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Country analysis > Mozambique Last update: 2020-11-27  

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Managing Water Disasters and Minimizing the Vulnerability of Mozambique to Floods - Minister Roberto White

The floods that occur in Mozambique are mostly originated in the upstream countries. Only the Licungo and the Lurio rivers have floods caused only by rainfall occurring in Mozambique.

Mozambique needs a strong support and close cooperation from the other SADC countries to better cope with future floods. This is particularly the case of the RSA, Swaziland, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Malawi.

In the various points previously presented in terms of a strategy at the national level, references were made to the need for close cooperation with the other SADC countries. This is particularly the case for:

  • links between the INAM and the meteorological institutions of the SADC countries, better integration of the meteo networks including the meteorological radars

  • links between DNA and ARAs and the corresponding water management institutions in the neighboring countries, concerning the hydrometric networks and data exchange, HYCOS programme, support for the installation of telemetric systems

  • reservoir operation taking into consideration flood atenuation in Mozambique

  • support for the studies and installation of flood warning systems

  • joint preparation of contingency plans for emergency caused by large floods in Mozambique

Mozambique can also benefit from the experience of other SADC countries in areas like dissemination of information to people in rural areas, standards for design and construction of roads and bridges, flood plain zoning, occupation and regulation.

Another area where benefits are evident is in training. Universities and research institutions from the region can provide the training of staff for flood management, both at the university and medium and basic levels.

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