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Country analysis > Malawi Last update: 2020-11-27  

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Beyond Inequalites: Women in Malawi

SARDC and the Women In Development Southern Africa Awareness Programme


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The first profile on the status of women in Malawi was produced in 1997 by the University of Malawi (UNIMA) and SARDC WIDSAA, as part of the first series of Beyond Inequalities, which documented the status of women in southern Africa and the initiatives being made to mainstream gender and development processes in the region. That profile took stock of the developments in Malawi regarding the status of women prior to 1997. This current profile updates the first book on Beyond Inequalities: Women in Malawi. It profiles the status of women in Malawi from 1997 to 2004 and records the extent to which practical and adequate steps are being taken in all development sectors. The profile examines how Malawi is fulfilling its commitments under the Beijing + 5 framework, the SADC Declaration on Gender and Development signed by SADC Heads of State and Government in 1997, and its Addendum on the Prevention and Eradication of Violence Against Women and Children signed in 1998, as well as the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) adopted in 2000.

The Beyond Inequalities books are part of a series on the status of women in southern Africa and the initiatives to mainstream gender in development processes in the region. From 2002, SARDC WIDSAA and its national partners organisations in the respective SADC countries have been updating the Beyond Inequalities books on Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Southern Africa with financial support from Southern Africa Regional Office of HIVOS. The rest of the books on Beyond Inequalities: 2005 Women in Botswana; Mozambique, Zimbabwe, and South Africa are in different stages of production.

In particular, the information in the Beyond Inequalities books is targeted at policy makers, researchers, academics, media, co-operating partners, development agencies, and the non-governmental sector.

The Beyond Inequalities series were first published between 1997 and 2000 by SARDC WIDSAA and its national partner organisations. The Royal Netherlands Government Directorate of International Cooperation (DGIS) through its regional WID programme in Zimbabwe funded production of the 13-book series which comprises: Beyond Inequalities: Women Angola; Para alР№m das Desigualdades a Mulher em Angola; Beyond Inequalities: Women Botswana; Beyond Inequalities: Women Lesotho; Beyond Inequalities: Women Malawi; Beyond Inequalities: Women Mauritius; Beyond Inequalities: Women Mozambique; Para alР№m das Desigualdades a Mulher em MoР·ambique; Beyond Inequalities: Women Namibia; Beyond Inequalities: Women South Africa; Beyond Inequalities: Women Swaziland; Beyond Inequalities: Women Tanzania; Beyond Inequalities: Women Zambia; Beyond Inequalities: Women Zimbabwe; and Beyond Inequalities: Women Southern Africa (Para alР№m das Desigualdades a mulher na Р‘frica Austral)

It is our sincere hope in SARDC WIDSAA that these books will be useful tools towards the processes to gender equality, equity, and justice in the southern African countries.

Those interested in getting hard copies of these publications can contact us at:

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