SCIL’s Goal
SCIL’s primary goal is to empower civil society organizations and networks to effectively contribute to strengthening democratic processes and poverty reduction in Lesotho.
SCIL’s Objectives
To increase the effectiveness and sustainabiloity of the Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), networks and community councils’ work
To strengthen engagement with the Government of Lesotho directly through active participation in networks and coalitions. This includes developing good practice models of decentralised planning, service delivery, budgeting and accountability at community levels that can be offered as policy options for government and CSOs’ stakeholders.
To promote and sustain CSOs through effective grants management for community advocacy, capacity building and strengthening the development initiatives.
Why we exist? – To bridge the identified gaps!
Previous initiatives were limited in scope (thematic focus, geographical spread, limited time).
Limited co-ordination between initiatives (CSO’s and Support Partners).
Limited involvement/participation of CSOs in the design of capacity building programmes.
Limited access to resources (funding) by CSOs {lack of ability to retain competent people}.
Sustaining the Spirit of Voluntarism
Link between capacity building initiatives and broader community development concerns (relevancy of interventions).
Community driven capacity building Agendas; linking community Agendas to national Policy processes.
Implementation done from Maseru (no local support and follow-up).
What Will SCIL Do Differently?
Build on previous CSOs’ experiences and ongoing initiatives
Country wide implementation
Work with partners’ presence where SCIL operates
Link capacity building to potential sources of funding
Strengthen the Coordination and collaboration between CSOs
Strong involvement of CSOs in designing their capacity building
Anchoring the CSOs’ capacity building to decentralization process (district and CCs)
Collaboration amongst INGOs/NGO to support CSO capacity building
SCIL offers the following support programmes:
Training workshops
Consultation forums
Cross visits and exchange programmes
Attachments/Intenship programmes
IT approaches to development
Technical assistance (i.e. Small grants for CSOs)
Programme Implementation Team
SCIL’S Challenges
To remain focused and ensure citizens’ participation with National Policies:
National Vision 2020
Poverty Reduction Strategies
Millennium Development Goals
Smart Partnership Programmes
African Peer Review Mechanisms
National Budgeting Cycle
Gender mainstreaming
M&E Communication & Learning Coordinator
CARE Lesotho-South Africa
PO Box 682
Maseru 100
Tel: +266-22314398
Fax +266-22310195
Cell: 63164858
Governance Coordinator
Catholic Commission Justice & Peace
PO Box 200
Maseru 100
Tel: +266-22324263/22312750
Fax: +266-223312751
Cell: 58052355
Organizational Development Coordinator
ActionAid International Lesotho
PO Box 297
Maseru 100
Tel: +266-22311613
Fax: +266-22311681
Cell: 58032189
What is a civil society?
“The range of institutions and organizations that connect people to government and the private sector. This includes faith-based, community-based and non-governmental organizations. Civil society when strong, autonomous of but engaged with government, and truly representative of the people, has the potential to play an instrumental role in improving governance”.