Table of Contents |
1. |
Profiling NEPAD |
Goals |
The Governance Structure |
Implementation process |
What makes it special? |
2. |
Report from Abuja |
Peace and Security |
Political Governance and Peer Review
Key themes and sectors |
Marketing and implementing NEPAD |
Financing development |
Calendar |
3. |
NEPAD G8 Representatives
4. |
Initial Commentary on NEPAD
Comparative advantage |
Prioritisation |
Policy domains |
Impacts on the poor |
Applying the framework |
Discussion |
5. |
Monterrey Conference - Perspectives and Outcomes |
SADC perspectives |
A civil society view |
6. |
Issues for the World Summit on Sustainable Development
7. |
8. |
Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers |
PRSPs in Brief
9. |
Save the Children Fund briefing on PRSPs |
Ownership and participation |
Including all civil society |
Policy content |
10. |
World Bank IMF Review of PRSPs – Main Findings
A broad consensus |
Participatory processes |
Conflict affected countries |
Monitoring and evaluation |
Clarifying priority public actions |
Managing public expenditure |
Improving the integration of PRSPs into other decision making processes |
Improving donor alignment and harmonisation
Balance between speed and quality for HIPCs
Future Monitoring
11. |
Spending on Poverty Reduction in Zambia
External Debt
Progress on the Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
Poverty Reduction Expenditure in 2001
2002 Budget Targets and Priorities
12. |
Will the poor go to school? Cost sharing in education in Zambia |
State fails to meet commitments
Counteracting the crisis
13. |
Can Africa halve its poverty by 2015? |
Wiseman Nkuhlu replies
14. |
Regional Workshop on the Mozambique Land Law |
15. |
WORKSHOP - Children, HIV and Poverty in Southern Africa |
Objectives of the workshop
16. |
Malawi Aids Database and Website |
17. |
Canadian Development Assistance and NEPAD |
18. |
SARPN Web Site |
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