Introduction and background
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) Accountability Project surveys in Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe were carried out by three researchers from each country. This report draws heavily from these country studies to provide a synthesis of the salient issues applicable to and obtaining in Southern African countries. In addition, the report also provides a comparative analysis of the main issues across countries in order to come up with clear conclusions and recommendations for the benefit of CSO-State relations.
The study’s main objective is:
to make a contribution to building closer cooperation between civil society and governments in the SADC region in order to strengthen the role of civil society organisations (CSOs) in promoting social justice and pursuing sound development policies.
Specifically, the study will:
examine how civil society actors relate to the government and its policies at national levels (studies drawn from 3 countries)
identify key constraints impacting on the role of civil society in policy formulation and monitoring implementation of policies
make recommendations on how to strengthen the role of civil society in working to build social justice and contribute to broad-based participatory development processes