Building capable states in Africa: policy priorities for the G8 Hilary Benn, Department for International Development, 6 Dec 2004
Africa's economic renaissance: development and interdependence Trevor Manuel, Ministry of Finance, South Africa, 2 Dec 2004
The AU/NEPAD and Africa's evolving governance and security architecture Centre for Conflict Resolution, Centre for Policy Studies, Dec 2004
Final communiqué of the 12th summit of the Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee NEPAD HSGIC, 23 Nov 2004
NEPAD: three years of progress Professor Wiseman Nkuhlu, NEPAD Secretariat, 22 Oct 2004
The role of regional economic communities in the implementation of Nepad: the case of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) SADC, 21 Oct 2004
Implementing the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme and restoring food security in Africa NEPAD Secretariat, Oct 2004
NEPAD Civil Society Engagement Workshop Report Climate Network Africa, Oct 2004
NEPAD and SADC: two extracts from the NEPAD Dialogue newsletter NEPAD Secretariat, 27 Aug 2004
Malawi and the African Peer Review Mechanism: a review of national readiness and recommendations for participation Ross Herbert, Steven Grudz, Ayesha Kajee, George Lwanda, South African Institute of International Affairs, 23 Aug 2004
New Partnership for Africa's Development: second consolidated report on progress in implementation and international support UN Secretary General, United Nations, 4 Aug 2004
Communique: The African Peer Review Mechanism Support Mission to Kenya, July 2004 27 Jul 2004
Trevor Manuel's welcoming remarks at CFA seminar, Pretoria Trevor Manuel, RSA Ministry of Finance, 2 Jul 2004
An agenda for the Commission for Africa: a discussion with Sir Nick Stern SARPN, 1 Jul 2004
Communique: The African Peer Review Mechanism support mission to Rwanda Mrs Marie-Angelique Savane, 24 Jun 2004
Corporate governance and the African Peer Review Mechanism Paul Kagame, 7 Jun 2004
NEPAD study to explore further options for food security reserve systems in Africa NEPAD Secretariat, Jun 2004
The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) support mission to Ghana APRM Secretariat, 29 May 2004
Address by Dr Chris Stals, member of the APRM Panel of Eminent Persons, to the National Stakeholders Forum, Ghana Dr Chris Stals, 27 May 2004
Statement by HE Joaquim Alberto Chissano on the occasion of the 25th of May African Unity Day Joaquim Alberto Chissano, African Union (AU), 25 May 2004
Communique: 10th summit of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee NEPAD Secretariat, 23 May 2004
Doing the sums on Africa Jeffrey Sachs, 20 May 2004
Perspectives on Blair's Commission for Africa May 2004
Strategic plan of the African Union Commission - Volume 1 African Union (AU), May 2004
Strategic plan of the African Union Commission - Volume 2 African Union (AU), May 2004
Strategic plan of the African Union Commission - Volume 3 African Union (AU), May 2004
Communique: Fifth meeting of the African Peer Review Mechanism Panel of Eminent Persons APRM, 30 Apr 2004
UK Government's Commission for Africa World Development Movement (WDM), 29 Apr 2004
Why Africa? Bob Geldof, 20 Apr 2004
Partnership with Africa: Towards 2005 Hilary Benn, 27 Mar 2004
Botswana and NEPAD and the APRM: two official perspectives Modise Modise, Permanent Secretary for Development, 6 Mar 2004
What is the value of NEPAD? Alex de Waal, Tajudeen Abdul Raheem, 20 Feb 2004
The Fifth Andrew Young Lecture of the Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa KY Amoako, Economic Commission for Africa, 18 Feb 2004
An evaluation of the G8'?s commitment to the Kananaskis pledges John Kirton, Ella Kokotsis, University of Toronto, 4 Feb 2004
Kigali APRM/HSGIC Communiqués NEPAD, Feb 2004
Report of the national workshop on the NEPAD initiative in Malawi Ministry of Economic Planning, 30 Jan 2004
The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM): an assessment of concept and design Ravi Kanbur, Cornell University, Jan 2004
South Africa and NEPAD - Quo Vadis? Henning Melber, 2004
O Mecanismo Africano de Avaliação dos Pares (MAEP): Uma Avaliação de Conceito e Plano Ravi Kanbur, Cornell University, Jan 2004
NEPAD's APRM: a progress report, practical limitations and challenges Ayesha Kajee, South African Institute of International Affairs, 2004
Country self assessment for the African Peer Review Mechanism Nepad Secretariat, 2004
The Commission for Africa and policy coherence for development: First do no harm International Development Committee, 2004
NEPAD Contact Group of African Parliamentarians Nepad Contact Group of African Parliamentarians, 2004
NEPAD, the city and the migrant: implications for urban governance Caroline Kihato, Southern African Migration Project (SAMP), 2004
Thabo Mbeki's "Guardian" Lecture 4 Dec 2003
NEPAD: a new era for Africa in a globalising world Thabo Mbeki, 19 Nov 2003
Communique issued at the end of the third meeting of the African Peer Review Mechanism Panel of Eminent Persons 15 Nov 2003
Declaration of the first NEPAD Ministerial conference on science and technology 7 Nov 2003
Gender issues in the African Union, NEPAD and the Pan African Parliament: two perspectives 31 Oct 2003
Joint Communique of the Chief Executive Officers of Regional Economic Communities and the NEPAD Secretariat 30 Oct 2003
Communique and report of the second Eastern African Region heads of state and government summit on NEPAD 29 Oct 2003
National civil society forum on NEPAD: Kenya 27 Oct 2003
Kenya National Civil Society Forum on NEPAD Climate Network Africa, 27 Oct 2003
South Africa in Africa and the World 25 Oct 2003
European Parliament report on NEPAD European Parliament, 8 Oct 2003
NEPAD`s peer review mechanism. Speech by Mrs Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, South African Minister of Foreign Affairs 3 Oct 2003
Traditional leaders and the AU/NEPAD Oct 2003
NEPAD: thinking out of the box John Ohiorhenuan, 17 Sep 2003
A review of regional strategies addressing poverty Dalitso Kingsley Kubalasa, Malawi Economic Justice Network, 12 Sep 2003
Nepad Health Strategy Eric Buch, NEPAD Secretariat, Sep 2003
Estratégia Para a Saúde Eric Buch, NEPAD Secretariat, Sep 2003
UN Secretary General on NEPAD: first consolidated report on progress and international support Kofi Annan, United Nations, 7 Aug 2003
From Durban to Maputo: a review of the 2003 summit of the African Union Jakkie Cilliers, Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Aug 2003
NEPAD Commentary: the first wave Ravi Kanbur, Aug 2003
Hegemon or Pivot?: debating South Africa's role in Africa Aug 2003
Progress Report of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo to the African Union on the implementation of NEPAD 12 Jul 2003
Kofi Annan`s address to the 2003 African Union summit in Maputo 10 Jul 2003
Opening Statement by HE President TM Mbeki, outgoing Chairperson of the African Union, at the 2nd ordinary session of the assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union President TM Mbeki, 10 Jul 2003
New partnerships for Africa's development (NEPAD) and Malawi civil society in retrospect Dalitso Kingsley Kubalasa, Malawi Economic Justice Network (MEJN), 5 Jul 2003
NEPAD Health Sector Programme of Action Eric Buch, NEPAD Secretariat, Jul 2003
Estratégia para a Saúde Programa Inicial de Acção Eric Buch, Jul 2003
The role of civil society in the African Union and NEPAD: strategies for civil society`s involvement in national debates and processes Idasa, 20 Jun 2003
Speech by President Thabo Mbeki to the International Labour Conference 11 Jun 2003
NEPAD Business Group: results of a survey conducted amongst South African companies doing business in Africa NEPAD Business Group, 10 Jun 2003
G8 Summits 2002 to 2003: From a trickle to a drop 3 Jun 2003
Statement by President Obasanjo, chairman of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee to the G8 1 Jun 2003
Action plan of the environment initiative of the New Partnership for Africa's Development Dr H Rukato, NEPAD, Jun 2003
Communique issued at the end of the Seventh Summit of the Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee (HSGIC) of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) Abuja, 28 May 2003
Strengthening Democracy Through NEPAD: The Role of African Civil Society The Electoral Institute of Southern Africa, 26 May 2003
History of African Development Initiatives Anthony Baah, National Labour and Economic Development Institute (NALEDI), 23 May 2003
Draft Statutes of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union African Union (AU), 14 May 2003
NEPAD: The food crisis in Africa NEPAD Secretariat, May 2003
NEPAD Infrastructure Short Term Action Plan: review of implementation progress and the way forward, Volume One: Overview African Development Bank, May 2003
The media, the African Union, NEPAD and democracy 12 Apr 2003
Thabo Mbeki`s speech to at the opening of the Africa Conference on elections, democracy and governance 7 Apr 2003
Dr Theo-Ben Gurirab, Prime Minister of Namibia on NEPAD 4 Apr 2003
Peace and security through good governance: a guide to the NEPAD African Peer Review Mechanism Jakkie Cilliers, Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Apr 2003
SARPN Poverty Brief - NEPAD: Holding the G8 accountable Apr 2003
Baroness Amos: `Setting the record straight` 31 Mar 2003
Behold I create a new Africa: statement from a Pan-African Ecumenical Consultation on NEPAD 26 Mar 2003
NEPAD Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee Communique 9 Mar 2003
Memorandum of understanding on the African Peer Review Mechanism Department of Foreign Affairs, 9 Mar 2003
NEPAD: a vision for global governance? Sams Dine, Mar 2003
Speech by the South African Minister of Communications at the African Telecom Summit, Maputo Mar 2003
NEPAD Newsletter NEPAD Secretariat, Mar 2003
The NEPAD Civil Society Forum on building stronger partnerships with Civil Society - Summary of main recommendations Mar 2003
NEPAD and Namibia Henning Melber, Namibia Review, Mar 2003
Speech on agricultural development by President Jacques Chirac to the 22nd Conference of heads of State of Africa and France 21 Feb 2003
Speech by President Jacques Chirac to the opening session of the 22nd Conference of heads of State of Africa and France 20 Feb 2003
NEPAD and agricultural development in Africa Feb 2003
NEPAD: A New Partnership Between Rider and Horse? Labour Resource and Research Institute (LaRRI), Feb 2003
Developmentalism and the role of the state Guy CZ Mhone, Feb 2003
We may need a summit to thrash out NEPAD 28 Jan 2003
President Festus Mogae's address to the Global Coalaition for Africa Policy Forum, January 2003 22 Jan 2003
The African Opinion Leader Survey on NEPAD and AU-2002: preliminary report Prof. Hennie Kotzé, Carly Steyn, Centre for International and Comparative Politics in cooperation with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2003
Africa Action Plan: UK Progress Report Department for International Development (DFID), 2003
African Union declarations (Maputo summit) 2003
NEPAD: What is it? What is missing? Chris Landsberg, NALEDI, 2003
Third Ticad conference - 2003
Africa: Is Europe doing its part? Romano Prodi, 2003
Maputo declaration on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria and other infectious diseases NEPAD, 2003
Situating NEPAD in the global debate on growth Trevor Manuel, 5 Dec 2002
NEPAD and the African `Resource Gap` - a critical examination Johan Dahl, Rehabeam Shilimela, Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit (NEPRU), Dec 2002
NEPAD and the African `Resource Gap` (short version) Johan Dahl, Rehabeam Shilimela, Namibian Economic Policy Research Unit (NEPRU), Dec 2002
SARPN Poverty Briefing Number 4 - December 2002 SARPN, Dec 2002
Invitation to a SARPN briefing - The UN, NEPAD and Africa's Development Agenda 29 Nov 2002
Mbeki`s letter to Chretien on NEPAD and peer review 6 Nov 2002
NEPAD`s peer review still work in progress John Stremlau, Business Day, 4 Nov 2002
Heads of State and Government Implementation Committee communique 3 Nov 2002
Taking the New Partnership for Africa`s Development seriously: a response to NEPAD from the Advocacy Network for Africa (USA) Advocacy Network for Africa, Nov 2002
SADC-EU civil society statement: Place people before profits and power, civil society tells ministers Nov 2002
Taking the New Partnership for Africa`s Development seriously: a response to NEPAD from the Advocacy Network for Africa (USA) Nov 2002
NEPAD`s peer review mechanism Dr Jakkie Cilliers, Institute for Security Studies (ISS), Nov 2002
Responsiveness and Accountability for Poverty Reduction: Democratic Governance and the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) Nov 2002
Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme New Partnership for Africa`s Development (NEPAD), Nov 2002
Nepad vision a victim of African realpolitik NEPAD, 31 Oct 2002
Statement by African Finance Ministers on NEPAD and economic governance 20 Oct 2002
NEPAD reluctance to address gender issues Sara Hlupekile Longwe, 11 Oct 2002
Summary of West African Regional Parliamentary Conference - The role of Parliament in relation to NEPAD, Sustainable Development and HIV/AIDS, Accra, Ghana AWEPA, 2 Oct 2002
NEPAD: Controversy mocks African finance ministers Yao Graham, Third World Network - Africa, Oct 2002
A plain language version of the NEPAD base document Oct 2002
The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) NEPAD, Oct 2002
Views of South African businessmen towards NEPAD A.T. Kearney, 30 Sep 2002
What NEPAD implies for African policy makers United Nations economic and social council, 30 Sep 2002
Learning the lessons of global economic development Trevor Manuel, 27 Sep 2002
NEPAD is the plan Africa needs Duma Gqubule, Sowetan, 9 Sep 2002
The New Partnership for Africa`s Development: An African Initiative Mr Aziz Pahad, Sep 2002
Address by President Mbeki at the High-Level Special Session of the UN General Assembly on NEPAD President Thabo Mbeki, Sep 2002
NEPAD and South Africa's foreign policy: Progress Report Aziz Pahad, 14 Aug 2002
NEPAD: Increasing food supply and reducing hunger Aug 2002
From Crisis to Renewal: Towards a Successful Implementation of the New Partnership for Africa's Development Kempe Ronald Hope, Sr, Aug 2002
Address of the President of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, at the opening of the 38th assembly of heads of state and government of the OAU. 8 Jul 2002
Engaging NEPAD: Government and civil society speak to one another SARPN and the Centre for Civil Society, 4 Jul 2002
Socio-economic integration in Africa Ben Turok, South African Parliament`s Working Group on the African Union, 4 Jul 2002
NEPAD: What`s in it for labour? Tanya van Meelis, Cosatu, 4 Jul 2002
Assessment of the gender orientation of NEPAD Sara Hlupekile Longwe, Longwe Clarke and Associates, 4 Jul 2002
How NEPAD can engage with poverty reduction strategies: Developing an appropriate framework Charles Mutasa, African Forum On Debt And Development, 4 Jul 2002
Can apples be reaped from a thorn tree? A case analysis of the Zimbabwean crisis and NEPAD`s peer review mechanism Brian Kagoro, Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition, 4 Jul 2002
The value of the peer review mechanism for building peace in Africa Vasu Gounden, African Centre for Constructive Resolution and Disputes (ACCORD), 4 Jul 2002
Submission to the African Union Summit - Continental Civil Society meeting on the AU and NEPAD Renaissance South Africa Outreach Programme, 1 Jul 2002
African Leaders' Statement at the G8 Summit NEPAD Secretariat (Midrand), 28 Jun 2002
G8 Africa Action Plan 27 Jun 2002
Declaration on democracy, political, economic and corporate governance. NEPAD, 18 Jun 2002
Independent evaluation of the implementation of the United Nations New Agenda for the Development of Africa United Nations General Assembly, 14 Jun 2002
The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) NEPAD, 10 Jun 2002
Compliance, Conditionalities and the role of Independent Monitoring in the Implementation of NEPAD Colm Allan, Zohra Dawood, Jun 2002
Report of the Renaissance South Africa outreach programme - Continental experts' meeting on the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and the African Union (AU) The Africa Institute of South Africa, Jun 2002
Nepad and HIV/Aids Stephen Lewis, Jun 2002
Towards the implementation of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD): Progress report and initial action plan. NEPAD, Jun 2002
The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) - Making a Difference: Keynote address to the African Development Bank Symposium K Y Amoako, 27 May 2002
Environment action plan for the implementation of the environment initiative of the New Partnership for Africa`s Development 22 May 2002
Address by the President of South Africa, Mr Thabo Mbeki, at the University of Oslo, Norway. 13 May 2002
Canada and Africa: A New Partnership - Notes for keynote address by Minister Susan Whelan, Canadian Minister for International Cooperation, at the Nepad conference, Montreal 4 May 2002
Breaking the impasse in measuring good governance and democracy: Challenges to and from NEPAD Dr Mark Orkin, Human Sciences Research Council, May 2002
Declaration on Africa's Development Challenge: Adopted at the end of Joint CODESRIA-TWN-AFRICA Conference on Africa's Development Challenges in the Millennium, Accra 23 Apr 2002
Address to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Tradeby Ambassador Robert Fowler, Personal Representative of the Canadian Prime Minister for the G8 Summit, and Personal Representative of the Prime Minister for Africa 23 Apr 2002
The management of African Development: some questions about NEPAD
Dr John Ohiorhenuan, UNDP, Pretoria Dr John Ohiorhenuan, 18 Apr 2002
Reviewing South Africa's Foreign Policy: Annual address to the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA) By the Minister of Foreign Affairs, delivered by the deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Aziz Pahad 18 Apr 2002
The African Development Bank Group - African Civil Society Regional Stakeholders Consultation on New Partnership for AfricaÂ?s Development (NEPAD), 4 Apr 2002
The New Partnership for Africa'?s Development (NEPAD): A Commentary, Africa-Canada Forum - Canadian Council for International Co-operation NEPAD, Apr 2002
Communique issued at the end of the second meeting of the heads of state and government implementation committee of the New Partnership for Africa's Development (HSIC) 26 Mar 2002
Statement by Hon. Jakaya M. Kikwete (MP), Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Republic of Tanzania) at the International Conference on Financing For Development 21 Mar 2002
Monterrey: A Turning Point Vicente Fox, President of Mexico, 19 Mar 2002
Save the Children UK Briefing Paper: The UN International Conference on Financing for Development Save the Children UK, 18 Mar 2002
Regional Poverty Brief 1: Background to the Conference on Financing for Development Sanusha Naidu, SARPN, 18 Mar 2002
Address by His Excellency Thabo Mbeki, President of the Republic of South Africa at the International Conference on Financing For Development 18 Mar 2002
Statement by His Excellency Mr. Festus Mogae, President of the Republic of Botswana at the International Conference on Financing for Development 18 Mar 2002
African Women's Development and Communication Network (FEMNET) L. Muthoni Wanyeki, 4 Mar 2002
'The New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) '?Implications for women and poverty eradication'? The New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD), 4 Mar 2002
Southern African Catholic Bishop's Conference statement on Nepad Neville Gabriel, SACBC Justice and Peace Department, 1 Mar 2002
Critical civil society perspectives: Yash Tandon on NEPAD Yash Tandon, 28 Feb 2002
Commonwealth HIPC Forum, Ministerial Meeting Commonwealth Secretariat, 18 Feb 2002
Nepad, WSSD and the AU: abridged speech by the South African Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Azziz Pahad, to the South African Parliament Mr Azziz Pahad, 12 Feb 2002
Proceedings of a press conference following a meeting between African Heads of State and President Chirac to discuss NEPAD: Paris 8 Feb 2002
The South African revolution in its International context: Some comments on NEPAD SACP, 2002
NEPAD and the Challenge of Africa`s development: towards the political economy of a discourse Jìmà O. AdésÃnà , 2002
NEPAD: A New Dawn for Africa - CEO`s Views on the chances of a successful African Development Initiative PricewaterhouseCoopers, 2002
NEPAD newsletter: office of the chairman NEPAD Secretariat, 2002
Summary of agreement between UNDP and NEPAD Secretariat 2002
African Civil Society Declaration on NEPAD - "WE DO NOT ACCEPT NEPAD !! AFRICA IS NOT FOR SALE !! " African Civil Society, 2002
What's new in the New Partnership for Africa's Development? Alex De Waal, 2002
The quest for good government and development in Africa: is NEPAD the answer? Patrick Chabal, 2002
Negotiation as simultaneous equation: building a new partnership with Africa Simon Maxwell and Karin Christiansen, 2002
The New Partnership for Africa'?s Development (NEPAD): An Initial Commentary Ravi Kanbur, Nov 2001
South Africa's role and importance in Africa and for the development of the African agenda Stephen Gelb, The EDGE Institute, Oct 2001
Primary documents series The New Partnership for Africas Development (NEPAD), Oct 2001
Primary documents series, The millennium partnership for the African recovery programme (MAP) Presidents of South Africa, Nigeria and Algeria, May 2001
Can the global deal and Africa's development reinforce each other? Saliem Fakir, 2001