Southern African Regional Poverty Network (SARPN) SARPN thematic photo
Country analysis > South Africa Last update: 2020-11-27  

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Self-critical governance: The evolution of the Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Strategy


David Everatt1

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This report

As Phase I of the Integrated Sustainable Rural Development Programme (ISRDP) draws to a close, the Independent Development Trust (IDT) has commissioned two studies. The first is an evaluation of the emergence and development of the strategy that underlies the ISRDP; the second is a status quo report analysing the current state of the programme as a whole as well as each of the 13 nodes. This summary document, reflecting work in progress, deals with the first area. The report is written to both inform and generate debate at the Fifth Reference Group meeting.

  1. The author has benefited enormously from inputs and insights from the IDT ISRDP Team and CEO, which are gratefully acknowledged.

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