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Workshop Report on Land Problems in Botswana Particularly in Peri-Urban Areas (Mogoditshane)

4. Civil Society Perspective by Ntsabane Keabonye (Womens NGO Coalition) and Peter Tshukudu (Emang Basadi)
The Women's NGO Coalition and other NGOs were brought into the picture as a result of the concern they had for the plight of the people of Mogoditshane. At Mogoditshane the situation is very gloomy, (see pictures).

Some of the people affected by the demolitions are the very impoverished and the demolitions have placed them in very difficult and precarious situations. It was at this point that the people concerned approached the NGOs for help.

The Women's NGO coalition, Emang Basadi and other concerned CSOs have visited the area to get information which could assist NGOs determine the impact of the demolitions on the lives of the people of the area. Those affected by the demolitions are the homeless, orphans, sick and elderly people. The intention of the visit to the area was to ascertain what help the civil society and other stakeholders could provide.

These demolitions are contrary to the ideals of vision 2016, which states, "By the year 2016 Batswana will be able to obtain access to good quality basic shelter either in the urban or in the rural areas. The national housing policy will not discriminate against any social group women or disabled".

To our knowledge the whole process of demolitions was not properly channelled, basic services where not provided for those who were to be affected by the demolitions. And finally, has the government put necessary structures in place that would impede the occurrence of these problems in the future? This problem has been reoccurring since 1993.

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