- HEA is a framework/model for analyzing household economy and food security in changing situations.
- It aims to paint a picture of the various options/strategies that people employ to secure their access to food and income.
- It explores how typical ‘better off’, ‘middle’, ‘poor’ and ‘very poor’ households in a particular area live and interact economically.
- It looks at how households cope when ‘shocks’ occur, either natural or man-made.
Uses of HEA
- Originally developed in collaboration with FAO-GIEWS as a tool for famine prediction, assessment, and monitoring
- To date, has been used primarily in time of crises and has assisted:
- to identify areas and households most vulnerable to food shortages;
- to ascertain the necessary amount of food and/or other aid is required to avoid famine;
- to protect livelihoods.
- Increasingly it is being used to look at alternatives to food aid, including:
- a tool to aid development planning