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United Nations

New Partnership for Africa's Development:
Fifth consolidated report on progress in implementation and international support

Report of the Secretary-General to the 62nd Session of the UN General Assembly, A/62/203


United Nations General Assembly

3 August 2007

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The sixty-second session of the General Assembly will mark the mid-point to 2015, the target date for achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The present report examines policy actions taken by the international community to meet the commitments made by the Group of Eight countries at their 2005 summit held in Gleneagles, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The report also analyses the extent of international support to help African countries to meet the Millennium Development Goals and implement the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) projects and programmes. This mid-point to 2015 is a reminder of the unfortunate reality that most African countries are off track in meeting most, if not all, of the Millennium Development Goals. By adopting NEPAD which is built around the Millennium Development Goals, African countries have put the Goals at the centre of their development agenda. While it is widely recognized that free trade is an engine of growth that could lift millions of people out of poverty, there is evidence that increased aid and debt relief are also contributing to the improvement of the living standards of millions of people in African countries. Developed countries should therefore deliver on the historic promises they made at the Gleneagles summit in 2005 and give Africa the opportunity to effectively carry the NEPAD vision forward. To that end, the international community, including the United Nations system, and African countries should broaden and deepen their partnership, while effectively coordinating their actions in line with the development paradigm established by the NEPAD initiative, thus increasing the potential of African countries to reach the Millennium Development Goals. Concretely, development partners should take urgent steps to increase aid flows, improve its quality and make trade work for Africa, including through a successful conclusion of the Doha Round. African countries should advance the NEPAD agenda by effectively implementing its priorities. The option of business as usual should not be an alternative, as it would lead to broken promises and further delay the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and the implementation of NEPAD.


  1. In its resolution 61/229, entitled “New Partnership for Africa’s Development: progress in implementation and international support”, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit to it a comprehensive report on the implementation of the resolution at its sixty-second session. The present report is submitted in response to that request.

  2. The report highlights policy measures and actions taken by African countries and organizations in the implementation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD), the response of the international community and the support of the United Nations system during the past year. The activities undertaken by both the private sector and civil society in support of NEPAD are also discussed in the report. The report benefited from information and data provided by Member States, regional organizations, the NEPAD secretariat and various entities of the United Nations system.

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