Progress Report of H.E. Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, President of the Federal Republic
of Nigeria and Chairperson of the NEPAD HSGIC, to the second ordinary session of the
Assembly of the Heads of State and Government of the African Union
10 - 12 July 2003
Maputo, Mozambique
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It is with great pleasure that I, on behalf of the NEPAD Heads of State
and Government Implementation Committee (HSGIC), report on the
implementation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD)
since the First Summit of the African Union (AU) in Durban, South Africa
in July 2002.
On approving NEPAD as a vision, strategic framework and the socioeconomic
development programme of the OAU, the 2001 Summit of the
OAU in Lusaka, Zambia, resolved to establish the Heads of State and
Government Implementation Committee (HSGIC) of fifteen members,
comprising three Heads of State and/or Government from each of the five
African regions. The Inaugural Summit of the AU in Durban, South
Africa in 2002 resolved to increase this number to four members per
region. The HSGIC and its supporting structures was mandated to
oversee the further development and implementation of the programme
for another year.
My initial report tabled at the first AU Summit held in Durban in July
last year highlighted progress made with the preparation of detailed
implementation plans for key NEPAD priorities, including Peace and
Security, the Declaration on Democracy, Political, Economic and
Corporate Governance and the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM),
Agriculture and Market Access, Human Resource Development,
Infrastructure and the Environment.
Progress on the positioning and advocacy of the programme, both in
Africa and abroad was also highlighted, as well as mobilisation of
support by the development partners and the private sector. The
Summit endorsed the NEPAD Initial Action Plan and resolved to
encourage Member States of the African Union to adopt the Declaration
on Democracy, Political, Economic and Corporate Governance and to
accede to the African Peer Review Mechanism.
In presenting the report for the second year of implementation, I would
like to comment briefly on the international situation as it relates to
Africa’s development and thereafter focus on NEPAD’s unique contribution to the regeneration of our continent, progress in programme
implementation, institutional arrangements, international support for
NEPAD and challenges we currently face. I will conclude with proposals
to take us forward.