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Country analysis > Zambia Last update: 2020-11-27  

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An Easy Look at Zambia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper 2002-2004

10. Afterword

We hope that this book has provided a good understanding of Zambia’s PRSP and we suggest that you build upon this understanding by using this book in discussion groups, lobby and advocacy, monitoring of the implementation of the PRSP and also in preparation to contribute to the second PRSP. CSPR will be monitoring the implementation of the PRSP at various levels by following the allocations and disbursements of funds and evaluating the impact of the PRSP programmes on the ground. We will be prepared to input to the second PRSP after the year 2004.

As we plan the next PRSP, we will need the feedback of everyone who has been involved in different programmes, all over the country, at community level, district, provincial and national level, and from NGOs, Churches & religious groups, community organisations, and Government.

You are part of civil society! If you have any views, comments, questions or suggestions on PRSP, and on its implementation, its effects on your communities and its future, you can let us know through your local organisations or by contacting us directly. We look forward to hearing from you!

It is important to realise that poverty is more than an economic problem – it’s a moral problem. Any delay in addressing the problem dents deeply the human dignity of the majority of our people.

United in the fight against poverty!


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