Hub Highlights
After the launch of the USAID Trade Hub’s educational film series on trade issues at the Trade Hub’s Regional Business Environment Roundtable in Johannesburg, South Africa, on May 23, the Trade Hub has received numerous requests for showings of the films. Since the launch on May 23, more than 700 people have seen the films at ten events both in the Southern African region and internationally. To obtain more information about the Trade Issues Film series or to discuss a showing or development of a workshop program around the films, please contact Lisa Yarmoshuk at .
The USAID Trade Hub sponsored the participation of nine delegates from Southern Africa to the annual AGOA Forum ministerial meetings held in Washington, D.C. from June 6 to 7.
On June 7 the USAID Trade Hub facilitated a stakeholders meeting in Lusaka, Zambia, to present the findings of the assessment of Zambia’s preparedness for the WTO negotiations on Trade Facilitation.
On June 28 the Trade Hub published the fifth issue of its flagship newsletter, Inside Southern African Trade. This
issue looks at trade facilitation in the region.