The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is at a critical stage of its development. It has embarked on an
ambitious internal restructuring exercise to improve its efficiency and tackle difficult questions of how to accelerate
socio-economic development and achieve meaningful, equitable regional integration.
The SADC Barometer is a new quarterly SAIIA publication intended to provide an independent and critical evaluation
of progress on implementation of the various protocols, political and economic convergence and progress toward
SADC’s economic and social development goals. The region’s ability to reach these objectives will depend on how
effectively the restructuring exercise is executed. This first issue assesses the progress of that restructuring effort.
In 1999 SADC heads of state mandated the Council of Ministers to conduct a comprehensive review of the operations
of SADC institutions and produce a set of recommendations for streamlining and focusing the organisation. The
Review of Operations Report was approved by the summit at its extra-ordinary meeting held in March 2001 in
Windhoek, Namibia...