This article is useful for all organisations that work in areas with high or increasing rates of HIV/AIDS. It gives pragmatic guidance on three aspects of mainstreaming; HIV/AIDS in the workplace, mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into strategy and planning, and making links with focused interventions in HIV/AIDS.
Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS involves bringing the issues surrounding the pandemic into all strategic planning, and into day-to-day operations inside an organization, in its programmes, and in its relationships with others. The article explains how organisations should anticipate and plan for likely problems arising from deaths and unexpected illness to avoid or minimise the impacts of HIV/AIDS, why organisations should review and modify their overall strategies, programme planning and implementation, and the importance of the impact of HIV/AIDS being addressed on a sector-wide basis.
It also describes the benefits of mutually supporting partnerships between organisations and HIV/AIDS specialists. Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS needs to be a long term, systematic process with a high level of commitment from senior managers and staff.