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Country analysis > Malawi Last update: 2020-11-27  

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The briefing and formation of the Malawi Parliamentary Coalition on International Financial Institutions

Kelvin Kanswala Banda

ActionAid Malawi

11 - 12 June 2005

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The first Malawi Parliamentary briefing workshop on the International Parliamentary Petition for Democratic Oversight of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank was held at the Malawi Institute of Management on 11th through to 12th June 2005. The workshop was organised by the Interim Committee of the Malawi Parliamentary Coalition on International Financial Institutions (MAPCOI) with assistance from Actionaid Malawi and Malawi Economic Justice Network (MEJN). The process was facilitated by a local consultant, Kelvin Kanswala Banda.

The purpose of the workshop was to mobilise support and consensus around the need to challenge the selected practices and policies advocated by International Financial Institutions (IFIs). This was envisaged to asset support for Parliamentary sovereignty and to ensure that Parliamentarians are meaningfully involved in the development and scrutiny of IMF, World Bank and other IFI policies.

The workshop was attended by twenty five (25) members of Malawi Parliament from all political parties and independents who represented most of the Parliamentary Committees of the Malawi Parliament. (List of participants is provided in Annex 1). The workshop was honoured with the presence of the Deputy Speaker of Malawi Parliament who delivered the opening speech.

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