As leaders gather in New York for the World Summit 2005, the publication of this
update on the Millennium Development Goals in Africa could not be more timely.
Given the Summit’s brief to benchmark progress towards the 2015 target date, Africa’s
struggle to get on track is at the heart of the MDG story.
We at ECA have looked closely at African efforts to achieve the Goals. While the
overall message is that we are falling behind and need urgently to find new and
effective strategies to move forward, there are important successes to report and they
must be celebrated and shared as best practices for others to emulate.
This short report documents our findings and draws on other relevant research to
offer practical policy advice on how Africans in government, business, civil society
and other sectors can work together to accelerate progress.
Along the way we have contributed to the African Union’s Common African Position
on the MDGs and we have collaborated with NEPAD whose framework incorporates
the Goals; and at ECA’s annual Conference of Africa Ministers of Finance, Planning
and Economic Development in Abuja this year, ministers took the opportunity, as
key policy makers, to look at the reasons for slow progress and recommit themselves
to meeting the Goals by 2015. Their statement appears as an annexe to this report.
In these pages, readers will find a status report on progress towards each Goal, a
review of the challenges impeding progress and detailed proposals for member states
and their citizens to adopt. We hope it will prove a valuable contribution in a noble
cause, vital to Africa’s future.
K.Y. Amoako, Executive Secretary, Economic Commission for Africa