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NEPAD and AU Last update: 2020-11-27  

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The African Opinion Leader Survey on Nepad and AU-2002

8. Closing Remarks
Our objective with this document has been to present a number of selected preliminary findings from the Africa Opinion Leader Survey 2002. A more complete analysis of these and other issues will be provided in the forthcoming joint publication of KAS and CICP. Some of the topics that will be covered in this publication include:

  • Elite perceptions regarding the challenges facing the African continent

  • Elite confidence in the African Union and NEPAD

  • Elite ownership of the NEPAD process and the nature of such ownership

  • Elite perceptions of the goals and principles behind the African Union and NEPAD

  • Elite perspectives on the implementation of NEPAD
These and other issues will be elaborated through the use of comparative analysis between the elites of the seven countries surveyed. The analysis will further be strengthened through the use of comparisons between the elites comprising the various societal sectors within the selected countries.

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