This is the first Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) Progress
Report for Zambia. It aims at T
generating dialogue on all aspects of
development including the setting of national
targets, designing pro-poor policies and
enabling all parties to hold each other
accountable for shared objectives towards
the realization of the goals. In this process,
civil society, the private sector, government
and development partners all play
complementary roles.
The Millennium Development Goals, which
are to be achieved by 2015, were adopted at
the United Nations (UN) Millennium Summit
and are listed as follows:
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger;
Achieve universal primary education;
Promote gender equality and women empowerment;
Reduce child mortality;
Improve maternal health;
Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases;
Ensure environmental sustainability; and,
Develop a global partnership for development.
Numerical targets and appropriate indicators
to monitor progress have been set for each
goal. A common list of 18 targets and more
than 40 indicators corresponding to these
goals has been prepared collaboratively by
the UN, the World Bank, International
Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Organisation for
Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) to ensure a common assessment and
understanding of the status of MDGs at
global, regional and national levels.
Monitoring and reporting on the MDGs will take place at global and country levels to help
keep poverty issues at the front and centre of
national and global development agenda.
This report uses the same mechanism in
monitoring progress and poverty reduction as
utilized by other national frameworks and
initiatives such as the Poverty Reduction
Strategy Paper (PRSP), which is the poverty
focus of the Transitional National
Development Plan (TNDP). The MDG targets
and indicators will be domesticated using the
targets in the PRSP process.
The trends in this report are based on
information at three points in time, where
possible; 1990, 2000 and 2015. Whenever
data is not available for 1990 or 2000, the
estimates cited refer to years closest to the
two points in time. The year of the data is
indicated in the tables. For 2015, the targets
are calculated using the 1990 baseline data
according to how the relevant target has been
formulated. Data used in this report is mainly
from Central Statistical Office (CSO) and
other national data sources.
This report is organized into sections; the first
outlines the overall development context in
broad terms and the eight successive sections
assess the country's progress towards the
attainment of each of the MDGs. Each section
examines the targets of a goal through a
review of its status and trends, challenges to
their achievement, and supportive
environment containing policies and
programmes in place that would enhance
their achievement. A summary on the status
and statistics at a glance are also provided.