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Rural land markets in Moзambique, its impact on land conflicts

1. Introduction
With the new politico-economic environment that offers attractive investments possibilities to national and foreign investors, Mozambique has undertaken an economic development program, which largely depends on the improved administration and utilization of land and associated resources. With an abundance of land, Mozambique possesses an excellent potential for agricultural development, animal and forest production, urban, industrial, tourism developments, etc.

Land use conflicts, however, are widely considered to be the major obstacle to economic development in the country. These conflicts have been associated with the large irrigation schemes in the south of the country; questionable tourism development initiatives along the coast; the unplanned location of foreign investment; the lack of transparent procedures in relation to land allocation, between different land uses, and questionable practices with respect to utilization forest and wildlife. Another major factor contributing to land conflicts is the fact that land is becoming on of the main commodities in rural areas, but it still belonging to the government. Land has a market value and communities are very often making transactions, and land markets are emerging which could incorporate smallholder’s communities into larger commercial interests. These conflicts are negatively affecting the socio-economic, political and physical environments of the country. Therefore this paper discusses some of the impacts resulting from the land market in rural areas of Mozambique, and discusses the causative factors behind some of the conflicts resulting from commercialization of the land.

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