Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) SARPN thematic photo
Country analysis > Swaziland Last update: 2020-11-27  


Preliminary Conclusions of the 2003 Article IV Consultation Mission


Mbabane, October 8, 2003

SARPN acknowledges the IMF website as the source of this report:
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Swaziland's socioeconomic situation remains difficult, with persistent high rates of HIV/AIDS, unemployment, and poverty. Widening macroeconomic imbalances are straining the country's resources and threatening macroeconomic stability. The main economic challenges are to regain macroeconomic stability and to raise the sustainable growth rate while ensuring that the benefits are spread widely across the population. To meet these challenges, it is essential to restore fiscal discipline and at the same time reorient spending toward social sectors. In addition, it is important that structural reforms be implemented to increase economic efficiency, including through restructuring public enterprises and continued prudent trade and financial integration; and that strategies be developed for improving the humanitarian situation, particularly with regard to HIV/AIDS, unemployment, food security, and poverty. Improvements in governance, particularly the rule of law, will be important in order for policies to be implemented effectively and their full benefits realized.

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