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The study of the Transamazonian territory of Altamira (Parб-Brazil) - Nathalie Paralieu

8. Selected bibliography
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ARAЪJO R., 1994. La citй domestique. Stratйgies familiales et imaginaire social sur un front de colonisarion en Amazonie brйsilienne. [La citй domestique. Family strategies and social imaginaire of the frontier areas of Brazilian Amazonia]. A thesis attended at the University of Paris 10. Instituto Emilo Goeldi, Cnpq (Belйm, Parб), 377 p.

BRAUDEL F., 1979. Civilisation matйrielle, йconomie et capitalisme XVe-XVIIIe siиcle. Les jeux de l'йchange. [Material Civilization, Economy and Capitalism from the 15th century to the 18th century]. Tome 2. Armand Collin, Paris.

BRUNET R., DOLLFUS O., 1990. Mondes Nouveaux [New Worlds]. Tome 1, La Gйographie Universelle. Roger BRUNET (Dr.). Hachette /Reclus, Paris, 551 p.

DROULERS M., 1995. L'Amazonie. Gйographie d'aujourd'hui. [Amazonia. A geography of today]. J-R. PITTE (Dr.). Nathan Universitй, Paris, 188p.

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HAMELIN P., 1992. Mutations au Brйsil. Vue d'Amazonie. [Evolution development processes in Brazil. A picture of Amazonia]. Cahiers des Sciences Humaines, 28 (4): 727-748.

HAMELIN P., 1992. Occupation humaine le long de la Transamazonienne: le cas d'Uruarб. [The settlements along the Transamazonian road : the case of Uruarб]. Cahiers du Brйsil contemporain, 11: 77-94.

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IBGE, 1979. A organizaзгo do espaзo na faixa da Transamazфnica. [The spatial organization along the Transamazonian road]. Vol. 1, Rio de Janeiro, 258 p.

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LENA P., DE OLIVEIRA A.E. (Org.), 1992. Amazфnia: A fronteira agrнcola 20 anos depois. [Amazonia: The frontier after 20 years]. Col Eduardo Galvaх, 2a ed., Belйm, Cejup, Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi.

MILDER R., 1986. O desenvolvimento de Altamira e sua regiгo apos a contruзгo da Transamazonica (1970-1984). [The development of Altamira and region after the creation of the Transamazonian road]. Tese de Geografia Humana dos paises subdesenvoldidos, Nijmegen, Resumo portuguкs, Julho de 1987.

MONBEIG P.,1952. Pionniers et planteurs de Sгo Paulo. [Pioneers and land cultivators in Sгo Paulo]. Armand Colin, Paris, 376 p.

MORAN E. F.,1981. Developing the Amazon. Indiana University Press, Bloomington.

MUSUMECI L., 1988. O mito da terra liberta. [The illusion of free access to land]. Eds Vйrtice, Sгo Paulo, 479 p.

PARALIEU N., 1997. Fronts pionniers et organisation йconomique en Amazonie: Le cas de la rйgion d'Altamira, Parб (Brйsil). [Frontier zones and economic networks in Amazonia: The case of the Altamira region, Parб (Brazil). In: Clouet Y., Tonneau JP. ( Eds ): Quelle gйographie au Cirad? Document de travail du Cirad-Sar n° 10-97, p. 111-129.

PEBAYLE R., 1989. Les Brйsiliens: pionniers et bвtisseurs. [Brazilians: Pioneers and Builders]. Coll. Gйographes, Flammarion. Paris, 361 p.

PICARD J., 1997. Les marchands de rкves. Reprйsentations sociales de l'йchange et dйveloppement rural sur un front de colonisation en Amazonie brйsilienne. [Merchants of dreams: Social representations of rural development and exchanges within a frontier zone in Brazilian Amazonia]. Thиse de Doctorat. Centre de Recherches sur les espaces tropicaux, Institut de gйographie de Bordeaux III, 470 p.

SMITH N. J H., 1982. Rain forest corridors, The Transamazon Colonization Scheme. University of California. Berkeley, Los Angeles, London.

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