NEPAD was presented to African leaders at the OAU Summit in Lusaka in July 2001,
and endorsed by the Summit, in the form of declaration 1(XXXV11). NEPAD reflects
the belief of all African leaders that they have the responsibility, together with the
African peoples, to address the lack of development and growth on our continent, the
pressing problems of poverty and social exclusion facing the majority of our
population, and Africa’s increasing marginalisation from global markets for goods,
services and capital.
The fundamental objective of NEPAD is to promote sustainable development on the
African continent, in a manner that embodies social, economic and environmental
dimensions. In particular, the main goal is to eradicate poverty by meeting the
Millennium Development goals formulated at a series of United Nations summits and
conference. This is a necessary condition for placing each African country, and the
continent as a whole, on a path of sustainable growth and development, and to also
halt the marginalisation of Africa in the globalisation process.
This summary report of the initial action plan is the first step taken to elaborate the
implementation of NEPAD programmes and seeks to build on the NEPAD framework
document adopted by the OAU Heads of State and Government Summit in Lusaka,
Zambia in July 2001. Other areas of priorities not covered in this initial plan will be
elaborated as this plan is implemented and refined.