4. Where are the poor?
According to the 1995 OHS/IES:
- The poor are concentrated in the former homelands – Bophutatswana (north-West), Ciskei & Transkei (Eastern Cape), KwaZulu (KZN), Lebowa & Venda (Limpopo Province), the peri-urban areas and the townships.
- 74% of the poor live in rural areas, 15% live in small towns, 4% live in the secondary cities (e.g. Pietermaritzburg) and 7% live in the major metropolitan centres (namely Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth and Pretoria / Johannesburg).
- 62% of the rural population are poor, compared with 32% of those in small towns, 25% in the secondary cities and 13% in metropolitan areas.
According to OHS 99:
- the Eastern Cape and Limpopo are the poorest provinces.
- The Western Cape and Gauteng have the lowest rates of poverty.
According to the 1996 Census:
- the poorest magisterial districts in the country are both in the Eastern Cape, namely Elliotdale and Willowvale [12].