The Education Youth and Child Development group's position paper examines the educational, skills and employment challenges of Education, Youth and Children. They range from:
Limited spaces in the school system,
High levels of school drop out rates,
Poor retention rates among children and youth, especially the girl child and other vulnerable groups,
High unemployment and poverty including meeting the ravages of HIV/Aids among the youth and children
The group also examined and made recommendations facing Early Childhood and Child Development (ECCD) sub sectors by examining the policy environment as well as the inadequate institutional and resource arrangements that are critical for service ice delivery. The resolution of these is seen as key to poverty reduction.
It is therefore the view of Education, Youth and Child thematic group that the priority summary recommendations must be ring fenced and protected in the budget without fail, as they are critical to human and social development.
Long, medium and short term implementation plans have been recommended that cover all the areas of EYCD divided into time lines. They range from infrastructure development to issues of provision of particular services, manpower and skills development. These recommendations will advance the cause of education skills development and employment for youth and children. This will be in line with the MDGs and EFA goals that collectively will contribute to poverty reduction through the development of intellectual and entrepreneurial skills.