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Country analysis > Mozambique Last update: 2020-11-27  

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Mozambique, cities without slums, analysis of the situation & proposal of intervention strategies
MoР·ambique, melhoramento dos assentamentos informais, anР±lise da situaР·Ріo & proposta de estratР№gias de intervenР·Ріo

Republic of Mozambique
Ministry for Coordination of Environmental Affairs
National Directorate of Territorial Planning


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Introduction to the initiative “Cities Without Slums”

The initiative “Cities Without Slums in Eastern and Southern Africa1”, promoted by the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-HABITAT), seeks to contribute to the accomplishment of the Target 11 of the Objectives of the Millennium Declaration: “ to improve the life conditions of at least 100 million slum dwellers by 2020”; by working with the member states, with the objective of improving the lives and conditions of people living or working in informal settlements, in the selected cities of the sub-area. Ethiopia, Mozambique, Zambia, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, and Lesotho are the first nine chosen countries for the pilot initiative.

Mozambique has about 19,91 million inhabitants (2006 Projection- II General Population and Housing Census 1997). According to the same source, the average annual exponential growth rate between 1980 to 1997 was of 1.7% (0.5% for the rural population and 6.2% for the urban population), and the natural growth rate was 2.3% (2.2% for the rural and 2.7% for the urban). According to the UN-HABITAT figures (, it is estimated that in 2001 the urbanization level was of approximately 33% of the population of which 94% were slums. According to the same source, about 86% of the urban population had access to drinking water and only 14% had access to adequate sanitation.

Many residential areas in the urban centers of Mozambique have typical slum characteristics: low-incomes, no basic urbanization, ambiguous or insecure land tenure rights, high population density, poor environmental conditions, poor or very poor building quality, absence of an urban culture, high levels of criminality and delinquency, among others.

  1. The United Nations System entrusted the United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-HABITAT), with the responsibility to help member states in the gradual implementation of one of the main objectives of the Millennium Declaration “Millennium Declaration”, the “Cities Without Slums”, also known as Objective 11 “Target 11”. This is one of the three goals of the Objective 7 “Target 7” – “Ensure Environmental Sustainability” and it foresees that by 2020, to achieve a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 millions of people in informal settlements: “By 2020, to achieve the significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 millions slum dwellers” {UN-HABITAT, Urban Indicators Guidelines – Monitoring the Habitat Calendar and the Millennium Development Goals, Nairobi, August 2004.
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Introduзгo а iniciativa “Melhoramento dos Assentamentos Informais”

A iniciativa “Melhoramento dos Assentamentos Informais na Бfrica Oriental e Austral1” promovida pelo Programa da Naзхes Unidas para os Assentamentos Humanos (UN-HABITAT) visa contribuir para a realizaзгo da Meta 11 dos Objectivos da Declaraзгo do Milйnio: “Atй 2020, melhorar as condiзхes de vida de pelo menos 100 milhхes de habitantes em assentamentos informais”; trabalhando com os estados membros com o objectivo de melhorar as condiзхes das pessoas que vivem ou trabalham em assentamentos informais nas cidades seleccionadas da sub-regiгo. Etiуpia, Moзambique, Zвmbia, Бfrica do Sul, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi e Lesotho sгo os primeiros nove paнses escolhidos para a iniciativa piloto.

MoР·ambique possui cerca de 19,91 milhС…es de habitantes (ProjecР·Ріo 2006 - II Recenseamento Geral da PopulaР·Ріo e HabitaР·Ріo 1997). Segundo a mesma fonte a taxa mР№dia anual de crescimento exponencial de 1980 Р° 1997 foi de 1.7% (0.5% para a populaР·Ріo rural e 6.2% para a urbana) e a natural de 2.3% (2.2% para a rural e 2.7% para a urbana). EstatРЅsticas do UN-HABITAT ( estimam que em 2001 o nРЅvel de urbanizaР·Ріo era de cerca 33% dos quais 94% eram assentamentos informais. Segundo a mesma fonte cerca de 86% da populaР·Ріo urbana tinha acesso Р° Р±gua potР±vel e somente 14% com acesso ao saneamento adequado.

Nos centros urbanos das cidades MoР·ambicanas muitas sРіo as Р±reas residenciais afligidas por diversos factores que caracterizam os assentamentos informais: camadas sociais com baixos rendimentos, ausРєncia de urbanizaР·Ріo bР±sica, direito de posse da terra ambРЅguo e inseguro, densidades elevadas, condiР·С…es ambientais imprСѓprias, baixa ou muito baixa qualidade das construР·С…es, ausРєncia de uma cultura urbana, nРЅveis altos de criminalidade e marginalidade, dentre outros.

  1. O Sistema das Naзхes Unidas encarregou o UN-HABITAT (Programa das Naзхes Unidas para os Assentamntos Humanos) a responsabilidade de assistir os Estados Membros na implementaзгo gradual de um dos alvos principais da Declaraзгo do Milйnio “Millennium Declaration”, o “Cities Without Slums”, tambйm conhecido como Alvo 11 “Target 11”. Este й um dos trкs alvos do Objectivo 7 “Goal 7” – “Ensure Environmental Sustainability” e prevк que atй 2020 se melhore significativamente a vida de pelo menos 100 milhхes de habitantes dos assentamentos informais: “ By 2020, to achieve a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 millions slum dwellers”. {UN-HABITAT, Urban Indicators Guidelines - Monitoring the Habitat Agenda and the Millennium Development Goals, Nairobi, August 2004}.

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