des politiques publiques
Jean-Christophe Boungou Bazika, Bethuel Makosso, Théophile Dzaka-Kikouta, Jean Yila, Centre d�?Etudes et de Recherche sur les Analyses, 15 Nov 2005

Moral political economy and poverty: Four theoretical schools compared
Wendy Olsen, Global Poverty Research Group, Nov 2005

Inequality in the distribution of household expenditure in rural Nigeria: A decomposition analysis
Olanrewaju Olaniyan, Timothy. T. Awoyemi, Oct 2005

Spatial inequality and development
Ravi Kanbur and Anthony J. Venables, UNU-WIDER, Sep 2005

Innovative ways of making aid effective in Ghana: Tied aid versus direct budgetary support
Peter Quartey, United Nations Global Policy Forum, Sep 2005

Dynamique de la pauvreté et de la répartition des revenus au Cameroun durant les années 80 et 90
Samuel Fambon, Francis Menjo Baye, Isaac Tamba, Issidor Noumba, Aloysius Ajab Amin, Universite de Yaounde II, Sep 2005

How the G8 lied to the world on aid
Mark Curtis, Author of Unpeople: Britian's Secret Human Rights Abuses, 23 Aug 2005

2005 SADC Summit Communiqué
17 Aug 2005

Gleneagles: what really happened at the G8 summit?
Oxfam briefing note - Oxfam International, 29 Jul 2005

The 2005 Summit of the G8: Disappointed but resolute (Joint statement from African Civil Society Organisations at the conclusion of the 2005 Summit)
9 Jul 2005

Some of the reactions that emerged within 24 hours of the G8 Communiqué
9 Jul 2005

The Gleneagles Communiqué
Jul 2005

Progress report by the G8 Africa Personal Representatives on implementation of the Africa Action Plan
1 Jul 2005

Political entrepreneurs or development agents: An NGO's tale of resistance and acquiescence in Madhya Pradesh, India
Vasudha Chhotray, Global Poverty Research Group, Jul 2005

Skillshare International'?s response to Our Common Interest, the report of the Commission for Africa
Skillshare International, 29 Jun 2005

The power of poverty
Jane Bussey, 23 Jun 2005

Prospects for a Security Community in Southern Africa
Naison Ngoma, Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Jun 2005

Governance reform of the Bretton Woods institutions and the UN development system
Dirk Messner, Simon Maxwell, Franz Nuscheler, Joseph Siegle, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), May 2005

Democracy and resource rents
Paul Collier and Anke Hoeffler, Global Poverty Research Group, 26 Apr 2005

Africa: the impact of mobile phones
Vodafone, Mar 2005

Poverty, inequality and labour markets in Africa: A descriptive overview
Haroon Bhorat, University of Cape Town, Mar 2005

Poverty and ageing in Africa
ZW Kazeze, 25 Feb 2005

Fragile states strategy
USAID, Jan 2005

Why we need to work more effectively in fragile states
Department for International Development, Jan 2005

The stability assessment framework: designing integrated responses for security, governance and develdopment
Clingendael Institute, Jan 2005

From philanthropy to a different way of doing business: strategies and challenges in integrating pro-poor approaches into tourism business
Caroline Ashley, Gareth Haysom, ODI, Jan 2005

Rationale for a SADC Protocol on accelerating gender equality
Genderlinks, 2005

Regional civil society consultation - Commission for Africa

The Africa Commission Report: What about the politics?
David Booth, Overseas Development Institute, 2005

Exhilarating, exhausting, intriguing: the Report of the African Commission
Simon Maxwell, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), 2005

Notes on the gender perspective in financing for development and the Monterrey Consensus
United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women, 2005

Post G8 Africa

World Development Report 2006: Equity and Development
World Bank, 2005

Economic report on Africa 2005: Meeting the challenges of unemployment and poverty in Africa
Economic Commission for Africa, 2005

Have NGOs 'Made a Difference?': From Manchester to Birmingham with an elephant in the room
Michael Edwards, Global Poverty Research Group, 2005

Search this category:

South African Journal of International Affairs: Call for Papers
Africa's economic prospect and challenges
Statement on the SADC organ on politics, defence and security
OECD: Development Co-operation Report 2007

SARPN Newsletter No 5, April 2002
SARPN Newsletter No 4, November 2001
The medium term impact of Oportunidades on child development in rural areas

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