If poor countries are to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),
it is vital to learn the lessons from the first round of Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs).
Despite opening some new space for dialogue, Oxfam and partners feel that PRSPs have been disappointing both
in terms of process and content. Oxfam welcomes the review of the PRSP process by the Independent Evaluation
Office (IEO) and the Operations Evaluation Department (OED). We look forward to clear and hard hitting recommendations
for the IMF and the World Bank as we move towards the second round of PRSPs.
This submission reflects Oxfam International's strategic areas of work on PRSP, organised around PRSP participation and content. Correspondingly, the submission focuses first on lessons about participation. Following this there is a discussion of PSIA which spans both participation and content. There is then a brief discussion of PRSPs in relation to our four strategic content areas: Macroeconomics, Trade, Gender and Education. Finally, three short case studies are included (Ghana, Cambodia, and Georgia), giving an overview of each priority area within a specific country context.
Each section is followed by a detailed list of recommendations to the IEO and OED.
- Participation in PRSPs
- PRSP and Poverty and Social Impact Analysis
- Trade and PRSPs
- Gender and PRSPs
- Education and PRSPs
- Country Case Studies: Ghana, Cambodia and Georgia