SARPN activities |
Food security in Southern Africa: Causes and responses from across the region
18 March 2003, Human Sciences Research Council, Pretoria
A meeting hosted by the Southern African Regional Poverty Network in collaboration with CARE International and the French Institute of South Africa
[Background and purpose]
[Related papers]
Food security in Southern Africa: Causes and responses from across the region
5. Way Forward
SARPN undertook to compile and table a report outlining the recommendations of the workshop at the
conference in Gaborone, Botswana, sponsored by USAID, the Committee on Tropical Agriculture (CTA),
the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and the SADC Food, Agriculture and Natural
Resources Policy Analysis Network. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss “Agricultural Recovery and
Trade Policies and Strategies for Southern Africa” with a clear intention of helping to secure long-term
food security in the region. This event seemed an ideal platform on which to take many of the issues
discussed forward. The meeting was scheduled to take place on the 26th and 27th of March 2003.
In addition, SARPN would create a web-page on the existing SARPN website to post
the papers and proceedings of the workshop, which would complement the existing focus on the site on
“Hunger and Food in Southern Africa”. A range of related papers would also be posted on this page. The
SARPN secretariat also undertook to create an electronic mailing list of all the workshop participants so
that ongoing dialogue, debate and discussion could be facilitated.
CARE intended to finalise the analytical process that it had undertaken in Angola, Lesotho, Malawi and
Zambia and to disseminate these to a wider regional audience when complete. Both CARE and SARPN
would continue to dialogue with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in their endeavour to establish
a “Forum for Food Security in Southern Africa”.
ODI intended to support strategic thinking on food security issues in Southern Africa by facilitating a
forum of specialists and key policy stakeholders from the international and regional research community,
donors, NGO, civil society and private sector with identified specialist knowledge of the issues and the
region. The project intended to produce Policy Papers and to host a combination of moderated electronic
discussions and workshops on the key policy options. The purpose of the Forum was to support initiatives
by governments and donors to improve food security in the region. The work would focus in five
countries, namely Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Zimbabwe, which were representative of a
range of food security contexts across the region.
ODI had agreed to outline the objectives of the “Forum for Food Security in Southern Africa” at the
Gaborone conference on “Agricultural Recovery and Trade Policies and Strategies for Southern Africa”. In
addition, ODI intended to use the space allocated to them at the conference to report some of the findings
that emerged from the SARPN/CARE/IFAS workshop.
IFAS had facilitated the attendance of Professor Jean-Luc Dubois of the University of Versailles
Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines and the Institute of French Research for Development (IRD) at the workshop.
Professor Dubois agreed to link SARPN and other delegates with an existing food security network based
in France.