3. Information needs for Agricultural Development
The current and future agricultural data and information needs in Malawi are broad and at all levels of reporting system. Some of the information needs include the following:
Sustainable agricultural production and environmental technologies
Weather forecasts
Input and output market prices and demand (domestic and international)
Crop production estimates
Animal population estimates
Pest and disease updates
Land surveys and land husbandry updates
Irrigation development updates
Gender balance in agriculture
National food balance sheet
Privatisation of government assets (ADMARC depots, etc)
Agricultural credit updates
Agricultural produce transportation
Household food security and Vulnerability Assessment
Nutrition monitoring
Organisational development issues
The various levels where data and information requirements are greatest include the following:
Smallholder farmers and estates/commercial
Agricultural produce traders
Village development committees
Smallholder associations and cooperatives.
Extension (field) assistants
District assemblies
National planners
Policy makers
Private sector agribusiness companies and other institutions.
Learning institutions dealing with agriculture.