With guidance and participation from USAID/Washington, and in partnership with the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Regional HIV/AIDS Program
Southern Africa (RHAP/SA) has prepared a new strategy to respond to the HIV/AIDS
epidemic in the most infected and affected area in the world--Southern Africa. Covering 10
countries, including Emergency Plan focus countries, non presence countries and bilateral
programs, RHAP/SA intends to strengthen United States government (USG) efforts to
combat the impact of HIV/AIDS across the region. RHAP/SA support will improve the
knowledge base of USG managers and implementing partners across the region in order to
assure quality and effective programming, fill important service delivery gaps in existing
programs, targeting mobile populations, border communities and underserved Basutu and
Swazi, and, should sufficient resources be available, strengthen the role of regional
organizations in combating the epidemic. The purpose of this document is to elucidate
RHAP’s strategy to achieve these results.
This strategy has been developed in a collaborative manner to assure it accurately reflects
the needs and opinions of the USG constituency and presents a comprehensive
understanding of the issues. The strategy design process has benefited from a variety of
contacts and visits between RHAP, USAID/Washington, CDC, other USG agencies,
implementing agencies and other stakeholders and donors in the region.
The strategy process has included a thorough review of available data (See References and
Bibliography section in Annex VI), appraisal of evaluations done in the region (those
contracted by USAID, as well as others, listed in Annex VI), site visits to current program
sites, solicitation of input from USG actors in the region (through questionnaires, interviews,
and targeted discussions), and--most importantly--extensive partner and stakeholder
collaboration. Current, as well as potential, partners participated in the design process and
the strategy presented has benefited from contributions from the following:
All Bilateral Missions in the region
Embassy partners in the three non-presence countries in the region
All CDC officers in the region
USAID regional programs for East, West and Southern Africa
CDC/Southern Africa Regional Office
USAID/Washington (Africa Bureau, OHA, RCS)
Current and potential regional and bilateral partners, including faith based
organizations (FBOs)
Regional donors