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Country analysis > Malawi Last update: 2020-11-27  


Malawi Economic Growth Strategy: Volume 1 (summary)

Ministry of Economic Planning and Development

July 2004

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This Malawi Economic Growth Strategy reflects a joint realisation by Government and the private sector that the economy has been registering negative growth and that something had to be done in order to reverse the trend. The rationale for growth and diversification for Malawi is compelling because rapid broad-based growth is necessary to reduce poverty. Rapid broad-based growth will expand the sectoral sources of growth, deepen and sustain the gains to be made from smallholder agriculture, and make the economy less susceptible to external shocks like weather, changes in terms of trade, political developments in the region, and fluctuations in external aid flows. However, existence of low per capita income and high inequality implies that high future economic growth should be complemented by equity policies.

The Malawi Economic Growth Strategy has been based on a realistic assessment of the resources available. It focuses on strategies and actions that do not require substantial additional spending by Government and instead can be achieved through refocusing of existing resources and by developing a more conducive set of policies that will stimulate private sector investment and trade in the immediate future. However, in the medium term, donor organisations will have a key role to play in creating a conducive environment for economic growth by supporting policy reforms and providing resources to support government during the transitional period.

The development of the Malawi Economic Growth Strategy was led by the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development (MEPD) with a Task Force drawn from key institutions within Government, the University, private sector and other key stakeholders. MEPD and the Task Force were supported in the process by the National Action Group (NAG) Secretariat. MEPD, the Task Force and NAG Secretariat would like to acknowledge the considerable inputs received from stakeholders in the public and the private sectors in preparing this Malawi Economic Growth Strategy. There have been many consultations with individuals and organisations to ensure that the different issues constraining economic growth are reflected and that appropriate proposals are formulated to address them.

We acknowledge the considerable work of Task Force members in providing information and drafting key sections of this document and also the role of Dr Zaki Chalira, who as the Director General of National Economic Council and the Department of Economic Planning and Development, provided his guidance for the large part of the process. We also thank Francis M’buka from the World Bank and Mr R. M. Jiah, Ministry of Tourism, Parks and Wildlife. We are also indebted to the financial support provided by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in the development of the Malawi Economic Growth Strategy. Finally we thank all of those who have commented on and contributed to the various drafts of this Malawi Economic Growth Strategy.

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